The samples and tags made me come. And the result is correct but too short to really asses it.
The worldbuilding is limited but fitting.
The characters are few and different.
The plot is vague and could go everywhere.
The art is very simple and do the job.
We arrive in another kingdom to start our life over.
To see how the game was working, I let myself be guided and have accepted whatever was presented to me.
So I've gone through the character creation : simple and easy to use so good work. Some elements don't have enough choices (for example, some prefer men with longer hair), some have only one so they shouldn't appear, some aren't shown on the paper doll (like freckles or foot size). I would like some body hair if possible (outside face and public hair).
Examined each location : their description is well done, maybe too short sometimes but will there be something useful to do with that?
Talked to each character : is there a way to know if a conversation is useful or just chit chat outside quest ones?
Completed the only quest implemented : it's easily done by following the conversations but its description in the quest log is well made too. Thanking them for their answer should be available but not obligatory (being polite or not left to the player), participating in building the relationships. Will some NPC, like the soldier or the medic, be always without portrait? Also are there consequences for refusing a quest?
The combat system is simple and very similar to Lust Hunter.
It would have been interesting to have one sex scene to know how it'll work. Romance, casual, group sex? Do NPCs have a say in it or are they just sex dolls?
The characters are nice. No asshole yet.
The system is well made but an explanation of how everything works should be available (for exemple, is there a bonus for many clothes in one of the 3 attributes?).
How do we gain anything outside shops? Like attributes, cards, talents, fetishes? Can we lose them?
The accessories and equipment should be separated, specially if they serves different purposes.
There are some boxes that are empty (the dagger at the shop and some equipment).
Is male pregnancy a possibility?
You should add a default name for those that don't self insert in games.
Overall, I'm interested in this game since a bi playthrough seems possible.
So nothing sexual about the combat? Just strictly fighting?

Btw you can have sexual content in the combat without encouraging losing.
Really, sexual combat outside only teasing?
And usually, the one that wins rapes the one that loses.
Played it, saved, came back in a few hours, said my save was from another device and could be malicious, said to load it anyways, doesn't load, lost all my progress, uninstalled.
No problem with mine. Also, the game isn't that big that losing progress is an issue yet.
Good continuation.