VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Limitless [Day 6 P4 Completed] [Cr8tive M3dia]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I look at AVNs like this and think about what they could have been. This one starts off with a solid foundation with a good story idea, some nice eye candy and decent pacing but quickly devolves into something cheap and boring.

    One of the most overused character types in AVNs are what's called a Mary Sue. This is a character who is perfect. They never make mistakes. They always say the right things, no one every takes what they say the wrong way, they are awesome at everything they do; best fighter, best cook, best in bed, smartest person, best business person, ad nauseam... The male version of this is a Gary Stu and this MC is one of the biggest Gary Stu's out there. The problem with a Gary Stu is since they can't do anything wrong, nothing really happens. There are no mistakes so no one gets upset, all the women accept the harem thing, they don't have money problems... nothing. It makes it boring if you know, no matter what happens, the Gary Stu will be there to save the day. Yawn...

    In this case, the MC starts out as a total loser. He is basically homeless and has made a mess of his life until one day, he is given a magic pill and he suddenly becomes this Gary Stu. It is explained, this pill not only enhances your mental ability, but it also makes all the women you meet fall for you.

    I would have been fine if the pill took a while to make the changes. In other words, the medicine would have to build up in his system and as time went along there would be improvements and you would be able to see it in the MC's daily life. Or maybe even a placebo and the MC is actually making all the changes himself. Instead, in a matter of 2 days, he has a 2000% return on his investment and clears 200K in the stock market, spends most of it and then does it again, making another 200K in just a day's work. In just a few days, he has a brand new apartment and 8 LIs, all of whom he has rescued from one thing or another or saved their law degree, started a new business and rescued a girl from a life of prostitution.

    I mean, where do we go from here? What more is there to do? This guy is averaging 2 new LIs a day so are we going to have more LIs show up? There is another game out there with 31 LIs but this one is on pace for more than that. I guess the dev is taking the title literally as this MC looks like he is working on a Limitless number of LIs.

    IDK... I get it's a magic pill but ffs, give it some side effects or something. Give the MC some challenges. Add some drama other than the bad guys trying to track down the pills. And what is going to happen when the pills run out? Are all the LIs suddenly going to go WTF am I doing with this loser?

    Having said all of that, the dev is producing regular updates and is working hard so we should supports devs like this as we need more of them, but I can't give this more than 3 stars. It really is just average at best.

    Good luck to the developer!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    So sad to give this 2 stars truely it would have been more if the dev dident change this game from a choice driven novel to a forced LI game that will feel more like a kinetic novel where you arent in controle of anything, really not something you would expect after playing the game for years, if i was a supporter which i could have been if i had seen this game ealiere i would feel like an idiot paying for something you love to get it changed into something you hate.

    It also ruins the hole story since already on day one you get the choice to stop the route with Lateshya and say no to her, to then have her force her self onto MC on day 6 just kills everything game has been about from the very start.

    Its just way to big a change for a 3½ year old game, there would have been much better ways to lower the workload, like make pople to remove 2-3 LIs from game, or just not have the show up in images with anyone else, like Lateshya and Rita, just have them as side-girls and do a solo story about them, could even make it short to reduce workload, pretty much anything is better then forcing LIs.

    Story is pretty good and has a twist of superpowers in a way.
    Starts by MC being a bum and he lies on a bench in the park where some stranger ask him to take care of a package of pills that will make you able t ouse 100% of your brain and ofcause a side effect of all females will fall for him instantly, last part i could do without since i like a bit more relationship build up but it is what it is and i did drop it a star due to that.

    Its a fast phased game where you meet a girl and instantly have to make a choice to go on her route or turn her down, theres no real talking or getting to know them so its purely based on how they look.

    One thing i truely hated though was how it forces you to do anal shit with a girl if you want a pregnant route with her, it simply just dosent make any kind of sense why anal has to be part of that, i dident test if you could wait with the pregnancy stuff for next time you fuck her but it does show a pregnant option with the creampie but not sure if it would work if you dident to anal with her at first meeting since then she would start up on the pill.

    Girls are pretty good and theres a nice diversity in builds.

    Animations are a bit low quality, but normal renders looks good and it does seems like animations becomes a little better as game comes along.

    Music is good, has some with lyrics as well which is always nice.

    Choices are pretty much only about relationships but to me thats the most importen thing, problem is it has now changed to forcing girls on you meaning no long a choice driven game, which sadly is unplayable to me.

    Also i find it a bit idiotic for a single dev that barely has time to work/finish this game, starts working on a second game, that sure as fuck wont lower the workload and only works for bigger teams not solo devs and it scares alot of supporters away as well knowing the game they like wont see any work for a very long time due to that.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not bad at all so far !!!! I am enjoying the harm aspect of the game. The variety of girls is a nice attribute. It not just all milfs or all 18 year old virgins. I can't wait to see where the story goes. Maybe it will live up to limitless the movie and TV series.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Limitless [Day 6 P4 Completed] [Cr8tive M3dia]
    • A nice story emphasizing incest (little bit with sister so far) & poly-amorous.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • An excellent scenario that MC meeting with Rita’s family that happened to be Honey’s (Rita’s mom) birthday. Dialogues were good but could have been much better.
    • Good to see some animation with dialogues but needs to refine little, especially those with nodding yes/no.
    • Almost all the girls/ladies are gorgeous, and well portrayed different type of girls/ladies.
    • Nice animation showing the drinks getting empty while MC, Rita & Naomi chatting.
    • Excellent facial expressions shown in detail; especially the eyes rolling are pretty natural.
    • Play-ability, performance and grammar are not so good.
    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious for sexuality.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
    • Needs a lot of improvement is English language grammar / sentence forming, etc.
    • Limited attire for ladies, could have been generous to model the ladies with more attire options.
    • Too much emphasis on Libby’s swimsuit at the end never even care to show it properly.
    • Error:
    • MC checking Lateshya in front of her brother Dion was an option ‘CHECKING/ NOT CHECKING’ even though you choose the option ‘NOT CHECKING’ the dialogue from brother Dion says MC is checking. And later when they meet in the evening at Dion’s home again he mention as MC have been checking Lateshya in the morning. This is contradicting.
    • Never heard of a Penthouse apartment with one bathroom only. What a messy way to create sex with Naomi; could have been much better: and no air-condition!! in a Penthouse apartment!!!!
    • Very poor facial hair style (the beard & mustache) of MC all the way.
    • Funny dialogues like ‘tongue down to throat’ referring to deep lips kiss.
    • Most common mistakes – men dressed with fully covered while the ladies exposed dress; I mean doesn’t make sense and what about the females readers; sure they would enjoy the men bare chest at least I guess.
    • Hot/warm room temperature being the reason for nude sleeping but cuddling and hugging sleeping is contradicting.

    Hope to the next release with more improvement.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    another game that started well but now its turned into updates of long amounts of complete drivel maybe one badly done sex scene and thats it . this last update was the worst of the lot and made me loose all patience with it , personally im done with game but also i wont reccommend it your just going to get annoyed
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Wow I'm really enjoying Limitless! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are interesting .

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out! (y)
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    the game is not the best and the story is not the best either, but if there is something I liked was that the options to choose with whom to form the "harem" made the game was good enough for me to play it without problems, but this last update that no longer exists now I was imposed 2 women which I could not refuse, of which I don't like but even so it seems that the DEV decided for me by not letting me reject the date that I never wanted and forcing me to have sex with the girl who was making trouble at the entrance of the club, so if the game continues like this I would say that it is no longer for me.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    When they say, All men think with their dick's and not their brains, I guess this game is the epitome of it.. Now, I really liked the Bradley Cooper starrer Limitless, and even though this being a porno game still had some expectations from it but only manages to be a cheap flick.

    The pills have no purpose, other than to give the MC just an ounce of brain juice so that he can transform from a sore loser into a dashing stud and do some occasional gun violence shit, that's it.. There onwards, all the creative brain juices starts collecting in the MC's scrotum instead of the brains, because it's one hell of a Harem fuckfest from there. And the best part, some random guy ( or the most stupidest guy) just hands him over the drugs on a park bench and tells him everything there is about the contents like a fool.. Like good luck finding that ( or any) hobo after telling him your pills can unlock his brain and also make him release chick magnet pheromones. Also, it's apparently FDA approved, which is a bummer because the pill is essentially a evil genius date rape drug.

    Lets talk about the huge cast of love Interest's, only a handfull of them look good, few are decent and most are meh. There is absolutely no character building as the chick magnet pheromones spare no one, even the sister falls to his dick games faster than the speed of light. Also can't understand what's up with the ( landlady and Younger tenant??) because it's been 3 years and there's not a single scene of them. Seems they're either DEAD or if alive, would succumb to the mighty chick magnet pheromones the moment they arrive on his doorstep.

    Renders are okay, story is non-existent even though based off a good movie plot. You'll be greatly disappointed if you expect it to be like the movie.. Just pretend as if this game is another one of those effortless Harem builders and you'll be okay, because in that way it still manages to be a decent game.

    Just another average rating game for me. 3/5 stars.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game tbh, i might be a tad bit biased to the fact when i first came across it, it was the second ever VN/porn game I've played,

    The only real complaint i have is that its been over 3 years since this game came out, and were still on Day 6, but even then i feel that's just a nitpick because of the content we do get, has been enjoyable .
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    VERSION: Day 6 P4
    SUMMARY: Solid game, solid story and good amount of lewd!

    1. Based on a fun idea from a movie of the same name.
    2. Characters are not bad, unique and MC is not a beta
    3. Writing, structure and dialogue are solid, some errors here and there but generally good
    4. Models are nice looking, albeit a bit dated look now
    5. Animations are pretty OK also, but again a bit dated.
    1. Don't see frequent updates really. The game has been around long enough to be completed but some love interests have not even been tapped by the MC, let alone any headway with the pills or plot...this is not good IMO
    2. Story does come across as over the top with all the love interests being OK with each other, but this has been done before on other games and guess it works if you ignore that big part :LOL:
    3. Duration/timeline does make me wonder if pregnancy is actually a thing at all and not simply an idea. Much happens in a short amount of time, yet the pregnancy angle will need to time actually "show". This adds toward more updates and more content being needed else this game could be drawn out...
    4. Apart from pregnancy (which is still not really a thing in this game yet IMO) there are no real kinks which is a shame really, it can do with a lot more.
    TLDR: Overall a decent game with good models, renders and story seems interesting enough, not earth shattering. The updates don't seem frequent enough though and content is little for the amount of time the game has been out. I would rate it 3.5, but I can't rate it 4 due to the slow development timeline.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall great game. Engaging story and characters. Excellent creampie renders for those who enjoy the creampie tag.

    For improvements, I would suggest using the latest genesis character models and improving on lighting for more realistic lighting, but I know shadows increase render times so that suggestion could be left out.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The game, in terms of story, starts out promising but quickly falls apart and the plot loses its purpose. The focus of the game is just to quickly build a harem without many questions. The good thing is that you can reject anyone you don't want in your harem. Ideal for those who don't like slow-paced games. I just think the game falters in rendering; sometimes the models look like they were made with 2017 tools.

    In summary, it's a classic, average harem game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is an Alright title but just alright. The premise is interesting just like it's real world counterpart movie, it falls apart. I'm not knocking this title I think it is average though.

    The art and renders are poor, and feel like there from a game created in 2017. I find a few of the cast attractive but for the most part they mainly feel cheap, like the free pack from DAZ3D of what ever program these were created with. The Librarian is probably the best and the twins the worse.

    Also the MC feels kind of scummy and dumb even though he's supposed to be a mental giant with the pills. His (Daughter or whatever you defined her as gets attacked with a black eye and the first thing the MC does is sleep with her in his bed and take advantage of her that night. Really someone you care about (supposedly) and the first thing you do it molest her in her sleep. That just feels dumb. Also the black eye effect goes on far to long, there is makeup to cover that shit up you wouldn't leave it like that for days and days.

    The SHOTA style for the twins and a few other characters are poor. They need some art classes or a new render artist altogether. The angles and animation are OK at best but amateurish OK.

    If this is your first VN you may like it far better than i do but if you have been viewing VN's for awhile you may want to pass this one.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Day6 Part3


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    Ability to choose which girls you enter into a relationship with, you also have influence over the dom/sub relationship.
    Good expressions and poses
    Matching music
    Choice of whether girls are bi or hetero
    Possible threesomes both mmf and ffm

    No choices during the story
    Zero character building of the girls, we choose if we want to have a relationship with them the moment we see them
    Girls are deeply in love the moment they look at the MC
    Uncorrected bug from the previous version, if we don't get into a relationship with Naomi, Mia will still ask us if we want to get into a relationship with someone else besides her and Libby, even though the girls have never met, and the main character doesn't know her either, because he just walked by her, so he doesn't even know her name.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    [Day 6 Part 3] You're a bum separated from your family when a chance encounter puts you into possession of a drug that, when taken daily, unlocks your brain's potential, enhances your senses, and gives you pheromones that make you irresistible to women. How lucky! Now use these god-like gifts to seduce every woman in sight!

    The women are beautiful and varied. The game has a strong emphasis on incest relationships and pregnancy. The story is basic, an unrealistic fantasy that in no way represents reality, but that is totally fine. It's fun to go through the game and just KNOW everything and FUCK every hot woman. The game is linear with choices on who to date throughout (or just pick them all like I did). No filler content or grinding, and the game comes with a built in walkthrough mod highlighting the best choices!

    The game's graphics aren't the best I've seen, but the dev puts a lot of work into the animations! There are plentiful animations that play out smoothly with lots of attention to details such as emoting faces and the movement of sexy body parts. This, besides the kinky situations, is what helps put this game above others in its genre.

    A great game and a fun time. Play it!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    gotta say, the story is very straightforward but in a perfect way, no dragging around the narrative, a fair amount of puss to bang, and managed to keep the story engaging. the game allows u to choose between a sub or dom approach toward women like most VN but with a little more options than others, but what I love the most is the fact that mc isn't pussy about banging any woman he wants without beating around the bushes too much. but the best thing about this game for me has to be the pregnancy knock-up content at the very beginning which is very rare to find in any VN and of coz u can choose not to if that is not ur cup of tea.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game offers an immersive and exciting experience that captivates from the first moment. The gameplay is fluid and easy to learn, allowing players of all levels to immerse themselves in the game world without difficulties. The graphics are stunning, with amazing details that bring each setting and character to life. The story is skillfully crafted, with unexpected twists and well-developed characters that keep the player's interest throughout. The music and sound are captivating, creating an immersive atmosphere that perfectly complements the action of the game and the animations are perfect.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    the story is the least boring. not much to be expected.
    after a while you know where everything is going and what to expect.
    and that is the good part.

    Now the bad part is the models and characters ( if any)
    no characters at all, just some pointless moving around, once to the left then to the right and lets fuck, just for fucking...
    just many empty shells, 5 mins after the first contact finding a place to shug.
    And at last , the models ? well what can you say to be exact , hmmmm
    lets just say that some faces look nice (but not in all of their expresions).
    the most of the time you have some very unatractive faces with very unatractive body shapes trying to imitate (unsucsessfuly) sex scenes ,
    with 3 to 5 renders. some times even 6..........................................
    Even if i played till the end , i have to confess that i skiped at least 50% of it.
    The choice is yours !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Update day 6 part 2:
    Story 5/5 Limitless was one of my favorite movie and an adult adaptation in my book gets full marks!
    Cast 4.5/5 The game is fairly new so we have to wait so far great cast!
    Game mechanics 4.5/5 well it's VN but with multiple routes as long as there's no big unfunny grind I will give full score.
    Overall I would have given 4.5 if only they had it but for now 5/5!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    + twins are best, hope to see more of them
    + girl-girl action, also hope for more in the future
    + not a slow burn
    + no cockblocking scenes
    + mc is not a stupid pathetic wimp (finally!!:cool:)
    + squirting
    + music

    - first person kissing scenes
    - sex scenes are too short
    - sometimes conversations are boring

    very short but good game, hope dev has plans for more threesome actions