The opening speech of Nikita... More of an expression of my personal enthusiasm, I'd love to see people willing to tour my work, if you think this is too wordy, I'll optimize this content in the next version (of course, I personally think the rendering style of that paragraph I also like, so I wrote some more dialogue, LOL.)
Ha, I can definitely relate to that. Falling in love with your creation so you want to have more of it.
Maybe our (and everyone's) favourite elf has that hot spring in the garden of her villa and you can add similar scenes to the main game (because you WILL put a romance route with her in the game).
Yes, I hope to express the different personalities of each character with different ways of speaking... Unfortunately they got lost in translation, and I'm very sorry about that!
Yes, it's unfortunate, but I know very well that's so difficult to keep a specific style you write in a foreign language. I hope your translator will help you find a "voice" for your characters in English like they have in Chinese.
My trick is to read a lot of novels in English by a particular author (in the last few years it's been Raymond Chandler) so that I can imitate his way of writing, but the problems of making differnet characters sound different is still there.
Yes, the Chinese line was a bug, I was infected with COVID and had a fever that burned to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I did translations in both languages during that time, working more than 10 hours a day. Some of the languages in between were inadvertently wrong, sorry sorry!
I know that this is probably a cultural thing, but repeating that often that you're sorry is not necessary in the so-called "western" world. In fact, sometimes is a bit discomforting for your interlocutor. You can very well say things like "Ah, OK, I'll take care of it" and we'll be equally happy

This said, I'm sorry to hear about your health problems. 104 degrees sounds like a lot. Don't worry about the small things. As one character of one of my favourite novels said "If I never made any mistake I would be God, and if I were God I wouldn't be here wasting my time with you!".
"The icon-face thing"... Sorry, I'm not having a hard time understanding this phrase, could you please explain it for me?
After meeting Erika, I can't remember on which route, a giant white square animated meme-face replaces Nolan's head for a while. I don't think you can really miss it.
The main idea I had for 0.1 was to introduce the characters as well as the worldview and background. Because in my outline, the background and worldview are a bit large, so I can't arrange them well in the plot... If I didn't explain the worldview as well as the background, I think it would be more difficult for players to understand the plot. Of course, the police part of the arrangement is mainly to express the corruption of the government and the incompetence of the police,
Again, I understand your problem. It's not an easy one to solve. But I think that characters can complain about what is out of their control while trying to do their job at their best.
Ling is a good example of how to do it right: she assesses the situation quickly and competently, then she makes a series of stupid decisions due to her hot-blood (her own fatal flaw) and political pressuring (the whole police's fatal flaw).
I also think the whole story of the bank incident are too cumbersome, maybe I will reset 0.1 in future versions, but not now (now I will still focus more on the development of the plot with the present).
I completely agree with you that you should focus more on painting the whole picture before going back and retouching the early game!
The wings are actually one of Nikita's abilities, you see, and that's the consequence of my lack of background narration, which is my problem, and I think I'll continue to explain the setting further in the future.
OK, I believe that one was really hard to understand. It would have been for the best to add a brief mention, just to hint that there's more to it and that it will be explained later.
Similarly, I saw others complain that you never explain Nolan's superpower. I understood that it should be some form of enhanced combat ability (super resilience, super agility, etc.), but later he says something about a "debuff", which we don't see at all.
I think you're right, but I think there are some cultural differences at play as well. East Asian cultures sometimes like to say "crap"
Oh, westerners also talk over and over about nothing at all. Watch a Robert Altman movie if you don't believe me

But there's time for sitting in front of a cup of tea and digging deep into each other's soul and a time for letting the actions do the talking, and I know for a fact that East Asians do the latter very well ;)
and I actually add a lot of Chinese jokes to that "crap", but they are very difficult to understand when translated.
To be honest, several times I had the distinct feeling that there must be a joke in a dialogue, but I couldn't find it. Maybe all it needed was a bit more cultural bridging.
... or maybe your and mine sense of humour just differ too much... (To explain that: I'm a WWII history buff, so I was supposed to get at least that joke. In my defence, I know absolutely nothing about songs of any period, so I couldn't know that "Erika" was a Wehrmacht marching song.)
"What's up with all cyberpunk action games having bump-meet-cutie scenes? I haven't revisited the genre since 1998, did I miss the birth of a new canon in the meantime?"
What does this phrase mean?
Give a look at
this other cyberpunk game: in the last part, its protagonist meets a pretty girl by bumping into her in a street at night. I found it very strange that both of the two cyberpunk games that I tried lately had a very similar scene. So I was wondering if you two were making a citation of some show, or movie, or game, that used this ancient anime plot-device.
And when Nolan says something to Erika about her having to sleep at his apartment, I was thinking "it's exactly the same scene at the other game":哎呀:.