VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Luna's Fall from Grace [v0.33 Public] [Frozen Synapse]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Fernandez 4

    Wow, just wow.

    You have to play it. It s cool asf and you have a little of everything. Would advise you to tryit out. I had lots of fun playing the game. I wish there was a game like that as a male as well where you could maybe become a king or something like that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has surprisingly vast amount of interesting routes. Characters and situations are well written and engaging . It can be replays multiple times thanks to RenPy engine. I personally appreciate limited animations (no need for complex 30fps animations in such projects). By porn games standards this game in a top tier for me.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I likes the concept of adding points to 4 characters attributes when making decisions and that the game calculated your main trait to decide the outcome of some of the scenes. Game is pretty long but number of pictures per scene is quite low.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Leo Humilis

    A great game, overall; games where you can play a dom FemMC who gets to dominate male NPCs are quite rare and very welcome. Some endings seem to be a bit rushed but, at least, there are no dead-end routes and no pointless time-waster sandbox like in DI. I only wish there was a way to reach the Dark Queen ending without throwing some of the Hellion girls to the wolves (aka, the Sons).
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Natzi boiz

    Decent game for a ride, it have some pretty interesting things:
    • The MC has strong personality route and the dev being very attentive at it creating a rare and unique experience compare to most female protagonist type game
    • Submissive route itself don't lack depravity content either which greatly compel player to replay
    • The plot is good, not the best there is but can be pretty engaging at some point
    However, there are some questionable setback that could potentially be improved, but it is what it is:
    • Atributte check system in the first few days is pretty on point in a sense that you will be blocked in some choice depends on the previous one. However as the game goes on, it matter less to the point that you can pick pretty much all option regardless of what you have chosen
    • The alternate personality trope has always been interesting, however involving it with magic, religion and lore set back thousands of year is not a good choice in a criminal turf wars theme like this. I wish the dev had made it more grounded and realistic
    • Many characters are not thoroughly explored, but i guess that have to do with time
    • The dev lack sex scene design ability, sexscenes are basically just cg slides and move on way to fast, a little bit a sex talk or monologue between each slide would do no harm, also i get that they try to imitate animation with some additional frame but that just make it feel more stiff
    In conclusion, i still like this game because it's at least completed with decent ending, which is pretty rare
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I found this game to be really enjoyable with the different paths players can take. The story starts off interesting and the characters held my interest throughout the game.

    There are multiple sex scenes available if you want to play her as straight/bi/lesbian. You can also decide if you want her to be dominant or submissive. If you dislike forced sex scenes I would like to say that there are a few instances where things get sexual that you aren't in complete control due to story reasons but they also allow you to get your revenge if you decide to.

    The graphics of the characters aren't the best I've seen but they are acceptable. My biggest complaint is that towards the end of the game seems a bit rushed and a few plot threads seems to go nowhere. Now it's possible that this is due to the path I picked in game.

    I played a Heroic/Dominant Lena with a mix of Badass who only romance women so that's the perspective of what I experienced in game.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    To me this game is just an AVN its a damn good story but as the story goes on it becomes worse and worse, lack of details, forced submissive shit in dom route, forced futa to use dom route later as well which is insane, not only that it also starts forcing LIs on you? game was choice driven for what 90% of the game and then dev thinks lets fuck people over and start forcing shit on the players? it even force girls on you that you have already turned down so it truely dosent get more shitty then that.

    Also its not an AVN, 99% of the girls are ugly as fuck and i do mean ugly, the MFC looks like trailer trash most of the game and is ugly as hell on top of that, the LIs arent any better either, so as for being an adult game i would rate this as a 1 star game.

    Story 3/5
    Story is pretty good, MFC is a girl..well milf...hmm no an adult female who has 2 personalities where one if waiting to take over controle of the body and that person is a crazy evil bitch that loves to murder and kill people and gets very horny from do that stuff, the other i would say real/normal person can be played as being Dom or Sub, i went with Dom.

    You get a shitload of choices in this one where most are 3 choices, Dom/Sub or bad ass, a few things did annoy me and thats with MFCs job shes working for people she hates getting a shitty pay and even after making some money 5k+ she still goes back to the place leaving a truck full of drugs and weapons in a bad criminal section of the town? to just go and get molested by the idiots, why her second personality dosent take over right there and before it happens pisses me off a bit, she dosent pop out before FMC has been punished and treated like a slave...

    And dont get me started on how idiotic the photoshoot is, remember i played MFC as a pure dom and yet shes so fucking submissive and agrees to take give 80% cut to a pervert, it makes no fucking sense she dosent even need it since she has things to sell that could make her a shitload of money why the fuck dosent she worry about that and tell the cop to fuck right off but the only choices you have is yes, yes or yes....wheres the fuck off option?
    its only due to the fact that its part of the perverts plan that you cant tell him to fuck off, dev knows every dom player would have done instend it feels a bit idiotic.

    The most idiotic thing in this game got to be the starting job that she constantly goes back to, its very close to ruining the game for a dom player since MFC is always submissive there even to the bitch boss since shes affride to get fired which is the most stupid thing due to the fact that shes getting paied 50$ a day....50......she has 200k in the truck and shes worried about that job? its beyound idiotic.
    And it pisses me off that shes 100% submissive doing that job, she would even let dudes fuck her if it came to it and thats just not acceptable when you playing dom only.

    And lets just ignore the fact the dev totaly loses track of the story when MFC goes to this idiot job as the evil MFC meaning taller, bigger tits, long black hair and not a single person notice it or comment just lost track of details, shes walking around looking like the girl that killed the former boss and everyone is blind...stupid..

    Near the end of the game it really went to shit, your forced seduce a dude even though you play lesbian route or you can get a virgin girl to seduce the dude and its a girl MFC wants for her self, so none of those choices makes any sense what so ever, also remember that second personalty has the power to make people sleep and forget but they dont use that?
    Theres just to much that makes little to no sense in this game.

    And if you want to save a girl your forced to do it by doing futa shit? sure you can skip scene but i hate skip scenes since it still dont even get the choice of leaving her instend....

    This happens more then once, if you want to dom someone its now futa only? not clue why dev made it like this so late in game but not being into futa its pure shit and girls are now also forced on the player even when you have turned them down earliere in game....

    Girls 1/5
    I just dident find them hot what so ever.

    Animations 0/5
    Not an animated game and sex scenes are very shitty on top of that.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff nothing special, but it does change alot so it dosent get to boring.

    Choices 4/5
    You can pretty much deside who to fuck or not and theres a dom and sub path its pretty nice and mostly choice driven, except when working at the idiotc job then its close to 100% sub which is a huge fail.

    I was at 4 stars for a very long time in this game but as game came along it made less and less sense and when it starts to force futa for dom route and force LIs on you that you have already turned down...i just lost all respect for the game, even if the story was good.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun premise to start, with some super hot scenes. The later renders and scenes have to carry an extremely bizarre and nonsensical plot, along with weird drops in render quality and strange continuity bugs.

    This feels like 3 different developers were making 3 different games, and then they mashed them all together. I still enjoyed the evil path, but past the halfway point I accepted that nothing was going to make sense and lost a lot of my investment in the game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad, long hair Luna is hot as sin, shame the game keeps putting that ugly punk hair on her. Wish i'd played the submissive path first, it was hotter imo. Sex scenes are not great but Luna is so hot goes a long way to making up for them, and there's a good number as well
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I just have discovered this game and played it. The tree routes, Hero, Badass and Submissive.

    That means that I have like it. I´m a bit surprised that a game with this quality, this length and, more important, developed at a serious pace and, important, finished have not get more traction that only 83 pages on comments. Others, with lot less merits, get a lot more engagements.

    With all this said, time for some things that I have not liked of it:

    1 )There are moments that the story seems that don´t fit with your choices, or some choices are ignored, or may be it´s that I have note payed attention to fine details, I don´t know, but at some points I find "non sequitur" in the story.
    2) The last 25-30% of the story seems rushed to me. As if the developer wanted to close this game and start a new project.
    3) And the more important, in the submissive route, I have been able to play a 100% submissive to almost he end of the story and just one choice allows me to go straight ahead on the Dark Queen ending. That don´t make any sense to me.

    All in all, this game it´s a solid 4* for me, may be a bit more. 4*+. But have been finished, something not so usual. so 5*, it is.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The only bad things in this game are the game is not finished yet, and that yeeyee ass haircut luna has at the beginning, despite being not finished whats here is really solid but of course you might feel some part can be fleshed out more, and maybe another nitpick there is a choice that branch the ending at mid game, and you got no heads up (i point this out because you get a heads up at late game if you have to make a pivotal choice).
    Point is this game is great, show the devs some love if you can so he can pump out more content.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    What a mess of the game...
    Plot is all over the place. Okay, I won't say anything about fact it started as a mafia wars, but turned into magic and superpowers... The author can do whatever he wants. Real problem here is the structure of the plot. Imagine that you are playing an RPG where every step to the left gives you a new side quest... and this quest lead to another one and in the end you go around with 20 quests in your pocket... It's the same here. Everyone we meet give us some quest to do... Again, what a mess.
    And about the porn. Well... Renderers are not very good. Angles are worse. The sex scenes themselves are very short (perhaps the shortest) and not at all hot. And they have no consequences. Like, let's say the heroine was forced to a golden shower... And, a few slides of process and the next scene. No reaction. An absolutely ROUTINE event that can simply be ignored, right? Ah, and yes, fun fact, every dirty criminal cum outside. How noble of them!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    5 Star from me.
    This game is perfect in all aspect.

    Stunning MC.
    Stunning other Females Characters.
    Good Looking Male Character.
    Great fantasy setting, magic, baddass moments and futuristc settting.
    Good consequence denpend on wiche path you are on.
    Madame Doboise got punished was good sight to my eyes. Suche bad ending for the one who mistread The MC I liked it.

    Constatation, none. I really liked.
    This is what I call it a game that can match with Good Girl Gone Bad. Suche a fresh aire.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best female MC VN on this site, at least for me.
    This game has one of the best depictions of 'agency' or 'choice' over your PC. There are two paradigms under which most decisions are based on.. hero or corruption, and submission vs. defiance. Not only does this game have these choices, it actually commonly changes the scenes or outcomes enough that I feel like they matter.

    Length: takes around 7 hours to complete on the first run.

    + COMPLETED game, with 3 paths and ~14 endings.
    + Amazing story with a lots of twists.
    + Fast paced action.
    + You can shape protagonist on "dominant-submissive" and "corrupt-pure" scales, resulting in very different scenes and endings.
    + Lots of choices, and most of them actually matters.
    + On the different paths, the characters are revealed from different angles, lots of replay value.
    + Badass dominant ending is very good made and felt very satisfying, top notch power female fantasy.
    + Pretty good 3d renders.
    + Many different soundtracks. Especially good soundtrack on badass path, making it very immersive.

    Because there is a lot of choices and stat checks, unlocking all and every scene in the game is very hard if that is your thing, and there is no gallery of scenes.

    - In comparison with Badass ending, all others endings on dominant paths felt very short and bleak. Haven't played submissive path, so no idea about submissive endings. But Badass ending is considered as canon and will be continued in sequel game, so its understandable.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Luna's Fall from Grace [v0.33 Public]


    Renders look aged
    Character Models look aged and unattractive
    No Auto function
    World Setting is all over the place (real world, Sci-Fi, Mad Max like)
    No Animations
    Sex Scenes are short and boring
    Story is so random and boring
    Too many Characters
    Characters are boring
    Bad Stat gameplay design

    I really tried to like this game, but everything in it feels so aged, dull and random.
    When you look at the character models and renders you could think that this game is from 2017.
    The premise is interesting, but the story feels so disconnected and dull.
    Not having any animations hurts this game, because the “scenes” are just a few clicks.
    Not having an auto function is also a problem because it becomes a clicker game at this point, and that´s a function pretty much every renpy game has.
    You have many stat options when you choose answers, like Sub/Dom or Hero/Badass that can influence the Story and the MC.
    That is good and bad at the same time, because the MC can be an obedient slut in one choice and a submissive woman in the next choice, which makes no sense.
    The MC´s personality is pretty boring and her appearance changes wildly at the drop of a hat, which is confusing, just like the constant introductions of new characters.
    The world setting is also pretty confusing, because it switches between settings like the real world, sci-fi and a mad max like dystopian setting.
    It seems to me that the Dev tried to create an ambitious game without much work in terms of production quality, and put some random shit in it, with the hope that it might work.
    But everything in it feels so disconnected and half-assed that I don´t understand all the positive reviews.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    3rd time rating this game. I never had a game change my opinion upon replay.

    IF you can get into the story this game gets 5 Stars. It has twists and turns and it plays out very differently upon each playthrough. I'm on my 4th playthrough and it is still playing out differently than the other 3.

    I Wish this game had some animated renders. I also wish the initial hairstyle given to the MC was better, I believe it puts a lot of people off to see the initial ad hair and the starter hair.

    This is a 5 Star story game with some good art but it could be better imo. Not all Story lines are 5 star but once you have been down 1 path it is super interesting to see other variations and the effects of different choices. Some of the art is excellent but others are lacking.

    I'm giving it 5 stars for the story and some art , its not a typical adult VN as you have to be into the story to get the maximum out of this.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best femprotag VN in existance probably

    We all know femprotag games are all about degen ladies being passed around like a blunt. Here weell you have that but, if you want to you can even play not total degen and it is viable. Also the degen stuff is good. Many paths to pick. You have evil dominant, good dominant and then you have subslut, alignment is irrelevant if you pick submissive options. Also some insanity options mixed in. These vary the gameplay quite massively and the dialogue and facial expressions of your character changes completely and it also alters how other people interact and talk to you. It is rather incredible stuff really and it must have taken massive amounts of effort.

    Also the story isnt just about university woman becoming a degen ho nah the story is actually pretty good. You dont really have this kind fun hanging out with friends going shopping shit but honestly thats a good thing. It is a serious story and world with some funny stuff mixed in but not in an obnoxious intrusive way. Some supernatural elements too but it never gets too high up its own ass it is cool stuff

    Absolutely worth playing, play as nutjob badass lady or nutjob coward lady pick your poison very nice stuff. The first chapter tells a story on its own and CH2 is what happens after. But frankly, other than expanding on the supernatural elements I dont see the story going anywhere in any of the paths. Hell the normal dominant good path pretty much is completely finished, all the bad guys are dead the end. All you need there are the ending slides. I dont know how the dev plans on finishing the sub and evil dominant paths but I dont think there is much until this is completely finished. As it stands it is already well worth playing through
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Fucking mess of a game. The sex is boring as hell; it's either a quick few clicks or an extended scene of someone in a tacky bdsm contraption. Choices boil down to constant sub/dom with crazy bitch on the side. So much for personality... Alright there's also the hero/badass crap with something of a story in there, but that story's so disconnected from where it started that I couldn't be fucked to care. Did I mention that the fucking is lacking?

    2 stars only because Luna is sometimes super hot. Those hips are horrific though.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is very good. The renders are good too. And the story is interesting.
    Now, the problem is that the porn scenes are scarce and very bad. That is a very important point in a porn game, obviously. I don't understand why the developer doesn't make porn scenes better visually, and more interesting. He has the ability to do so as seen in the rest of the game.
    I also clarify that my score is based on chapter 1. I don't know if chapter 2 improves that aspect, since I haven't played it, and I'm a bit lazy to play it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.26
    Time Played: 5+ hours. Reached end of content on one route (mainly submissive/corrupted); did not go back to try other choices/routes

    As my graphical tastes have widened, I've come to really appreciate a good DAZ3D render and while nothing here really blew me away on that front, what I saw certainly wasn't bad and the woman MC and potential corruption theme piqued my curiosity. What I was not expecting was a good narrative and, to be perfectly honest, oftentimes, a pr0n game doesn't really need one. Of course, a good narrative can really take things to the next level, so you can imagine my delight when I discovered that the story was gripping and the level of meaningful choice impressive and very welcome.

    + Great story and world-building while still remembering that this is an adult game
    + Tons of choices to build protagonist Luna into the chaste angel or gutterslut of your dreams
    + Lots of sex and, thanks to the meaningful choice system, almost all of it is on your terms

    = Renders aren't going to blow you away
    = Overall darker narrative tenor and world setting isn't going to be for everyone

    - Length of game and breadth of choices might discourage you from replays or exploring other content

    As you can see, there wasn't really much I found fault with here. That last negative is mainly for me, honestly, since I'm more of a one and done person with pretty much all games I play and all the more so when a large chunk of the content might not appeal to me. Accordingly, updates are presumed to take a while since the dev has to account for so many variables. That said, while the overarching story and world-building is very good, it honestly still feels in service to the porn, which is actually kind of great since that means there is no shortage of fappable scenes.
    Highly recommended!

    Note to Devs: Really great work here! Looking forward to seeing how this continues to unfold.