Great job thus far lying down the foundation of a really enjoyable game about a horny shipmate on a stranded spaceship - with several other women, of course. It's already enjoyable enough to play through in this early stage, as it is. I really look forward to the release! I think you should have no problem getting several hours of playtime as you figure out how things work and unlock the current content. It seems that the developers are planning for a game that's much longer than many extant h-/sex games, which personally excites me. And the exciting thing is that the nature of the game doesn't seem to limit it to just unlocking animations.
An abstract for this title would probably mention that it's a game of schedules and relationships. There is a day-night system and weekly calendar, and the other ship tenants have varying schedules based on the day. If you'd like, you can purchase an optional schedule from a store using currency that can be farmed daily via a once-a-day mini-game reminiscent of asteroids, but with 3 degrees of freedom. The schedule you purchase allows you to determine where each lady will be at certain times, and what their appointed task is. Otherwise, it's left for you to explore and figure out.
Much of the game's content relies on the schedules, which aren't wholly rigid. As your relationships grow, as you buy/unlock new items, and as you progress the story, the things the girls do can and will change. (Nothing seems to ever be lost though, so no worries about never getting to see an animation or scenario unfold again.) You can also trigger special events which have branching results which hinge on your choices.
Other than adding polish (like in remedying how walking feels rather unconvincing at the moment), I'd say there are other small things that could make the game feel more immersive. For one, as the women walk about, they feel and look like robots on a single-minded mission. (Definitely not endemic to this game, however.) Adding a little more irregularity to their actions, and maybe some facial/head animations, could go a really long way! It's been a little while since I played, but I don't recall if there's any sound to their footsteps. Also, the ship's rooms can feel a bit lifeless and barren at the moment; adding a little more (interactable?) decor that's characteristic of each woman could further spruce up their rooms, and also make the common areas feel a little more lived in. Depending on your actions and choices, seeing things physically change around the ship would also be great.
There are scenes or actions you are bound to repeat as you experiment during progression. I am fine with this at bottom, but there could be a bit more variation to them for added spice and unpredictability. Helping a girl solve the same problem in the same way multiple times is a bit cheesy!
Maybe sometimes when she's working on the ship, there's a task she might need help with that's chosen (perhaps at random) from an array of potential tasks. Each one wouldn't even have to demand it's own cute or sexy scene; it could be a simple exchange that helps further your relationship!
Overall, I'd say you owe it to yourself to check this one out sometime. Hopefully it will only continue to get better. (The upcoming content it teases definitely makes it feel that it will.)
An abstract for this title would probably mention that it's a game of schedules and relationships. There is a day-night system and weekly calendar, and the other ship tenants have varying schedules based on the day. If you'd like, you can purchase an optional schedule from a store using currency that can be farmed daily via a once-a-day mini-game reminiscent of asteroids, but with 3 degrees of freedom. The schedule you purchase allows you to determine where each lady will be at certain times, and what their appointed task is. Otherwise, it's left for you to explore and figure out.
Much of the game's content relies on the schedules, which aren't wholly rigid. As your relationships grow, as you buy/unlock new items, and as you progress the story, the things the girls do can and will change. (Nothing seems to ever be lost though, so no worries about never getting to see an animation or scenario unfold again.) You can also trigger special events which have branching results which hinge on your choices.
Other than adding polish (like in remedying how walking feels rather unconvincing at the moment), I'd say there are other small things that could make the game feel more immersive. For one, as the women walk about, they feel and look like robots on a single-minded mission. (Definitely not endemic to this game, however.) Adding a little more irregularity to their actions, and maybe some facial/head animations, could go a really long way! It's been a little while since I played, but I don't recall if there's any sound to their footsteps. Also, the ship's rooms can feel a bit lifeless and barren at the moment; adding a little more (interactable?) decor that's characteristic of each woman could further spruce up their rooms, and also make the common areas feel a little more lived in. Depending on your actions and choices, seeing things physically change around the ship would also be great.
There are scenes or actions you are bound to repeat as you experiment during progression. I am fine with this at bottom, but there could be a bit more variation to them for added spice and unpredictability. Helping a girl solve the same problem in the same way multiple times is a bit cheesy!
Overall, I'd say you owe it to yourself to check this one out sometime. Hopefully it will only continue to get better. (The upcoming content it teases definitely makes it feel that it will.)