- Apr 3, 2022
- 2,385
- 3,167
Like Maviarab suggests, a poll on this site, wouldn't necessarily give you a realistic reaction of what most members on this site like. Only what those people who bother to respond like. Whereas, opinion polls in the outside world, are specifically designed to include a cross-section of society, therefore giving a much more realistic response.interesting, i would not expect that.
Would be interesting if there was a poll on this site to see what people like. My experience from this 5 years since i joined this site and regularly browsing, tells me that the results would not be that much in favor of lesbian content. But i may be wrong.
It could also be that people who like lesbian content, are less likely to come forward and say so, than people who don't like it. Thus you can then get a skewed impression.
Just like there are a lot of men, who fantasise about doing stuff, they'll never actually do in real life. And end up just experiencing it vicariously via porn and adult games. There are a lot of women who fantasise about lesbian sex. But they only ever watch other women doing it in porn/adult games. But unlike men, they're less likely to talk about it on threads like this. Women are much more likely to lurk in the background than men. I lurked for well over a year, before I decided to start commenting on this site. And I only really became a member of this site, because I wanted to challenge some of the incorrect assumptions people we're making about my favourite game, 'Anna Exciting Affection'. And but for that, I probably would have carried on lurking.
Also, surprisingly there are a lot of men who are interested in lesbian sex, and enjoy watching lesbian porn videos and even play games that feature entirely lesbian characters. And many of them, are perhaps unsurprisingly not so ready to own up to it, even on an anonymous forum like this.
As those pornhub figures demonstrate, Lesbian content turns up in a lot of games on this site for a reason. Because the Devs know that many more people enjoy playing it, than are prepared to admit it openly in the threads