Unity - Mad Island [v0.34] [E-made+]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I must say I didn't expected the high quality of this game at all, downloaded by mere curiosity, lured by the high rating and the tags alone I was expecting some generic edgy-gore title, turns out that the developer did an excellent job building the game around the survival and base building elements to be the core of the game. Yes, it's a h-game and the gore, rape and explicit violence it's there, but you can choose to do it or just avoid it. In my experience I found myself expending hours to build relationships with the history NPCs I found and the villagers I captured to get the sex scenes, which my opinion are just fine, nothing crazy about it, however the erotic aspects of the game is what truly got my attention, the characters design are great and you can take that further as the game progresses and you get access to multiple workbenches to craft skimpier clothing options to almost any character.
    The main history of the game is probably the weakest aspect of the title, the lack of real interactions between the main characters and the NPC's outside the cut-scenes is my biggest complain, as soon as you get them to join your base, you have two options to build their trust:
    1. Ask them to follow you like a mindless zombie to attack any living creature.
    2. Dance stupidly for 5 minutes to get enough trust to do the deed.

    If the developer manages to add more options to romance or tame the different side characters, and make a real history between the MC's the game will be easily a 10/10.
    Currently the game is a great and definitely worth playing, there's a lot of secrets to unlock and a vast map to explore along with your big chested native girls harem.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I definitely had a fun time playing this. I really like survival games, I've played Don't Starve, Minecraft, The Forest, Long Dark, Terraria, 7 days, Project Zomboid, etc. So if you have played games like those, I think this is pretty much made for you. I've seen people talking about this being a bit complex, and maybe it's because I've played lots of survival games before, but for me it is intuitive enough.

    Still, the reason I'm giving it 3 stars is because... well, as a porn game I didn't find it too appealing. I mean, you have like 1 or 2 simple animations per npc, so content wise it's not that great right now, maybe in the future this will improve as I read somewhere that the dev is trying to focus on the gameplay right now and will add more scenes later, I don't even know if that's true but I hope so.

    So after some time, let's just say I just started playing this like any normal game and forgot about the sex scenes, maybe seeing them just once and forgetting about them. That's not good for a porn game, but like I said, playing it like a normal game was a lot of fun, maybe the only thing I would add ASAP if I could would be a way to move faster, I don't know, horses or some kind of vehicle. I had to use a mod because the base speed is so slow for how big the map is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's just a pretty good survival game with a ton of features to play around with, from character customization to base building. And for any of the people worried about its NSFL capabilities, the game is only as depraved as you want it to be.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is good 5 stars because, good gameplay, plot, idea and implementation
    in the early version there are many locations, interesting characters like a giant woman and a werewolf, a giant, a mermaid, also a scary location in a cave with scary grandfathers who attack by biting a member with spamming teet, a scary old woman I hope they don’t add sex with her and there is also a sadako in this cave.
    It’s still in beta and it’s unclear what will happen next, but I would really like more animations and the addition of more character traits, the possibility of BDSM submission and not just sitting in a cage with food
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Loli, Rape, Gore, Violent
    Imagine "The forest" with sex... chop body parts and build sculptures out of them, some torture and execution devices. you can even put different body parts back together and build a custom android with different body dimensions etc..
    You can also capture and recruit "Natives" to work on your base or just to be your sex toys, make a Harem where everyone is always F****** all the time.
    On top of that there is plenty to explore, bosses to kill etc.. It is a proper game beyond sex scenes.
    Apparently next update will introduce a entire new water gameplay with mermaids , merman and sea creatures. Right now there is one mermaid that can be recruited.

    Edit: Update did not deliver what was promised. Still a good game but don't expect much more then what we have already.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    That's the best game I’ve ever played! The gameplay is incredibly fun and unique, standing out from other games. You’re not just surviving on an island, but you also have to defend yourself from raids by natives, which adds a good challenge to every moment, and you can raid them. It’s a game that constantly keeps you on your toes as you balance exploration, crafting, and combat.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game promises to be a masterpiece, being already a pretty decent game, it is a relatively competent survival game without being +18, but add that it is not afraid of success or showing quite strong and graphic scenarios and you will get the survival that many of us have wanted, just looking at the tags and images you will realize what you can do, that there is still a lot of development left only helps to make it more optimistic, more bdsm, more rape, power fantasy, building your empire of terror.
    By the way, there is a dlc that can be downloaded for free but that can not be put on this website or on steam.
    PS: for me, it lacks being able to use the R button when you play with the girl and with the male mobs.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Amazing idea and framework but it is so poorly executed that it's infuriatingly painful.

    Everything feels as if it is meant to waste your time and pad the game out making it feel way longer than it really is. Simplistic things like getting the bare minimum of a home and bed or traveling and collecting materials take way longer than they should. The walking/running speed as well as the stat increases for it are ABSOLUTELY VILE.

    The very worst part of it all is just how convoluted everything in the game really is. The largest offender in the game is the fact that with everything you can do and all the game has to offer... THERE IS NO TUTORIAL OR GUIDE AT ALL.

    All of this... and no guide or tutorial. Inexcusable.

    While there is a guide made by a fan, and many other fan-made guides, they don't cover everything in the game. Not only that but I personally, lose all respect and interest when the developer cannot be bothered to make a guide or tutorial in their game. Especially when the game is as large and confusing as this is.

    After trying to get myself to like it and power through it numerous times, I just couldn't do it. Even with using the guide, I had to keep looking at it every few seconds while playing and it just was not worth it.

    The cherry on top of it all is that the sex scenes really are not worth the absolute unending grind and the painfully perfect memory recall you will need to even get to it. I wish I was kidding. I'd give it at least 3 stars if the effort in the sex scenes was just as much as the rest of the game but it's not even close. From what I've seen in at least a week of playing, it's not even 1% of the game.

    1. Terribly convoluted gameplay and crafting system.
    2. Everything feels like it's wasting time just to make the game seem longer than what it is.
    3. No in-game guide or tutorial. Only fan-made guides that don't cover everything
    4. Sex scenes not even close to being worth it.
    5. Everything is a slog.
    In conclusion. This was a colossal waste of my time and only served to give me one of the biggest headaches I've had in a while. Severely overrated score in my opinion. I cannot recommend and I want to give it a zero. Nothing could save this game for me.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a a survival crafting game with VERY fucked up things and even more so in DLC, but you're also here on f95 so...likely not a problem. A lot of it is avoidable, honestly you could play this a simple open-world base builder without engaging in any of the slavery, rape, executions, guro, etc.
    Now I almost gave up on this one at first as the game gives you very little instruction; if you are like me and have never played a survival crafting game, it can be rough getting into. READ THE GUIDES and learn the hidden keyboard commands, Shift plus > and < to control game speed being the most important.
    All of that said it is an amazingly functional game. A few bugs here and there but haven't found anything game-breaking which is impressive given the scope of the game. The sex animations are hot, progression feels good, if a bit grindy, and the sounds and graphics make for an enjoyable experience. Combat is simple, we're talking moveto.player level of AI and most fights can be won without damage if you are patient enough. The story is bare-bones and I wish there was a bit more to the characters outside of a few cutscense. My biggest wish is for ANY meaningful interaction between our two protags.
    But ultimately, you aren't here for deep plot or intricate combat, you're here for a sexy, depraved open-world where you gather resources (and 'friends') build up your base, find H-scenes, explore and progress through the handful of quests, and Mad Island delivers.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I was hesitant to play the game due to not being a fan of cannibalism. Thankfully, the shit is optional and I'll never see the appeal of it beyond my character being fucked up or edgy.

    That said, the porn in this game feels like an after-thought as I did more of assaulting random female villagers to build up a harem while sticking to the default location because building a camp elsewhere will have enemies with more health.

    Crafting in the game is basic but not annoying. You can switch between the girl and the guy who you can rename. The girl has some exclusive bosses such as the ugly bastard and two tomb raiding guys while the male has at least one as far as I can remember in the form of a dominatrix.

    Sex is either your character getting raped (so far, the girl has them but I yet to see the male get any) or raping your enemies as the male (it's only the ladies.), or having consensual sex. While it may be one reason to play the game, they are sadly limited. No blowjobs as far as I know, no anal, just pure vaginal as far as I seen with one NPC giving the male protag a tit job and one enemy giving the player a fellatio via facefucking her but otherwise, it's limited.

    It's still pretty early access as you can't find the missing girl with glasses and the game "ends" after you find a missing friend who was captured by said dominatrix but there isn't much else beyond building your own camp and letting your characters sleep, eat, fuck, and kill while trying to build a base. It's one game I sunk a lot of time into alongside Flexible Survival since even though they have things I'm not into which in Mad Island's case is guro, like Flexible Survival that is optional in choosing what kinks you want to have warded off or even disabled entirely.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, this was on v0.21. The game effectively ends when you get a quest in getting some chaos based resources to build a bridge but the game flat out states that part is in development. Story takes a standstill from there. And the story itself is basically "get the fuck off this island" since the natives save for one group that's more into fucking rather than any violence want you dead, raped, or both but its story takes the backseat since the game is still in development.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    New favorite lewd game. A NSFW Don't Starve with a whole lot of freedom. Has a really solid gameplay loop and good animations. Some QOL would be appreciated especially the UI. But what's here is far more feels complete then anything I've played on this site
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This seems to be a sandbox inspired by The Forest. There's a LOT of women you can fuck in this game as a male (and the female character can be freely swapped ot get a few defeat state sex scenes). Gameplay may be sorta grindy, but that can be forgiven slightly since it does have base building elements after all.
    For me, this is one of the more "gameified" sex games that I look for when I get on this site that is def sexy but has something to actually do isntead of just pressing skip to all the dialogue.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Freedom for all of your wishes with resource farming and leveling.
    Has decent graphic and animation.
    You play with 2 main characters with their own levels and sex animations with bosses and enemies.
    There are many secrets around the island.
    It has some story and crafting system.

    For disadvantage i can only mention non-intuitive ui. You should read guides for many things but after that you would say that it's well done.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So... mad island; A game where you basically play freaky Don't Starve. surviving on a strange island filled with monsters, babes and "monsters"
    collecting materials, fighting(also collecting)Natives, creatures and learning the truth behind it all...the use of 2 main characters to make 2 different builds is interesting, i would love to see more q.o.l changes in the future, don't know if this game will get more content in the future or not but aside from a few problems it has been an amazing experience. :love:

    i also lost track of sleep from how much fun i had playing this game!!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I came into this game expecting a shallow experience but i instead find an entertaining survival game

    the grind starts off slow but once you get a hang of the combat "it really ain't that complex" the XP starts flowing in like water

    here's a tip for combat "SPACEBAR" is light attack "right click" is block and "F KEY" is heavy attack
    don't just click on enemies that automates your actions and they will out last you when it comes to DPS in the early game so i suggest Baiting out their attack first then hit them with a light attack while they are recovering then retreat rinse and repeat or you can run through them as they begin their attack animation since they have no collision and turn around and hit them in the back as they are recovering from their attack cool down and repeat that instead
    Also keep an eye on your mouse curser it dictates where your attacks go since your attack animation follows the cursers position so be sure to aim at your targets general direction

    the building mechanic's are very simple but they serve their purpose you can take your time and learn the mechanic's of the building system just watch out for the natives they can and will creep up on you so use your middle mouse button to zoom out to keep an eye on your surroundings and hold down your middle mouse button to pane your camera to look around

    The sex animations are real good i just think it needs more variations for enemy H-Scenes like the big native definitely needs a full nelson type defeat animation for when he beats the female protag

    All in all i enjoyed the game for what's here so far so I'm going to keep an eye on it and wait and see where it goes in the future

    Like any review my rating can change in the future depending on how the game progress in the future
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm 30 hours in one one save and still have a few story quests left. It may be version 0.2, but this is a full blown game with a lot of replayablity and possibilities. Raping, vanilla sex, turning girls into onaholes, building your settlement, making individual outfits for your people, boss fights, exploration, unique npcs, lots of cool pets, lots of cool items, really this game has it all.
    Best, most complete hentai GAME I've ever seen.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Shows great promise. Was hooked surprisingly fast. A darker side to games, but a welcome freedom to choose whatever you want to do to achieve your goals.
    Hopefully future updates aren't far between and continue to add requested features.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    There is an actual decent game here beyond the sexual content, basically being Don't Starve with elements of The Forest thrown in the mix. Pretty decent base building, exploration as well.

    You only get an adult game like this once in a blue moon, but obviously the more extreme content could put people off.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I've played just over 40 hours, and I absolutely love this game.
    It surprisingly has a lot of content for being in beta.
    At first I was actually going to just uninstall because the female mc kept dying on the first night, but I found out that her and the other NPCs you enslave/befriend respawn(excluding events). Play around a bit, and you'll get really into it. Going back to events, it helps to watch the tutorials on Youtube for help.
    Solid 10/10 game if you're not looking for a quick jerk off. (You gotta catch em, then get down and boogie (Stockholm syndrome style), and then SEX.)
    If you're looking for a quickie, then I recommend you go watch some hentai, and after come back to play.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Mad Island stands out among adult games for its innovative approach! Unlike others in the genre, it combines survival adventure and farming in a refreshing way, with a story that’s easy to dive into without feeling overwhelming.-- Dark, and it gets darker!;p

    The developers seem committed to expanding content and polishing the game, having already fixed numerous bugs and rolled out two updates in October 2024 alone.

    It’s exciting to find a new game that merges interactive elements with mature themes, adding a unique twist where players can earn/farm to enhance a darker gameplay experience. With plenty of activities and even a small workshop for customization, Mad Island offers hours of engaging, evolving content.