Loved it! All of it! I'm ready for the rest of the story Kinky Shop.

I made five saves in preparation for the next update, high paragon 4 para/2 chaos, high chaotic 2 para/5 chaotic and a neutral save at 3/3. In those saves I played Dane at 8 love, 5 lust, corruption 3 and Exhibition 3. Then I made a 100% paragon save with Marco at 6 paragon, zero chaotic and Danna a total angel with 12 love and zero in the other three stats and finished with an utter chaos save with Marco at 6 chaotic and Dane with zero love, 10 lust, 4 corruption and 3 exhibitionism. So, I am ready for whatever insane endings you have in store, my friend. I am looking forward to the next update with gun loaded, ready for all the action.

Notes: I too noticed the grammar issues. However, it wasn't nearly as noticeable as most of the VN titles I've played. Let me know if you would like a hand with editing. You can email me at
[email protected] and we can discuss that. Not looking for a paycheck, just a friendly assist with grammar and sentence structure in exchange for early access to all the latest work. Fair enough? Just let me know. I'm way too poor to afford patreon donations so I offer fair trade instead because I really enjoy your work.

Live long and prosper, Vin

Duca Vincello Balthazar