I was wondering can anyone help me? I cant launch it on Mac it says the app cannot be opened
1) Extract zip file
2) Right click on file and select "show package content"
3) Go to folder Contents/MacOS here there's a file called "LustCupid" keep the folder open for now
4) Open terminal and type "sudo chmod + x "
5) drag the file from point 4 into the terminal after the command you just typed, it should basically grab the filepath
6) in the terminal press "Send" to execute the command, since it's a"Sudo" command you will be prompted to put your password, do it. (the icon of the file in the folder should be updated)
7) try open the main file...for me it didn't still work so...
8) open your mac settings go to security scroll until the bottom and now you will see that your mac has blocked execution of the file. Press on "open anyway"...put password again
9) Finally should open
Most likely the game will have a yellow flickering and very annoying filter, that I could not figure out how to remove