1.50 star(s) 18 Votes
Oct 14, 2021
For holy rascals. for the Walkthrough videos it stops at 105, if I'm not mistaken we are missing about 10 videos.



Jan 18, 2024
There is a current bug in the newest version that does not allow you to make the cocktails. Makes the game impossible to continue. Keeps saying some stuff about roman numerals and doesnt give you required text to continue
Update the game to the latest version. This error has already been fixed.


Feb 1, 2020
Complete Walkthrough version 1.24.1

Downstairs bathroom take a Shower then Kitchen talk to Mom go Pantry take the Knife and Drop knife to mom from Inventory and talk to Lisa then go UpFloor and try to open the Right first door > Take the feather on table and Talk to Lisa again
Go Downstairs and Take your backpack and place it near battery in your room [Drop backpack in inventory on battery] > Go to Kitchen and Talk to mom > Sleep > Go to pantry > Sleep in your room
Lisa room > Vika room > Downstairs > Go outside > Inside talk to mom > Talk to Vika > Garage behind bin take hammer > Talk to Lisa > Garage take ladder
Go upper floor use ladder on drawer > Go up to attic > Take nails in mailbox > Kitchen talk to mom > Go to backyard treehouse > Swing the tire to catch the rope
Talk to Lisa in her room [If you can't point on her, click upper the bed] > Backyard > Old barn > Kitchen talk to mom > Take the chair near table, not the circle one [Mom scene]
Take the key > Upstairs bathroom cabinet take flashlight > Pantry > Unlock the basement door with key > Go to lowest part and open the door with an electrical panel, open it
Fuse 1 > On shelf at right of first stair > Drop it on fuse box to open the nearby door
Fuse 2 > Go to opened door, place the boxes on water; it's simple [Really, what do you think you are, a Resident Evil game?]
If you messed it up, go out and click on red button up the door and take the fuse on shelf and use it right away on fuse box
Fuse 3 > Now the door on left, the beginning door is opened, go there and click on fuse on top of the shelf, and back downstairs and take the ladder
Drop the ladder on shelf and take the key [Shower scene] > Drop the third fuse on fuse box to open the door near the leaking water [Boiler room]
Fuse 4 > Go to boiler room > You have to shut off the water with the valves in correct pattern > Go downstairs and take the scheme paper on the shelf and back to boiler room > Red valve handle right > Green valve handle right > Blue up
Get back to puzzle box room and take the key where the water used to be > Place the last fuse in fuse box and it opens the front door of the current door
Go there and take the boards and go out of the basement [Laundry scene]
Take a shower in downstairs bathroom > Go outside, give all the items to Vika [What do you think I am, Vika, Mr. Fix-It?] > Talk to mom and go to sleep [Scene]
Talk to Vika in upper bathroom > Go to boiler room and click on boiler > Backyard talk to mom [Really, it doesn't make sense]
Talk to Lisa near the pool and then talk to Vika in her room > Go to garage near the toolbox to trigger the box placement
First, go to pantry and click on the box on top of shelves and then go outside, back of the house, and get the first box [You sneaky bastard] and place it in garage
Come back and get the second box in pantry, go to garage and place the second box, then take the tool and go to boiler room; drop the tool on boiler > Go kitchen, talk to Lisa > Bathroom [Scene]
Talk to Lisa > Fridge, take the champagne > Drop champagne on mom > Take glass from cabinet in living room > Drop glass on mom
Talk to Lisa > Go to boiler room > Drop tool on boiler > Go to kitchen > You need to get aloe, go upstairs and get the aloe near the stairs entry > Talk to Vika in living room and ask her where you can find lavender
Go in garage and talk to Lisa and ask her about lavender > Go backyard and take the lavender in the right corner > Talk to Mom in her room > Talk to Vika in her room and take the flask on the table when she turns back
Go to basement and go to library > In there, find a blue book in one of the four shelf side by side > A recipe stand shows up; click on it, you have to find calendula
It's an orange flower in the basement near the downstairs > Go to garage and craft on table to create ointment > Talk to Mom about ointment [Scene]
Talk to Lisa in upper bathroom > Talk to Vika in living room > Go to upper bathroom and get sedative and take the cup in the kitchen on the upper shelves
Drop the cup on kettle and then sedative on kettle in your inventory > Drop the tea cup on Vika [Scene] > Go to Mom's room and click on her > Click on upstairs bathroom [Scene]
Go to sleep > Go to Mom's room [Scene] > Go to Lisa's room, talk to her, and then her closet, and then click on window, and quickly go to closet and take the yoga pant
Talk to Lisa again, go to kitchen fridge, and take the cake and go to her and drop the cake on her back to mom [Scene]
Garage talk to Vika, go to basement, look into bowl, back to attic, take the mop, back to basement, drop the mop on bowl
Go to kitchen, talk to Lisa, and then take the pan from kitchen and go to front door outside, talk to mom, go to garage, take the duct tape and craft them
Go to basement and drop the tool on bowl and take the wrench back to Vika in garage and drop it on her [Scene]
Kitchen > Mom > Upstairs, Lisa her room > Backyard, talk to Mom > Click on box nearby > Kitchen, take milk from fridge > Back to cat and drop the milk on it
Go to attic, take the pot > Backyard, place the pot with milk on the ground, and drop the milk in it > Take the pen and go back to Lisa [Scene]
Living room talk to mom > Go to Vika's room, take the bat > Talk to mom again > Basement library, click on red books on top of the boxes and then take the book
You should break the vase upstairs; go there and push it on stairs to break and then take the key, open the door
You can now open the door in the backyard with this key; open it and go outside > Go to gas station > First, turn off the switch of electrical panel and then drop the blue tape on it
Turn on the panel with switch > Take the key from the man in toilet, use it on the door > Take away the little box and push the pile of boxes
Turn off the power with lever > Go downstairs > Take the 4th piece > Drop the 4th piece on board > Back to bathroom and take another piece
Take another part from cabinet in first place of station, back to board and drop them on it and make the puzzle complete
Back to clothing door with keypad in front, push the codes [2849] on it > Go into and take the swimsuit
Back again and take all in fridge and go back home > Kitchen [Scene] > Lisa's room [Scene] > Vika's room > Kitchen, talk to Vika
Go to basement and wine room in downstairs and fill the bottle and back to Vika and drop the wine bottle on her > Go to living room
Click on painting on the wall > Take the recipe on the floor > Fridge and make piña colada [rum + coconut + pineapple], drop it on Mom
Make martini this time [martini + olives + orange], drop it on Mom [Scene] [Use feather in inventory]
Kitchen, talk to Mom > Go to Lisa's room [Scene] [Choose slowly, otherwise make her up]
Downstairs bathroom [Scene] > Go to sleep > Lisa's room [Scene] > Kitchen, talk to Mom > Attic, take TV and replace it > Open suitcase, take cameras
Talk to Mom > Go upstairs bathroom and take a bath [Scene] > Go outside, talk to Vika > Lisa's room, talk to her [Scene]
Downstairs bathroom, take wires in drawer > Outside, drop wire and cameras on Vika > Backyard, talk to Vika > Living room, talk to Mom
Backyard, talk to Vika > Living room, click on flower on floor and take the key > Mom's room, drop cream on inventory on him [Scene] > Talk to Mom again about pliers > Go to basement electrical panel room
Click on the box and back to Mom > Kitchen, talk to Lisa [Scene] > Take pliers > Back to Vika, drop pliers on her and then camera also
Downstairs bathroom, click on camera blue place > Upper bathroom, talk to Vika > Your room, talk to Lisa > Living room, take wire and bear under the TV
Downstairs bathroom, drop wire on camera place > Drop wire again > Put the clothes on table down and push the bench to camera place and install the camera
Go to Vika's room, click on her [Her name appears on upper left of the bed, not on her] > Drop beer on her [Scene]
Lisa's room, click on her > Go to your room and sleep [Scene] > Living room, talk to cat > Take a bath in downstairs bathroom [Scene]
Upstairs, talk to Mom > Go to Lisa's room, talk to her > Backyard, talk to Mom > Go to her room and click on top drawer, the code is 3254
Walk to the closet with books in the same room and replace book numbers top to down from right side 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 and there you go, get joystick
Go to Lisa's room and take bottle of water on her desk > As usual, go to garage for crafting and drag joystick and water to crafting table and get wet joystick
Go to Lisa's room and drag joystick to Lisa, and that's it, end of this version.


Feb 1, 2020
im sorry beacause i write the walkthought while i playing the game there will be some mistake in text
in general game is so slow but i like the characters
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1.50 star(s) 18 Votes