Anyone knows how to trigger a rape of the FM from the male characters other than the Pervert? I have a Chaos village, and only one chaos male (
Leki/Lake) in the village currently, but I'm building to see if
Aredo (another chaos male) will move in from the inn or someone else will come in (I hope it's not the Takuya[?] kid that skedaddled, he was one of the L atmosphere's, I can't remember, and didn't seem the type; there's also the warewolf/lycanthrope dude waiting in the inn as well, but I believe he's Dark/Neutral;
is he a rapist?).
Does anyone know which male(s) rapes the FM and how to make it happen? I've studied Leki's travel patterns, he wakes up at 12, leaves his house around 13 to stand in the central area, sometimes with A-R (I have the robot bloke in the village, too, but he's Law/Neutral; Bonus, the two had a strange/cute scene at that time when I left the inn), I think I saw him at the north mining area once (with the dirt and trees to collect, but I'm not exactly sure, because A-R is usually there, and I might have confused them early game) then around 16-20, Leki hangs out at the bottom dock area on the second island (I should mention I have the 15 building extension island), after that, he's back home again, plus I usually sleep before 21 to get the early morning start to my day.
I've tried everything, particularly focusing on Leki since he's the only chaos male in my village, from standing around him (with and without other characters), sleeping next to him (by the book reading ability), to talking to him, attempting to put him in a happy mood (I believe when their sprites smile/blush, you picked a favorable option, especially when it chimes?), I've even attempted one of the flirt/heart options, but was rebuffed (

points with him was only around the 20s mark at the time), just to see if it would prompt anything.
I would finally like to state that I have a pretty good reputation to a lot of the people in my village, including these chaos bois (from just playing the game, and leveling them up to collect all the material needed to acquire the chaos atmosphere),
should I be going for a negative relationship with them? Or
should I try asking them out on a date? I've been avoiding that, in case this some how locks them out of the rape chance. Is this a date rape thing? Do I just have to stand about in the chaos setting for an extended time? (Is it a build up of days?)? Also,
is there rape in the dark atmosphere? (I've been grinding this game for a while, where I've got the buildings and decorations to bounce to whatever atmosphere I please, but I'm working for that C/D sweet spot, I don't know if I can have both???)
I'm really liking this game so far, love the Story of Seasons feel to it, but I honestly only downloaded it for the rape, and I'm Rape Baiting
TM® real hard over here!

Can anyone help a girl out? I've only encountered Pervert, and that's not exactly the incentive for wanting a Chaos atmosphere as a FM. (What a Booby Prize that would be!)