The type of game you're desperate to find something similar after finishing. I'm not a fan of classes, I skiped them. There are a lot of characters, and in the end, half of them were completely uninteresting to me. I didn't really like that the girls were jumping on MC, at least the other characters notice it too. Dev introduced a lot of love interests, but it's still a long way from revealing their characters. That's why I liked MCs best friend the most, with whom there are almost no romantic scenes.
The game has good graphics and background not empty and eye-catching. Atmosphere is decent too. So, I'll rate it 5, but tbh it's max 4 rn
The friendship dynamics you make with your class are very well written, and it stands out from other VNs. I also think that the LIs are very interesting and i'll have a hard time choosing between them. Miranda especially, their dynamic is so unique to this genre that i'll need to make a new save just to be more selfless, because i was really captivated by her.
The only issues are the animations for chapter one, i don't know if it was my pc but they were a little clunky and "powerpointy", but the issue was resolved as of chapter 2. Also they are incredibly pretentious with the law subject, since they are all like "i'll change the world", but i have a lot of friends who studied law, and let me tell you all, they are EXACTLY like that lol. There are also just a few sex scenes, so if you're "fap heavy" you'll maybe have an issue with it, but i personally don't care at all, i play AVNs solely for the story.
Keep it up, i'll really look forward to next updates
I played more than 50 games so far i think and i can say that this is the best one by far.Dev made every character with passion thats for sure.Everyone has story and personality and some of them are very deep... I cant wait to play the next update and i wish you all the best.
The MC gets really annoying after some time in my opinion. I don't know if this is intentional and he will evolve, but for now he takes himself way to seriously and is overall too "perfect". Normally I wouldn't even notice this because in most games dialogues are ass anyway, but here the writing and story is generally quite good and seems to be a focus of the game, so this is really noticable and hurts what would otherwise be a good VN.
Nobody would actually react positively if someone always mentions how hardworking, smart and morally perfect they are or how much they hate bullies and protect the weak. People would just think you are pretentious asshole.
Other than that, renders are very good and all characters are quite pretty and unique. The animations are only okay though.
Edit: Also the thing with the recap pictures is weird.
I only came across this recently and man, what a game. The protagonists (and antagonists) have depth and are well thought out, thus far. There's some intellectual heft to the game, you should really be paying attention AND the renders are bloody good too. The dev actually seems to be concentrating on building a world with sex in it, rather then building some far-fetched harem bollocks with some world in it. I have subscribed to the dev in the hope that he or she continues the very good work. Easy 5*.
Solid game, I'd say 9/10 but I like the whole law school and intellectual settings which make this unique so 9.5/10 overall.
I like the selflessness concept, but I haven't feel the impact quite yet, I guess that's to be expected since it's only 2 episodes so far.
The LIs are diverse, some are great, some are a bit lackluster, maybe they will be more developed later I hope. I love Rose in episode 1, she's fun and adorable, but I don't know why in episode 2 she's kinda...undecided? like the dev plan to make her one of the main LI but at the same time it's not? I hope she will become one of the main LI too, kinda wasted if she doesn't. Then Lana, is she a side LI or a main one? She's too dull right now imo.
Overall episode 2 is great and all but what's the heck is wrong with Liam? right now all I can think of him is that he's a two faced bastard who only nice to girls. I don't care if he get bullied or cucked by some handsome tall guy in high school but his attitude sucks big time and It's kinda piss me off that girls, including Rose sides with him.
As a VN this game is really good. Solid dialogue, great renders, decent pacing, interesting story.
As an AVN it's lacking. No tension or build up, scenes are way too short, and most so far just feel arbitrary, don't add anything and are kinda boring.
Damn after such a long time i got to play college setting avn MC like this one
Not some pathetic wimp short guy, with a 15 inch baseball bat hanging between his legs and all girls swarming around to have a go with it
Much realistic plot here, especially with girls since you gotta work hard to get their attention
Mc is tall, handsome and has a proper backbone, not letting anyone walk over him. Thats enough for me to give this game a 5 star since its rare too see mcs like these in school setting avns.
great graphics , great story , long good content per episode
I am not good into details , is my first rating with words ( i wanted to rate many things on here but i don t know why i need to write long text )
Very good. I hope MC would hade more Rose content .
Not gonna lie this game is up there in production value with Being a DIK with much lower patron numbers. Kinda goes to show how passionate MisterMaya is about this project which is amazing to see especially since we get regular updates and a lot of posts are surpisingly free on his patreon too!
I love what I see and I'm going to be donating to see this project prosper!
Good start and fair amount of content, considering we are only 2 episodes in.
Writing is good, although MC has some cringe lines (when convincing dean for example), but it wasn't anything deal breaking.
Girls are hot and fun to talk to. Miranda is my fav, but Tylor and Elsa are also yummers.
I know it's a school setting and I'm a rare case, but I could do with less alcohol obsession (since I hate alcohol). The event in episode 2 was just fine without it. So it's not hard to guess that I find Alan annoying, haha.
Speaking of annoyance, I find Aurora even more annoying and the fact that MC is spineless and can't say no to her movie event.
I hope we get to bang dean at some point.
Anyway, it's more like strong 4 star atm, but fuck it, it's 5 star for Miranda.
I've played the first episode when it came out and the last two days I played the second episode. With the lenghty sizes of the updates, I think a review makes sense
I'll just use bullet points, so there's no wall of text.
The good (imo):
Great renders and great use of colours. Everything looks very clean and you can notice right away the dev has experience (in this case his earlier game, The Entrepeneur)
Subjective, but so many amazing looking girls to choose from. Aurora, Taylor, Rose just to name three, but every girl looks great. Even background characters Loved the introduction of the goth looking girl aswell, though I hate tats, so unfortunately she's out
Lengthy updates. This obviously has a downside aswell: relatively long waiting times for each update. Quality takes time, sadly.
Fun characters. Everyone is fun to hang around with, girls and boys.
Good to great animations, though sometimes it does feel like an animation is cut short/end abruptly.
Good sense of humor/jokes
Very sexy renders (plenty of upskirts, ass shots, lewd scenes). I disagree with some people that say it lacks sexy content so far, there's plenty of it.
I was worried it would be a bit too vanilla/bland, but one lewd scene in episode 2 has taken some worries about this away (
Gary Stu. The main character is by far the weakest link in this avn. He's just too perfect, every girl loves him right of the bat. And he's good at everything, I would hate a person like this in real life. He's great at studying, he's great at sex, he's great at making conversation in and out of class, boys love him aswell (except two 'rivals', for reasons yet unknown (which is fine)). I don't think I ever had a more Gary Stu like mc in an avn and it annoys me. And ofcoruse he's well build, tall, big dick, great at basketball (god i hate basketball). I think even God would be jealous of how great the mc is and you lose all sense of realism because of this. Yeah yeah it's a avn no need for realism blabla, I don't agree. The writer has shown he's capable of great stuff and good character writing/characterization, but I think he really dropped the ball with the mc.
Coming from Law School myself (granted not in the USA, but in the Netherlands) and having graduated: even though some dialogue is great and witty, when the dialogue becomes more serious, it's so... well, cringy. Everyone';s always talking about wanting to become the best lawyer ever, becoming a force for good, blabla. It's nauseating, how pretentious some people talk, including the main character. After a mock trial, everything is talking about how great the mc was.. having done mock trials myself: no one gives a shit about those, it was just another assigment for us and after it was done, we all just wanted to grab a alcoholic drink. I think the writer really needs to tone down the eagerness of all the students. A class will always have one or two overachievers, but in this game, everyone seems to be 'that overachieving boring kid in the front who sucks up to the teacher' kind of person.
No alcohol on campus rule. Maybe because it's apperently set in the USA, but I'm so tired of this. When I studied, we were all 18+ and we could drink as much as we wanted on campus. Hell, from 19:00 hour, even the official and university owned bar on campus started selling alcohol and every event on campus had ofcourse.. alcohol.
I think the game has the potential to be a 5 star game. I wanted to give it 5 stars, but I just changed it to 4, because the issues I have with some of the writing and the way too perfect mc is just too much to ignore. I really hope the writer tones down Mr. Pleasant and makes him a little less of a well respected man. Then again, it might be just me and if the majority of the fans like the perfect mc, well, who am I to want a change.
Despite my major gripes with some aspects of the game, it's a quality product with great renders, amazing girls and bro's, some witty dialogue and characteristics and plenty of sexy renders and lewd scenes. However, the weak mc (as in he's way too perfect thus boring) and the for me immersion breaking dialogue when people talk about their wants and dreams, keep it from being 5 stars. I really hope it changes in the future, because I do want to give this 5 stars. The potential is def. there.
I wishlisted it for steam and recommend you do the same, to support the dev. Depending on ep3, I will sub to his Patreon aswell if he keeps this quality up or even better: improves.
I usually don't like to give bad reviews, but as much as I tolerated the story in ep. 1 because I know it usually gets better especially after the players feedback.... well ep. 2 is an insult to the players intelligence.
If in episode one the characters personality and traits was being developed, in episode 2 all girls are brainless sluts that throw themselves at MC, the thing is if the story was GREAT you could tolerate the AVERAGE sex scenes, and likewise if you had GREAT sex scenes you could tolerate and AVERAGE story... well ep. 2 has average sex scenes with average story which is just average and boring.
And, if you can't write an erotic script for a sex scene, better to just not dirty the sex scene with insulting dialog, yeah I am talking about Lana sex scenes in episode 2, especially the second one.
I stopped playing after the planning for next party in episode 2, couldn't take it anymore, I felt my braincells yawning and screaming SKIP SKIP.
The dev has experience from success with his previous game and it very much shows in his newest product. This is the first AVN I've played in a while where I sat down for hours and lost track of time playing through it in a while.
This should go to credit the writing, renders, animations, and overall great feel to the game. Nothing felt out of place, jarring, or discouraging enough for me to stop playing.
I particularly love this as an actual law student and thought the dev did really well with that side of the game. Highly recommend and look forward to more updates.
I like this game that it's not all about the sex, but also about the story.
So far, my favorite character is Elsa, she is really beautiful. Although there is still no love plot so far(Chapter 1 - Episode 2), but the flirting interaction is very good, very much looking forward to the MC and her story development.
The only weaknesses I feel is there is no sound effects in love scene, not at all, just background music only. The lack of voice-overs from the actors is a slight minus, but it's acceptable. However, the lack of sound effects really reduces the immersion by a huge margin.
Since there are no sound effects or dubs, but the storytelling and the beauty of the characters are very good, this is my second favorite, although it still can't shake my number one “Freshwomen”.
There is not much more to say about this game than what has been said so far.
My personal opinion would be this: The girls are all beautiful and very likeable. I have trouble choosing one of them .....
I, for one, would highly recommend this game.
It is definitely worth playing!
This is truly one of the best in its category. Below are some key highlights that make it stand out as both unique and exceptionally high-quality:
Superb Writing: The narrative strikes a perfect balance between humor and seriousness, making it an absolute delight to read.
Seamless Blend of Styles: It masterfully combines realistic and cartoonish/comedic elements, creating a unique and engaging tone.
Exceptional Characters: The characters are beautifully crafted, distinct, and memorable. Each has a unique way of expressing themselves, making them easy to differentiate and adding depth to the story.
Stunning Visuals: The renders are breathtaking—top-tier quality with a focus on lively and intricate details. This attention to detail greatly enhances the overall experience, making it visually captivating.
Engaging Storyline: The plot is immersive and keeps you hooked from start to finish.
This game is a masterpiece. Unlike The Entrepreneur, which I found very boring, it's perfect in all aspects.
The story is very captivating, the girls are beautiful with realistic personality and the whole gameplay is very realistic. Up to the point that you can actually learn something about American law.
I haven't checked yet how the decisions impact the story but you can surely decide which girls are of your interest and how to treat them and you can shape the character of the protagonist with your choices.