I get it, this is a paradise for your kink, but can you stop in the name of your tag misinterpreting people's complain and admit that the way it was presented in dev's notes and synopsis gave the impression that there is more than just sharing in this game? There is nothing here for someone looking for a 1 on 1 classic relationship, all girls have been, or are taking part in gangbangs and if you don't down right run into them doing it(lol at optional), they don't shut up remembering about it. Honestly since you are good with code go and count how many words out of total are used just to talk about how slutty the sluts are. I would make a bet its more than 80% of the total game dialogue...
Any bit of criticism this game got was about dev's claims about Optional content, that is actually the option to not join AFTER you find every NPC in the game's rearranging the organs of the LI cast, about the synopsis 'Choose between caring is sharing,
or keep it all for yourself' there is none to keep for yourself since everyone has fucked, or is still fucking everyone. Untagged ntr storyline after you go on a date with one of the girls, get physical and almost penetrate her she sends a pic with cum leaking out of her ass and later you find out she is getting pimped by an old geezer. Its funny how this type of info comes out only after you start pursuing the girls, 'So, avoidable NTR you say' if you avoid the girl, but a new player has no idea that is going to happen unless he read one of the posts in this thread people keep reporting to get deleted

'3 are single when you meet them' lol, what that means they don't have an official boyfriend, not that they are not actively fucking half the NPC cast.
Literally the only girl that still seems to be somewhat decent, although there are hints as well about her shady previous relationship, last update I played you are forced while being on a date with her to forget that cell phones have been invented to coordinate with her and meet up, just so she can catch you 'cheat on her' so that she can leave drunk and upset with some bozo...
Until now I would have given the dev the benefit of the doubt, cultural differences, unfamiliarity with tags, but after the discord mention you can see that it was done knowingly, I don't care if it was out of fear, or out of malice to try to leach from multiple audience by giving the impression that stuff its avoidable, screw them and everyone that blindly defends that type of behavior and tries to paint it as the 'usual unreasonable morons complaining in every thread'. Studio 68 was a sneaky snake and everything was 100% self inflicted, so they can shove their victim card.
Bonus meme on having Patreons decide future content, at this point I am still sticking around to see how much worse is the clown show going to get.