Fan Art Laura: Lustful Secrets: Fan Art

Johnny Dough

Jun 19, 2024
Okay, so face morph is maybe unmodified g3f? That's worth noting.
Why nothing? If the base morph it's a plain G3F base, it's a plain G3F base... Like the main girl from Acting Lesson (Maggie, if I'm not mistaken) who's just plain G3F base with FW McKenzie skin... You just load the G3F and apply the skin... Voilà, you have your model (sorry... my bad... I'm mongo... he said "noting" and not "nothing"). About the hair, sorry, but I mistyped its name: it's Eilis and not Ellis, and you can find it here.

Yes, but I can tell there are also extra morphs for the ass and breast at the very least. So what morph pack and what settings are also used.
Honestly, I never use those specific "breast morphs" or "asses morphs"... You can recreate all body typed with the base morphs (which everyone should have either for fanart or personal use) and the Zev0's one (idem). Of course, you'll have to do some work, but that's life (and, in the end, it's easier than to find an specific ass or breast morph that's like searching a needle in the haystack). I'll list those morphs here for G3F but everyone working with Daz should also have the G8F ones (or any other generation they use) and the male counterparts (and, though you're talking about bodies, I'm listing the head ones to because they're good for fine-tuning).
EDIT: kinda contradicting myself about what I said about specific bodies or body part morphs, I think those GuhzCoituz morphs are worth a try. There are a few around here (listed from the most likely too the less likely):
There are also some part presets, though I'd try those bodies above first:
Again, you can create any those shapes with Zev0's shape shift (the base morphs lack some dials), but, if you can have a jumpstart, why not?
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Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Why nothing? If the base morph it's a plain G3F base, it's a plain G3F base... Like the main girl from Acting Lesson (Maggie, if I'm not mistaken) who's just plain G3F base with FW McKenzie skin... You just load the G3F and apply the skin... Voilà, you have your model. About the hair, sorry, but I mistyped its name: it's Eilis and not Ellis, and you can find it here.

Honestly, I never use those specific "breast morphs" or "asses morphs"... You can recreate all body typed with the base morphs (which everyone should have either for fanart or personal use) and the Zev0's one (idem). Of course, you'll have to do some work, but that's life (and, in the end, it's easier than to find an specific ass or breast morph that's like searching a needle in the haystack). I'll list those morphs here for G3F but everyone working with Daz should also have the G8F ones (or any other generation they use) and the male counterparts (and, though you're talking about bodies, I'm listing the head ones to because they're good for fine-tuning).
I said "worth noting" as in "to note"... I did not say "nothing"

Johnny Dough

Jun 19, 2024