I mean his dad physically abused him pretty bad from the sound of it which goes way beyond the realm of "conservative hardass"
I work in the field of adolescent psych so I see a lot of abusive parents and your right they may not hate their kids but they all very much resent them at the least. Abusers like that only offer financial support as a means of further controlling someone but MC's dad just gives him money and lets him walk away. Unless MC is over-stating the abuse there is a huge disconnect in how the dad acts so not exactly "anchored in reality"

. I mean look at how the dad controls everyone else the sister the mom textbook abuser but lets MC walk away with a credit card and a blank check? ehh it's weird
I'm not saying abusive parents don't exist. It's just that that type of behavior generally would stem from a desire for self validation and control rather than from a some true hatred of their offspring. Don't get me wrong, truly deranged people of all types exist in the world, but I'm just saying that this character is not one of those.
There was no indication that he was systematically abusive, physically or mentally. For all we know, he slapped the MC once when MC was being a twat. I don't condone the behavior, especially since it was an anger response more so than a disciplinary action, but I won't take that one instance to frame his character as an abusive father (like some stereotypical drunken wife beater).
He was certainly distant and didn't show much displays of affection. He probably believes that to be the role of the woman. His form of "love" is providing for them and in return he expected them to adhere to his decisions. Basically an old school "man of the house."
No, it's not the healthiest family unit by any means, but it's a fairly typical household that is believable.
Edit: And my statement regarding reality vs porn logic when pertaining to this father character was basically that he wasn't vilified to make him a straightforward antagonist like a typical incest game. You know, it's typical to find absurdly unsympathetic and one dimensional fathers who are deserving of getting cucked by their son. The dev stated there won't be mom incest, so there is no need to pander to the people who want to cuck the dad, but still have a clear conscious while doing so lol. The father in this game has room to be an actual character with redeeming qualities as well as flaws, just like the other male supporting cast.