I don't get what do you mean by one playthrough ! the best thing in this game that we have 4 different routes to play...probably it would be better if we have gallery or something to track which scenes we already unlocked
plus i totally agree about Ruby

we need to see her more in the future updates
Let me clarify that this all is just my opinion and I don't expect the dev to bend over backwards for little ole me or even consider my opinion. If they found it helpful awesome, if not no worries.
I understand that you enjoyed the content that we get with the 4 different paths, but how much better would it be if you could see all of it and only having to play the game once? I'm just a fan of having one true path and having small alternative paths for particular fetishes that are niche like the dev did for the Futa content.
Plus, with the amount of games that get releases on F95, I have games that get 2-3 updates before I'm able to work them back into rotation. So it's hard when one game out of many has 4 paths that you have to play from the beginning to see them fully. You are left with a choice of replaying one game to see 3 alternative paths or pick back up that other game you loved that just got an update. It unfortunately becomes an economy of time at that point. I'd just like to see as much as I can before I have to move on to the next game.
Tldr: it's just personal taste, this game is fantastic regardless and I want to see all I can.
And yes, need more Ruby in my life! Also, Olga in the white wig, fuuuuuuck yes! I am totally down for her when she's going full archvillain. Hopefully we get to have each one on the other's respective routes eventually.