Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
To TL8ez:
- Thank you for your input on the body hair issue. I am feeling inclined to go with it.
- I just rendered a hairless version, but it sucked... a lot. It doesn't have any resemblance with what we have on the real world. Only a plastic model for boys who knows the thing only through porn.

To LouWill:
- I really love suggestions. If they are honest, direct, respectiful and valuable as yours even better!
1) I intend to add specific renders there to make it more dinamic. Scenes from his past and stuff.
2) I understand that I might have overkilled with the level of detail in explanation. Will try to make that better.
3) There is a button screen already on top right that shows you that. The idea of removing the indication of what gives what on the decisions is valid though.
4) That's where it gets tricky. I'm brazilian and this kind of job is expensive around here. If anyone who reads this feels inclined to lend a "free of charge" helping hand I would gladly accept.
- LouWill, once more thank you so much man.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Just tried this and I like it a lot so far. Looks promising to me.
Some remarks/pros/cons below in random order:

- Seems like you put some thought in the backstory of the MC & the girl which is great!
- Love the characters. They look... 'real'? Hair (all of it) looks really good and I really like the fact you see some hair on the girl too; it is only natural to have hair on arms etc. Good job imo and I honestly do not think a furry tag is needed at all. Girls have hair, just like men. Deal with it :)
- Having said that, most girls shave their legs but maybe this one is different :)
- Not sure if I like the black background renders, sort of ruins the 'immersion' maybe.. not sure yet :) I understand why you did it though.
- I'd say to get rid of the chit chat regarding those renders mid game, feels out of place to me
- Spellcheck it in Word or something as right of the bat I saw quite a few errors; budy, counciousness as two quick examples. You don't really need to have someone do a spellcheck for you. Just ask people here to help you kill them and use a spellchecker by copy pasting all your text in e.g. Word and let it check it for you. It will not kill all of the errors, but quite a lot of them for sure.
- Most of all, do NOT try and please everyone here. We all have opinions and to listen to them all, will only give you a lot of extra work and a headache and possibly even drain your energy and eventually ruin the game. Make the game like you want it and only fine-tune it here or there if you see something you really agree with, or is easy to do and doesn't ruin the story, or the game you wanted to create.
- More most of all, have fun and thank you for the game so far!



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
Just tried this and I like it a lot so far. Looks promising to me.
Some remarks/pros/cons below in random order:

- Love the characters. They look... 'real'? Hair (all of it) looks really good and I really like the fact you see some hair on the girl too; it is only natural to have hair

they do not look real they look "Natural" and with that not in a good way that is all.
you saw that the girl has hairs everywhere right?? right???. there are not just "some" hairs there :eek:
like a fur growing there.
yep a ballerina sure is like that and her employers sure are amazed by her look when she dances in a theatre.
come on be serious and think realistic here that look would disgust any audience watching that ballerina dance.
and not just "most" girls shave their legs it happens less with older age but until age of 50 there are at least 90-95 Percent of the womans in the civilized world that take care of their body hairs.
i know what i am talking about i am one of them :p
that is just part of the girls stuff routine believe me with that we females are almost all the same no matter if at age 15 or 30 or 50 they are all in to the woman stuff.
it sure exist a hair fetish but that is the same with everything in that department,that is only a minority.the most part of them all would react disgusted with a woman looking like that in our modern time.
maybe that was erotic and sexy 200 years ago or whatever but not in the year 2020.

airliquid i you will decide to go with that than i wish you good luck,you will need it then when you want to make money with that.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
they do not look real they look "Natural" and with that not in a good way that is all.
you saw that the girl has hairs everywhere right?? right???. there are not just "some" hairs there :eek:
like a fur growing there.
yep a ballerina sure is like that and her employers sure are amazed by her look when she dances in a theatre.
come on be serious and think realistic here that look would disgust any audience watching that ballerina dance.
and not just "most" girls shave their legs it happens less with older age but until age of 50 there are at least 90-95 Percent of the womans in the civilized world that take care of their body hairs.
i know what i am talking about i am one of them :p
that is just part of the girls stuff routine believe me with that we females are almost all the same no matter if at age 15 or 30 or 50 they are all in to the woman stuff.
it sure exist a hair fetish but that is the same with everything in that department,that is only a minority.the most part of them all would react disgusted with a woman looking like that in our modern time.
maybe that was erotic and sexy 200 years ago or whatever but not in the year 2020.

airliquid i you will decide to go with that than i wish you good luck,you will need it then when you want to make money with that.
So you are a girl and you talk about girls like this... 'it would disgust any audience'
Like, are you serious?
If you think that
A) you can see body hair from 3-5 meters away (approximate distance between the stage and the first seats) and be disgusted by it you are living in a different world than I do. I cannot see the body hair on my friends body unless I am 1m away from her and focus on it. We are not talking actual fur here, we are talking about normal body hair which every girl has. I know many girls that have arm hair that you can't see unless the sun shines on it or a light is focused on it like in the renders.
B) people would actually be disgusted by it, then imo your image of the world is broken. And it probably got broken by dumb tutorials, magazines, shitty programs on TV, and so on.

So looking at my friend circle, all the girls indeed shave their legs except for 2 lucky ones as they have like hardly any hair on their legs and the ones they do have are fine and thin:mad:. You can probably still see them if you look closely and with the right lighting though. Also most of the other girls have body hair (not talking about eyebrows and legs and bikini stuff here) and don't do shit about it, 'cept for the stashes and weird witch hairs growing on chins lol. Maybe you wax or shave your arms and legs and bikini line/area etc, but if you think everyone does then you are dead wrong and most of my male friends are very happy with how their gf's are and don't believe they should be 100% hairless from head downwards.
Btw, there are also quite a few (porn)models out there with 'normal' hair and 'normal' bikini hair.

I guess you and I simply are completely different in our views on the topic of 'taking care of body hair' and have different experiences :) and that is fine, but please do not think most people will be disgusted by a little body hair. If you have a bf or gf or friend that is disgusted by it, well then they suck.

Anyway in regards to the game, sure I can see you find it a little much. I thought it is a breath of fresh air. Though note, that I do not like actual furry stuff or games... thought I had to make that clear haha.

Take care


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2017
So you are a girl and you talk about girls like this... 'it would disgust any audience'
Like, are you serious?
If you think that
A) you can see body hair from 3-5 meters away (approximate distance between the stage and the first seats) and be disgusted by it you are living in a different world than I do. I cannot see the body hair on my friends body unless I am 1m away from her and focus on it. We are not talking actual fur here, we are talking about normal body hair which every girl has. I know many girls that have arm hair that you can't see unless the sun shines on it or a light is focused on it like in the renders.
B) people would actually be disgusted by it, then imo your image of the world is broken. And it probably got broken by dumb tutorials, magazines, shitty programs on TV, and so on.

So looking at my friend circle, all the girls indeed shave their legs except for 2 lucky ones as they have like hardly any hair on their legs and the ones they do have are fine and thin:mad:. You can probably still see them if you look closely and with the right lighting though. Also most of the other girls have body hair (not talking about eyebrows and legs and bikini stuff here) and don't do shit about it, 'cept for the stashes and weird witch hairs growing on chins lol. Maybe you wax or shave your arms and legs and bikini line/area etc, but if you think everyone does then you are dead wrong and most of my male friends are very happy with how their gf's are and don't believe they should be 100% hairless from head downwards.
Btw, there are also quite a few (porn)models out there with 'normal' hair and 'normal' bikini hair.

Anyway in regards to the game, sure I can see you find it a little much. I thought it is a breath of fresh air. Though note, that I do not like actual furry stuff or games... thought I had to make that clear haha.

Take care
a : why should i not talk about that just like this???
ok maybe not anybody but most or many would be not amused about seeing a dancing ballerina with a fur because that is 100% not what they are expecting to see there.
but i dont meant "normal" or little bodyhair that needs to be taken care of,and i am surley not disgusted by that kind of body hair.

of course woman exist that don´t need that kind of treatment because they have not so much "natural" body hair.
some have more and some have less or next to is how it is some are lucky but the most are not.

Waxing..... NEVER that hurts like hell at some places ;)

I guess you and I simply are completely different in our views on the topic of 'taking care of body hair' and have different experiences :) and that is fine, but please do not think most people will be disgusted by a little body hair. If you have a bf or gf or friend that is disgusted by it, well then they suck.
probably but if we talk about a "little" i would have never written that text here. i would say medium to a lot to fur size that is the "disgusting" part not a little bit with you can hardly see that is not what i wanted to tell here.

but the most important part of why woman do that is the personal hygiene part for the most of them.
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Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
To BurningSun:
Man I am grateful for your honest opinion and advices you provided me.

To Steinchen:
Also thank you so much for your thoughts on the fur subject.

Thank you both guys for puting such a heart into this discussion. I've been into a personal strugle about this particularly controversial issue and it's not easy to como with a solution that pleases two worlds so apart from each other.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
a : why should i not talk about that just like this???
Because I think that it is not true and I believe no one should ever be disgusted about anyone. That is just a horrible thing to say or do to anyone. Imagine how you would feel if some guys or girls would tell you that you look disgusting, or would let you know that they think you look disgusting by their looks etc. It would make you feel horrible.

That is why I wrote that.

Haha yeah waxing hurts lol I know ;)

I guess what you find a lot and what I find a little is worlds apart :D Hence our discussion.

To BurningSun:
Man I am grateful for your honest opinion and advices you provided me.

To Steinchen:
Also thank you so much for your thoughts on the fur subject.

Thank you both guys for puting such a heart into this discussion. I've been into a personal strugle about this particularly controversial issue and it's not easy to como with a solution that pleases two worlds so apart from each other.
Yeah like I said, never try to please everyone on this forum :) Stick to what you wanted to do and what makes you feel happy and then maybe tweak that or adjust that accordingly.

Good luck!
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Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
The scenes are pretty nice, I love how the corruption system works. But the talking of the Novelist to explain the situation I see right in front of me goes on and on and on, it's like watching a porn movie on mute while a storyteller tells you exactly what you're seeing :ROFLMAO: Like the very beginning, those were a lot of thoughts for such an early morning.

I like this game though, gonna follow it and if it gets even better I'll back it on Patreon. I think it'll be worth it.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2019
"Genre: Pregnancy"
"This game is heavily choice driven where each choice counts, so choose wisely."
Pregnancy in now or pregnancy planned down the road?
Is the prego content (lactation? pregnant sex?) going to be on all routes or is this something I need to wait for a walkthrough on?

Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
To Darth Sidious:
- Hello Darth, big fan of the dark side by the way. Thanks for your input. I will be more carefull with the novelist thing and try not to overkill with it in the future. About the beggining I intend to make things more smooth by adding images to his memories so it gets less heavy on the reading itself.

To libertypics:
- At this early stage of the story there is just impregnation chance. I already fixed the tag. Sorry for that. The prego stuff will come in the future as the story evolves.
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Active Member
Mar 17, 2019
Dlove variable missing in the love path in the corruption fork.

Good start after going through with love and lust paths (not the mixed path though). But, as someone already commented, writing needs love in the form of spellchecking and/or proofreading. I'd change the tag "Novelist" to "Narrator" because he is narrating or letting the audience to know what is happening. A novelist is someone who writes novels/books.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2018
guys I really liked this game I found it very intense and with a lot of good dialogue and being able to see the thoughts of the people what they are feeling at that moment is fantastic...i'm tired of games women just moan and nothing more without thoughts without talking naughtiness this game is very exciting to read ...
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Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Hello guys,

To monksims:
_ Thanks man, gonna check into that variable. I also liked the input on the Novelist thing. Gonna change that also. Gonna do a Spellcheck also for the next update. Thank you.

To crisbr:
- Thank you so much for your love man! Thank you also for believing in my work and joinning as a patron!


Active Member
Jan 23, 2019
To libertypics:
- At this early stage of the story there is just impregnation chance. I already fixed the tag. Sorry for that. The prego stuff will come in the future as the story evolves.
Gotcha and thanks for replying.
If/when you add more to it make sure to re-add that tag, especially if there's some guidance how to get to it I'll give it a go then. :)
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