Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Guy Guyminheimer

    Like any good detective game, you can probably guess where the story is going next without it seeming like it's obvious, making it feel like you pieced together the puzzle all by yourself. It's not technically a harem game (yet), but every girl is worth the romantic time and effort. I have some guess for the future of this game, and all of those guesses just make waiting for the next update a little more exciting.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Mlecni Transformator

    Very good game, you have real options, and interesting storyline. Maybe game needs some more hints, but it is interesting to find out things by yourself. I hope game will be with greater updates soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was preparing to write an epic, all-encompassing review of this game but it occurred to me that I could describe it in three words:


    The story and the narrative in this game is a laugh riot and has a lot of sexy action as well. It's easily in my top three and will be yours as well if you give it a try!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game is not enough to describe it. Quick updates, great story behind, beauty renders and a lot more. One of the least write like good fantasy story with unexpected story twists. Also one of little game that I never see bug between each version.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty cool.

    Where it really shines in my opinion is in the intrigue of it's story. In terms of appearances and animation, it's little sketchy at times but is consistently well done. the plot and characters feel interesting and unique. This game has many of the standard troupes, however they're done in a fairly refreshing and cool way. The replayability is there too, which I still need to meddle with more. Give it a try
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    robert ash

    The Graphics, story with character and ability evolution are all great! Highly recommended. Personally I think it s the best game out. [MilfyCity being my second] Some have critized the game as too slow or too much dialogue but that makes the game and people more 'real'. It is not a grind where you have to do the same thing over and over to get enough something to move forward. Challenges are not too difficult and worth the reward!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    History seems so good for me but there are some caracter i dont like, li ke plant-woman (not my thiing).
    In adition, technically you have to adquire the powers to control their minds and the MC is attracted by the idea of messing with every woman in town but i have to say... is that even necessary. The girls are teasing you every time and fantasizing about having sex as if there was the first time they sees a man.
    I have the feeling that if you flirt with them even only a little bit, they will suck off ur balls of.
    Likes: mpror
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic graphics with high quality renders. Interesting well thought out plot line and execution, Well laid out GUI with improvements over time . Pretty models, not the same old girls from other games. Unique setting using medieval times
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the renders and finding a game where the MC actually has to develop the relationship with each of the girls in the game. Have been enjoying the development so far, although the switch from map to the location option I felt like was a step back. Keep up the great work...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is easily one of the best WIP on here.
    The morning/afternoon/night cycle might seem kinda cookie cutter, but each part of the day has plenty of options and significance. (nights are MOSTLY for fun)
    Oh and as mentioned before Phoenix Wright style puzzles.

    5/5 can't wait for updates and to eventually play new game+
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.19]
    I like this one quite a bit, but it has some issues.

    Art's good, character designs are very appealing.

    Plot's novel enough, writing and voice are strong and proud. Characterization is good as well, with even the comedy sidekick *mostly* avoiding cringe. I do have a couple issues with the systems implementation. Some of the LA Noire interrogation things have pretty unclear linkage between the different clues one is supposed to supply. This plus some of them having varying amounts of clues needed had me chasing my tail for ingame days thinking I needed to stumble on more clues when I had them all along; that's annoying when it's in the way of my porn. Maybe consider having like a small window pop up midscreen when you cast MC Spell 1 that has shows the user how many clues are expected and slots in the clues you've used thus far...?

    Nothing particularly squicked me in the porn, and I quite liked several scenes. Being my LezBro's hookup wingman and cucking an elf in front of his entire kingdom both made me happy. Also, thank you for making anal avoidable. Do want the hinted dispel for the contraceptive enchant.

    TLDR: I likeee. #watched.
    Likes: Belle
  12. W
    5.00 star(s)


    Having given this game plenty of time to progress before making a review I can now make a careful and well thought out review for it.

    HOLY FUCK!!! the newest update really got things going and all I can say is that the dev must have videotaped their facial expressions during an orgasm, and recreated them in still photos. The graphics and animations are outstanding, and very possibly the best that I have ever seen.

    The story progresses slowly, but the wait is well worth it.
    The story is very well thought out, which is typical for the really good games because the dev has a vision and sticks with it. Which is one of the hallmarks of a good storyteller.

    Updates are generally a good size, so there is always something new to keep you busy.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1897

    This is not just a VN. While most of the content on this site are just extremely slow, low-visual-content comics, Long Live the Princess is an actual game deserving of being called a game. It's also one of the overall best western adult games out there. It smashes the bar set by others and raises it substantially.

    Belle has not just set out to do one thing well; each element of the game is very well thought out and executed. Renders are high quality. Backgrounds are lively, well crafted, and appropriate. Programming is clean and bug free. Music is great. There are investigative gameplay elements that make sense and do not detract from the pace. The humor placed throughout the game is funny and well timed. The characters have personality and backgrounds rather than just being cliched, waiting fuckdolls. But above all, the storytelling and world-building are far better than one would expect for pornographic content.

    I'm fairly critical, and I don't give out five stars as a general rule, but LLtP earns them all handily.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this game, it had a rocky start with some game crashing bugs back in the earlier versions but thats to be expected. Recent updates have really started to bring this game to life, the story is progressing nicely and the Gameplay hook is enjoyable.

    Environment art is a little lacking in some areas however the newer areas added in recent updates are stunning, Models are also very good as well as the Lewd scenes.

    This is also one of the few games that manage to integrate comedy without it feeling out of place or Awkward, defiantly a good time to pick up the game, there is a decent amount of content as well as a good story.
    Likes: Belle
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    u z i


    actually i just started replaying from v0.18(last payed v0.16). this game is absolutely incredible. the story is really nice and getting more and more interesting with each update. there is a great deal of mystery in the story and the way you figure them out piece by piece is ingenious and makes the game really fun to play. characters are all unique and well made, each with their own personality and background. there is also some (quality :p )humour which comes unexpectedly sometimes :D. visually also its really good. definitely not the best animations, but the sex/erotic scenes are quite hot nonetheless. overall a very entertaining and promising game.
  16. S
    4.00 star(s)


    After seeing the high rate at which this game was reviewed, I decided to give it a try despite not being super keen on 3dcg models. Here's what I found somewhat lacking, and what I found to be exceptional. Bad news first:

    -The models of the women's faces hail to the gobbo name that was given on a site that should not be named.
    -Belle, your fairy sidekick that follows you almost literally everywhere, made me go "ugh, great. I'm going to have to be putting up with a lot of extra text"
    -Slight Spoiler about NTR: You have a sister that is conducting negotiations with a man for your town. I don't like NTR, but I don't care that she sleeps with him to help the town. I'd just prefer, after making the choice to let it happen, to have an ability to not have to watch.
    -This game is really pretty involved and long, and after taking just a couple of day's break from the game, at times I wouldn't remember what all I was supposed to be doing.
    -Sex scenes are not fluid, in that they still progress frames at a time; most scenes appear to have about 5 frames each.

    Notice, though, that I gave this game 4 stars. That is because despite what I have written above, it is really nit-picky. Overall, the game shines and stands out, in that:

    -The story, investigating, and social interactions are actually very involved and pretty well thought out. Because of this:
    -It feels like an actual game without grind; I feel somewhat pulled to continue the game, which makes it feel very professionally done.
    -Belle actually grows on you in time, and her character is consistent despite being annoying for the first week you have her along.
    -The sex scenes allow you to change perspective, so that I do not have to have the faces in frame
    -Characters are all unique and very easy to become absorbed in
    -Mind Control and Sleep Play are done pretty well
    -Pacing is actually pretty well done too.

    If the creator can give the girls better faces, and more fluid sex scenes, it's an easy 5/5. To be fair, the game is still in v.18 and is leagues ahead of what I was expecting; I've spent several hours on it already. Just in a sex game, poor models and sex scenes are hard to cover up. Love the game, and look forward to watching it progress.
    Likes: Belle
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The only game with free-roam elements apart from BADIK that I don't mind playing - because Belle has obvious experience and talent with designing a functional and interesting user experience. This is basically like a fantasy Ace Attorney with lewds. The renders are good, the 'gamey' parts are well made and actually pretty fun. Most of all, the characters are interesting and I really enjoy Belle's(the in game one) vulgar banter, which makes it all the better when she gets into a serious mood.

    The only thing I didn't care for, personally are the "night scenes" where you act like a creepy pervert. I really never cared for this part of many other prominent VNs. It never felt arousing to me to do this, and usually goes against me immersing myself into the shoes of the MC(coz I don't want to be a pervert. I wanna be a goody two shoes hero). HOWEVER, even here the incessant yet hilarious poking and prodding from Belle gets me in the mood to do some stealthy ogling. Belle is truly great.

    Note About NTR TAG: This is completely avoidable. Essentially, if you don't actually want to protect your sister from NTR, then NTR happens. If you do, it won't.

    In summary, Long Live the Princess is worth your attention and time (and patreonship), especially given how industrious Belle is at updating.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Count Remi

    Excelent! One of the best games on the website for sure. Why 5 stars? Well theres a lot of reason but im not gonna list all of it. So the game gets updated every month and you can play the game without spending money. It will take you more or less than 2 hours to finish the current version without any walkthrough (theres a lot of game content that I don't wanna mention, just try it lol) Lastly a passionate dev who cares about the game and the community (the dev works hard which is kinda worrying but we are lucky to have great dev)

    Honestly I hope the game gets more publicity because I only found the game on this site myself. Thats it... just try the game, its worth it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The perfect marriage between Phoenix Wright and Adult games!

    Exactly as the title suggests this game plays with 'clues' in order to advance the story and it's an innovative and brand new idea that enhances storytelling while it doesn't draw away from the fact that you play it to fap. Well deserving of the 4.5 score it has.

    The renders are great, the characters feel real and their stories are engaging (while it takes some work to get to the lewd stuff the h-scenes feel like they were earned) while the overall humor keeps things lighthearted.

    There is more than enough 'fappable content' to get things started and for a game that's been in development for almost 2 years now, it's on a very good course.

    I have updated my review and gave the game 5 stars! The incest storyline between the MC and his sister played out very nicely! Looking forward to future updates involving their story.

    Now stop wasting your time reading this and just play it already!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written original story with lots of depth. The quest system is the first I have encountered in a visual novel. The renders are good and each of the characters looks distinctly different from the others.