VN - Unity - Completed - Lustful Brides [Final] [Wild Banana]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting trip with a linear story and multiple endings. You can play through the game in just a few hours. Tip at the end always save at the end and first take the end, then click Continue and continue to the next scene and selection. This way you can see all the endings in one sitting. Apart from Lilian, the characters look interesting and the scenes are also good, only the story is a little bit boring. 3,5 of 5 stars
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    JJ mustang

    I really enjoyed the game. Hey, this site is for sex games, and this is certainly erotic. Short and to the point it does not disappoint with some hot ladies and good animations. If you want a long well written story, go to the library. Harem fest with little effort to engage in lewd activities.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    DB The Wolf

    Absolute trash. Stolen art from BaDIK and an auto function that doesn't work. F off. Never looking at a title from you again. And the story feels like paint by number. Is it finally 200 characters? How much do I have to say this is shit.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    the characters models are alright. The animation is mediocre, and the story is negligible. More time downloading than there was actual gameplay. If you're looking for a quickie this will do, but if you are looking for any engagement. You're not going to find it here.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun little game that lasts about 30 minutes, but it feels somewhat rushed. The nonsensical story didn't really engage me, and I found myself not caring much for any of the characters. Although each girl has an individual ending, everything wraps up as quickly as it begins. I can recommend it if you're looking for a brief experience, but keep in mind that there isn't much replay value.