Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics are nice, the plot is not easy, the assembly is stable. A lot of text, several endings (and not all are successful). There is little animation, but it is there.
    Overall, I liked it. A bit tight, but one of the best games in the genre.
    Likes: Belle
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Very novel approach to mind control and an interesting story, but the parts that make this into a porn game are quite poor and feel like were added as an after thought. The game poses itself as a narrative driven game but does a very poor job of it. Either have a mindless porn game or think everything through when you're writing a story.

    The story itself is way too long and slow to provide any meaningful porn scenes. It's like 80% exposition and 20% porn with just basic get naked because of mind control type of scenes.

    The night time voyeur and sleep harassment have nothing to do with the story or the main character's personality. For some reason he can just sneak into people's houses and molest them like this is typical behaviour.

    The sex scenes that are a result of the story have no reason for happening. Half the women just force themselves on to the main character and the MC is just happy someone is fucking him. Why are they fucking him? Because the characters are made to fuck. There's no game or corruption. They just meet the MC and almost instantly fuck him.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First review on F95 simply because it's hands down the best game. Very well thought out plot and storyline with multiple paths to completion and consequences of your actions. You're not necessarily punished (too badly), but the overall experience is very rewarding.

    The girls - well there's something for everyone looks wise, but you'll probably find them all hot and they are visually unique. The renders and scenes are stunning, a lot of effort has gone into this.

    This game sets the benchmark for erotic games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In a genre full of subpar games with

    -Models that put me off sex for a week performing dull lifeless sex scenes that take me out of the mood.
    -Nonsensical plot lines that only exist to get to the next sex scene.
    -Characters who essentially only exist for the main character to fuck.
    -Lazy game mechanics and awful glitchy programming.

    This game is a breath of fresh air with

    -A far more polished feel in models and mechanics that don't feel like I'm struggling against the game's amateur hour programming before hitting a fucking glitch of some kind.
    -An actual plot with world-building and characterizations.
    -Characters who are you know ...Characters with some actual semblance of agency.
    -Sex scenes that don't put me to sleep after 2 seconds or have me rapidly clicking to get through them.

    Overall I hope more game developers start taking notes on what Belles accomplished here.
    Likes: Belle
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have followed this game since the beginning, so no need to say i love it. Even though i still give it 5 stars, I will say that i was extremely disappointed with the ending. Not because it was not done well for what it was, but because you literally go through the entire game "training" your magic power to be able to "save" the princess at the end and yet you find yourself literally powerless to do anything except "talk" your way to victory. It feels as if the developer fleshed out the story to about half way and then threw the cards on the table, yawned, and went to bed while there was a huge pile of cash on the table. Sad, so much more could have been done.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a really good first playghtrough, if you dont mind low quality renders, despite the the fact those renders make the game look kind of artistic, many times you will notice blurry image.
    This is compensated with the hot girls, that are mostly on the young side.

    The negative counterbalance would be that, sex scenes, in my second playthrough are not working, they are kind of there, but just that, so i guess the acomplishment factor playing it for the first time may have a bigger impact than the actual depiction of the sex scene, in my opinion.

    For the negative part i would say that, grinding stats require you to engage in encouters of sexual nature with girls,so if you dont like a specific girl, you still need that stat to progress a different girl, that fact is kind of meh, i dont really like not being able to chose.

    Another negative part is the "love" part, love confessions are just text, not much wholesome anywhere, you may be confessing your love to some girl sitting on the other side of the table, have sex, and leave just like that.
    Im not a fan of sex scenes where you only see a weird close up face, while texts describes things happening. Evelyn sex was supposed to be an important moment, and she was supposed to be a virgin but you just penetrate it shile watching her face, an thats that, doesnt feel like a big moment at all. As i said, maybe once you are stripped by the sense of acomplishment, the actual depiction of the sex scene, is pretty boring.

    This lack on the sex part made my second playthrough more like an entertainig game than a porn novel, if i may rate it by the level of horny that i achieved while playing it.
    But once again, as a game is really entertaining, and writing is decent, it has some slightly comic moments and still fun to play.

    With all this taken into account, this game would have 5 stars in the first playthrough, and i would say 2 in the second (cause i didnt feel much really) I think that if you have played many games already, which is my case, Most of the things this game has you will find that other games also have them, just better.

    With one expcetion:
    If you are into lesbian stuff, there is one partcilcar scene which in my opinion is the best shit you will find in this site. A scene that feels like way better that the content that the rest of the game offers, in my opinion. If the rest of the game, offered the same quality of that scene, this novel would be the best for the next 5 years, but it doesnt, which is a downer.
    Maybe making the sex scenes "interactive" limited the narrative part.
    It annoys me knowing the dev has the abillity to write and depict such scene, and the rest of the game feels like a different person wrote it.

    Anyway, a very entertainig game, and hot game, with lots of "sexual acomplishemnts" to achieve, interactive sex scenes, and hot girls, but sex scenes may not be the best if you see them with a more critical eye, and that may kind of defeat the purpse of a second playthrough. The game may become a skipfest.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    First review here in F95, but I had to put something down on record for a game I've been following on and off for a couple of years now.

    I first encountered LLtP when it was in its early stages. Content would dry up after a few in-game days, but what was available had good quality models and the set-up was intriguing. Fast forward to the present day, and past me would have been amazed to see how far it's gone.

    The game puts you in a fairly unique setting, and doesn't skimp on the sex scenes in the early game, as some other games do. There's a good balance between NSFW and SFW content, and what you get from the NSFW part is pretty rewarding. Ignoring the fact that most of the sex scenes boils down to: 'pick pussy/anal, see animation, click finish, click preg/non-preg option', the animations and model quality are high-class. They're not as amazing as certain other games, but the overall graphics are in the top 5th percentile of games here in F95.

    What really makes this game shine is the characters. Belle is a fan-favourite for obvious reasons, but Callie and Evelyn are really good too. It's a shame this is all relatively short, there are plenty of ways the game can be expanded, and certain parts of the game even note that with unimplemented options.

    The one part of the story that was a little disappointing was the ending. In comparison to the build up and the pre-endgame content, everything feels rushed and the payoff isn't relative to the playthrough. It makes sense narratively, everything happens in the span of a day so stuff moves quickly, but the post-game scenes aren't as satisfying as you would expect. I expect these to be fleshed out eventually but right now one or two CG scenes for an ending is pretty disappointing. It's also sad to see that certain endings that were being hinted at like (Callie/Evelyn) weren't implemented. In fact, the choices for endings were pretty strict, but if that's Belle (the creator)'s intention with monogamy then that's their prerogative.

    One other thing that could really help this game is a better implementation of the endgame state. I'm fresh out of ideas right now but tapping 'start endgame content' feels more like a placeholder move than anything else.

    Ultimately, while the game has technically finished there are still improvements to be made. I just really wanted to get my thoughts down on something that I've followed for a couple of years. Good work Belle! I look forward to reviewing and enjoying the 1.0 release of LLtP
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    To me this game is about average to those I've seen on this site. It does nothing exceptionally well, but nothing very bad either. The biggest downside would probably be the grind which I don't enjoy. Both the art and story is decent, not great.
  9. F
    5.00 star(s)


    For a sandbox game, LLTP achieved the impossible by making a sandbox game's sandbox mechanic more than just serviceable, it's actually enjoyable. It's not complicated at all, you can choose which lady to pursue without much limitations and later it serves as an open buffet to bone the ladies.

    Sex scenes are admittedly aren't that much per individual girl but in total they add up. Each girl is enjoyable with distinct characteristics that make MC's interaction with them unique. Although the game is completed story wise dev is going to add more with the NG+ and I know that there will be at least one new girl (nun that doesn't have any content in first playthrough) so expect more content from the dev.

    Story goes beyond a story you would expect from a porn game. I found myself wondering about the mysteries of the plot and I'm not really someone who pays attention to the stories around here.

    Overall, it's a great game with great girls and story. You will find yourself keep coming back (...or inside? I mean game always give you the option). I look forward to new game plus content. I'm giving this game 5 stars as there's nothing to complain or criticize.
    Likes: Belle
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is kind of long (for me it was, but Im not complaining) and there's not much incest, which is what I primarily look out for, but still it managed to grasp my attention, possibly due to the writing, which is captivating and engrossing to say the least. The characters are actually very well-fleshed out, now that I think of it, and that must have been the reason why the sex felt great. And realistic, I guess.

    I suppose the sister figure could have used a bit more flesh-ing out, but she was alright. Nothing extraodinary, but it was still hot. Then there are some other characters with whom getting to the sex part was early and easy, but its not really a con, again, it can be good when its logical to do so. But, anyway, having said that. sex at the very start with the new character can also be a bit of a downer, as its the chase - the journey, so to say - thats what makes sex exciting.

    Im not a big fan of detective games, and so i didnt enjoy the grinding part, but then again, because of the grind, the sex was more fulfilling. Its not a con, again.

    The Objectives or (things to do) list can use a bit of reworking, I suppose, to direct us in the gameplay. I was lost quite a few times.

    Lots of positives in the game tbh. You should just try it out. The writing is good, the sex scenes are better than 90% games here, and it keeps you wanting more! Im currently at day 50 :)

    (Thanks for the game. DO leave a review after you finish it, Im sure the creator will appreciate it. Please consider donating as well. Really helps and motivates ! :))
    Likes: Belle
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the setting, loved the progression and loved the characters, Belle being my favorite for obvious reasons. It's nice how natural the interactions with the girls sound, even though you're forcing your way to their subconsciousness with magic. Also the investigation and interrogation necessary to make the magic work is a nice touch. With that in mind, It's kind of short comparing to most of the lewd games that I've played, but it's not enough of a bother to lower my rating to 4 stars.
    Amazing work, Belle! Can't wait to see your next project.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an example of a sandbox done right. You don't feel forced down any path. The gameplay doesn't feel dull or repetitive. There are so many events happening and places to explore that you feel immersed with a good story and interesting gameplay. The characters are all interesting and good looking, with the sex scenes being splendid as well.

    The thing LLtP does better than most games is the interplay between story and gameplay. The main gameplay mechanism is mind control through secret revelation. Throughout the playthrough, little hints of the story are given. In order to mind control someone, you need to piece together the hints to discover secrets about them. It's an interesting premise that gets you involved with the story while at the same time allowing you to get closer to each character.

    Another the thing the game does well is how all the story threads ultimately end up mattering in the end game. I'm not going to spoil anything, but the author really manages to bring about a satisfying ending, which for me is one of the most important parts of a story driven game.

    Ultimately, Long Live the Princess is a game that the author clearly put his/her heart and soul into. I never once got the feeling that the dev was trying make a quick buck or pull any cheap tricks. It is simply a work of art.

    Oh, and the porn is nice too.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played here, and easily the best in its genre. A genre which I call (for a lack of a better name) "free roam character building RPG". I guess RPG could be sufficient but the former definitions do matter, and it is here where this game really stands out. These types of game usually suffer in a few areas that "Long Live the Princess" turn into strengths. Never mind the great story, mystery, great animations, great female characters, lore, and music that fits the story. They are all great, but what turns this into a gem are the areas where other similar games suffer:

    1. The grind:
    In a game like this when you have to increase the skills of your character it usually gets old really quickly and it becomes a boring grind. This is not the case here. The skills that you have are all vital to the story and improving them are also heavily tied to the story. Sometimes you need to complete other quests in order to improve skills, or gather something. This is a good change of pace. It also means something when you gain a new skillpoint, you can access new things etc.
    Getting girls to like you is also done very well. Instead of having love points and friend points like in other games you improve the relationships using the gameplay mechanics, the story and solving clues. It feels much more natural than minmaxing points.

    2. Repeating actions:
    You can't get away from repeating actions in these genre. When you have morning tasks, afternoon tasks and night tasks you are bound to redo some of them. In many games this gets boring after awhile and skip time will be used frequently in midgame. In LLtP though there is a great solution to this. There is simply so much to do in this game that you barely experience repeating events at all. I literally never used the skip time button until close to endgame, and that doesn't really count because I wanted to finish everything. Furthermore when the game is released there will be a time limit, maximum amount of days so I suspect that it won't be an issue. Rather that you don't have time to complete everything unless you play it perfectly.
    Another thing. When you actually do a repeating event the characters acknowledge that they are doing it again, and the dialogue is altered a bit. This is a great attention to detail and increases immersion. Not once did I catch the game in a contradiction where a character claims to not have done something we know they did (very common in this genre due to the unlinearity)

    3. Money
    Money is not a big part of the game and I am glad of that. Getting money can be a very boring grind. Instead it feels natural to do the events that get you money, and doing work can also give interesting events.

    So this game is great. The story was engaging from start to finish. Gameplay is surprisingly strong. Gathering and solving clues is a strong part of the game, and it is held up by a strong plot and characters. The female characters are well developed and beautiful, the animations are also great. The only thing I regret is playing it now before it is completely finished.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I doubt that I will offer any more input than the previous reviewers, but here goes.

    One thing that I have learned the hard way is that execution beats complexity. There are games with far deeper lore, sharper twists and longer stories. This game makes up for it by using its story elements with admirably efficiency.

    It's neither plot with porn nor porn with gameplay. It is somewhere in between. And you know what? That's not bad at all.

    Personally, I am not a fan of 3d models and actual incest.
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    However, that is a matter of taste and so I will not detract any points because of that.

    Edit: I added an extra point, because the author engages with the community here as often and as soon as possible. She is quite helpful even though she doesn't have to. Definitely a plus in my book.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the reason I got into erotic VNs.
    It checks all the boxes for me. It has engaging story, great female characters, main character is something more that log with dick.
    I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed this game.
    There are no perfect games, the middle part can get bit repetitive, but apart from that it's best VN I played.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm only at day 35, so I'm reviewing for what seen till here. A very funny story, with the right dose of humour and mistery, and very different personalities to interact with (my favourite characters are Callie, Somorra and the Fairy Queen). The system of learning new abilities to progress the storyline is well done (and it's not always like that, actually, in other games), and the lewd scenes are well presented. It's not a perfect game, but it's funny to play. I can't wait to watch how it goes on. Kudos to the dev.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Good game. Very good and funny writing, very good background / world building, good story (maybe the big resolution at the end is not terribly convincing, but still entertaining and immersive enough), nice models, no disgusting anatomical monstrosities. As usual in porn games a bit mysteriously barren with male characters (other than the MC and some, mostly older, token archetypes and antagonists), which I find a bit strange
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    All the girls (except for maybe the fairy) is 10/10. The plot, while not winning any writing awards, are better than most out there. A lot of great content paced out evenly. The scenes are wonderful and I don't really have any complaints.
    Likes: Belle
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This was really impressive. It has good writing and well developed content especially for a sandbox game. There was very little grind and I always had some obvious way forward. The detective system was a lot more engaging than I expected. Brilliant cast of characters.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games here, to devote time to.

    In quick summery?
    The story is in depth, and very well told. The world feels real and lived in, with a past, and a future at stake. A lot of people play just for porn. A lot of us DO NOT play just for the porn.
    If plot or story matter to you, you want to play this game.

    The girls are all beautiful and look nothing like other games. A lot of obvious work went into the character models. Primrose especially I found absolutely captivating. And Evelyn is GORGEOUS.

    And the gameplay is.... Sandbox!
    Everyone's least favorite format! Why? Because it almost never works! It either feels grindy, or you wander around unable to find events and the story doesn't progress because of it, or myriad other reasons.

    Well, forget ALL of that. This game is sandbox done RIGHT, and I can't imagine it playing out otherwise. Sandbox gameplay has so much potential, but is so easy to screw up, than any game that nails is DESERVES extra points.

    The epilogues. It is a wonderful touch being able to see an epilogue for all the characters, to see how things resolved. I can not understate how much something like that expands on how fulfilling an ending can be.

    Lastly, New Game Plus.
    This game will feature a NG+ mode after beating it, that will involve rollover states (as near as I can tell), so you can choose other routes without much grind, as well as a promise of new scenes.
    This gives this game a replayability that, generally, most of these games totally lack.

    I CAN NOT recommend this game highly enough. It really is masterfully done.