Hello, good evening, I have a problem and the haunted doll's dick does not appear on the desk in the asylum lobby. I already started a new game in case that was the problem, I deleted all the save files and the files in the app data but it still doesn't show up. Possible location change, or do I have to do something before it appears there?
I already have all the other pieces of the doll, I only need this one.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: It doesn't matter, I just saw in the guide on page 55 that the doll's penis is on the first floor of the school, I don't have it unlocked yet because I started a new game. I just hope that when I unlock it it's actually there. Also, since the guide on page 55 is old, I don't know if it's up to date. In any case, thank you and sorry for the inconvenience hehe.