
Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
This is a great game, it will be bad if it is abandoned. It has a lot of potential, like SDT. Sorry for misunderstanding
so far it's been a breath of fresh air to see biweekly updates.
hopefully they don't see burnout any time soon.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post.

Community Feature Poll Results and Doggystyle Brainstorming Session
Hi, hope Saturday is treating you well!
️ Community Feature Poll
The results of our Community Poll are in, and the winner is... Dialogue!

We are currently discussing the finer details of what the dialogue system should look like, and so far what we plan to have is a dialogue box with different texts related to the varying states the uke character could be in. This should also be the beginning of our personality system, since the dialogue should vary depending on the character's nature and lewdness, which allows for a rich tapestry to be developed the more different personalities we add along the way! We have a lot of ideas, and some examples are:
- Different dispositions at the start of the scene depending on personality;
- Comments during action based on lewdness;
- Progressive disposition throughout a given scene.
Something we also want to do is add more animations to support dialogue, for example lip movement if the character is not currently performing and expressions triggered based on a dialogue's content.
So once we put it on paper adding dialogue is pretty ambicious and amazing as a whole, since it gives us the opportunity to add more depth to gameplay overall. We have come to understand how lore is important in adult games and porn in general, so this could go a long way in adding more flavor to player experience.

‍♀ Community Brainstorming Session: Doggystyle ‍♀
As you might have seen on Discord's #news, we started a new monthly tradition by setting up Community Brainstorming Sessions on our subreddit!

In all these months of development we have receive a lot of input from the community, and they have helped us improved the game a lot. They usually come through either Discord or Twitter, and sometimes even comments on independent forums have helped us reshape the game for the better, like that time we made dick bending more realistic . Because of this we wanted to stablish some good dynamic to help people share their thoughts on what they want Lust's Cupid to be, so that this can become a game everyone can enjoy.
In practice what this means is every month we will put out a Brainstorming post with a theme, and check what people want to see added to the game based on the results! So far the replies to the current doggystyle post have been great and we are taking a lot of notes on what to add to the scene once we start working on it. So if you are interested in the discussion, be sure to check the post out!

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post.

good to see they're big enough to afford going full-time.

Dialogues, Personality and a small fix
Hello! How was the week?
We want to start off today by saying we have reached what is aguably our biggest goal so far: full time!
We can't thank you enough for all the support, the game would never have gotten this far without you. This is definitely still bootstrap territory, but this is the point we set to ourselves as an amount that would be comfortable enough to let most of our other contracts go, as Lust's Cupid now becomes our main focus!

Keeping up with tradition, next week a new release is coming up on the 16th, so get ready for some cool new content. I will highlight the flagship of this update below which is...

Dialogues and Personalities
As you know, we are bringing in Dialogue thanks to this month's Community Feature Poll. We have decided to start out with 4 initial personalities:
- Soulmate: a vanilla, cute lover type;
- Tsundere: pretty aggressive overall, they agreed to let you use their mouth this time;
- Yandere: happy to serve, treats you as their master;
- Ecchi: very horny!
Players will be able to select one of these personalities to apply to their character, which for now will dictate how they react to receiving facials, orgasming, and so on. In the future the personalities will also help us activate different moods depending on interaction, which should add a lot to gameplay as well. For example, a tsundere type might get increasingly annoyed from getting throated too hard, and that should change their expression and lines of dialogue throughout gameplay.
So with dialogue we are currently trying to cover most of the interactions currently available to the player. The result has been surprising, the lines of dialogue along already add a lot of pathos to the characters, and it's a really exciting teaser of what a storymode with defined characters could playout like!
On a final note, the personality selection will be available in the Uke menu, which turns out is getting pretty crowded. We want to update the UI soon once we implement a proper character saving system, so look forward to that in the near future!

Bug Corner
We normally don't highlight bug fixes, often because they are small and mostly harmless, but this one was brought up by a few people already and we wanted to let you all know it will be fixed come next release!
It was just a simple issue related to the addition of scaling breasts on top of the inflation system. Since the breasts are above the character's trunk, the inflated belly would inevitably appear behing the breasts, which looks terrible:

So now we further separated the belly from the breast elements allowing it to grow between them for the inflation lovers out there! Hopefully this will further improve players experience out there

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post and new version.

Lust's Cupid v0.2.8
Hi everyone,
Here's our release, below is a list of what is new!
The builds can be found in the attachments of this post, and the Android .apk can be downloaded through Google Drive here

From v0.2.8
New Features

- Dialogue with 4 different personalities!
Notable Tweaks and Fixes
- Improved belly inflation in combination with large breasts.
- Fixed rendering transparency issue on many sprites.
- Sprite fixes to short hair (Junichi).
From v0.2.7
New Features

- New Scaleable Penis!
- New mouth types, including 3 lip style alternatives, plus the standard one.
Tweaks and Fixes
- Improvements to nipple placement.
- Improvements to milk particles.
- Overall throat optimization to house new large penises.
- A lot of code changes and fixes to the color and mouth systems that no one will notice
- Updates to the save system, leading to a soft save reset on characters.

Hope you enjoy the current state of the game, and as always please feel free to share your thoughts
Talk to you all soon!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post.

Full Hairstyle Customization and Community Feature Poll
Hello! Happy Saturday everyone,
️ Community Feature Poll
It's time for our Community Feature Poll! As you know, this is the time where we collect suggestions submited by you through our various channels ー twitter, discord, all that ー and put it up for a vote as a feature to be added to our Month 16th release! For this month we have:
- Sex toys for uke
- Stomach x-ray
- Head Accessories
So be sure to vote on your favorite one and we will implement the winner to the game for our March 16 release!
‍♀️️Full Hairstyle Customization ‍♀️
To celebrate our full-time goal we are improving our hairstyle customization system!
On the new system players will be able to choose alternative front, side, back and top hair pieces and assemble them in unique hairstyles. We are now going over our existing hair sets and adapting them to the new system in a proper way, and planning what to add next to give you a satisfying range of options!
This is also a good opportunity to prepare our hair system for modding, receiving external art in an easy, uncomplicated way. Hopefully the system will be simple enough for artists to use without having to get too deep into Unity or some complicated external application, because we want anyone to be able to contribute.

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2020
new post.

Universal Hairstyle System and Poll Results
Hi, hope everyone is having a nice day!
️ Community Feature Poll
The results of our Community Poll are in, and the winner is... Stomach x-ray!

So for the 16th we will implement stomach as part of our x-ray setup including integration with our inflation system, meaning expansion for the stomach as well.

‍♀ Universal Hairstyle System ‍♀
We have recently finished setting up an universal system for our hairstyles! If you are familiar with animation pipelines this will work similarly to a rigging system for our hairs. Hair sprites will feed from the distortions applied to our preset grid, allowing new hair pieces to be imported easily without requiring animating each new hair piece separately, saving artists a lot of time. I mention artists because this should be a time saver not only for us but for modders as well!
The system is still in it's early phase and the first hair pieces utilizing it will come online next week, but if everything works according to plan importing new hair pieces will be as easy as uploading new art, as long as they follow our spritesheet format.
Ideally in the future we should be able to make something similar for the eyes as well, but
since eye shapes vary wildly this could prove to be a bit trickier.

As always feel free to message us if there is anything you would like to see added to Lust's Cupid, and we are always open to hear your opinions about the game as well.
Thanks for joining us this week, talk to you soon!



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2020
Just popping in to say that the animation that runs automatically for this game on the latest update page is ridiculous. Whose dick bends like that when getting a blowjob!? It looks painful as hell lol
  • Haha
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