HTML - Miami Crime [v0.82] [MercuryDev]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A bit barebones but it just released like less than a month ago. The presentation is very nice and the soundtrack is a banger. The game itself is simple and relatively easy, though due to the lack of ways to decrease your stats compared to amount of ways you can increase them you still have to be careful with you how you manage your stats.

    The actual smut is overall pretty good, though currently a bit limited (by my count most characters only have two scenes, though a few have three or four). The scenes are written well-enough, but the fact that the repeatable scenes have any actual writing at all is a big plus in my book.

    I hope the devs improve on the game, but what's there right now is still solid and I enjoyed playing!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    0.81 Review

    This isn't enjoyable to play if you like a lot of control over your gaming experience.

    The basic premise is that you have four stats, and must keep them above 0 and below 20. If ANY of them go over OR under for more then one turn, your current guy loses and another guy from your family takes over until everyone's dead or imprisoned.

    The issue is there are very limited ways to DECREASE stats. You'd think that doing well with legal or illegal businesses would allow you to sell one of them, but nope. High numbers are supposed to represent success, but ultimately they are your worst enemy, and it doesn't feel good to lose because the game randomly decides to make you TOO successful, but you can't do anything about it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Mercury Dev is at his best in this type of Reign like game. And god do i love his playlist. It's well writen apart from the sex scene who feel somewhat mechanical, but the caracterization of the NPC in your gang i like very much.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just like the previous game by this author called Manreign, Miami Crime is a lewd take on Reigns games series. Unlike Manreign, this one offers a well-made, polished experience from the very (epic) start. In the current initial version, the game leans more toward familiar gameplay, having less lewd stuff than may be desired - but what there is is well-made and sexy. It's a cliche to say a game has potential, but it's never been more true than with Miami Crime.