It just confuses me to no end why people would rather shit on others work and whine rather than taking the mature action of simply clicking the unfollow button to a thread and moving on with their life.
I use the filters when I search for new AVNs and two of my filters is to ignore shota and loli. If it's not flagged correctly, I end up wasting time on stuff that make me uncomfortable and it pisses me off so I do the only thing I can which is to post here.
What I don't understand is why developers and players are too afraid to label games like this as shota and loli. If you all like it, then own it? And this leads me to my second point. I like this site and I don't want to see it go away because we have a bunch of borderline illegal bs on here. THIS is the reason people are too afraid to label these games. So, while I cannot control what games are put on here, I can complain about people not labeling shit correctly.
And for the record, I have reached out to the team at F95 and have asked them to reconsider their position on AVNs like these. At this point, they have elected to keep them and that's their choice. Frankly, after being a long time member here, I have been considering leaving this site, but then I lose access to all the other great, non-borderline, AVNs, so I am left trying to decide if I want to abandon this place all because people are too afraid to call a spade a spade and label the damn AVNs correctly.