4.60 star(s) 60 Votes


New Member
Aug 4, 2023
Hi, it has been a long time since I last played the game and I lost most, if not all, of my remaining interest to work on this game after the shitshow I'd to deal with in this thread (you can't see it now in its entirety because the posts got deleted), but there were some changes I didn't agree with.
I'm impressed by your quick and detailed response regardless. :D
Naturally, I disagree with most things - otherwise I wouldn't have made those changes the way they are. But be ensured I don't want to bicker and I'm glad for the different perspective which has inspired me to make some further tweaks. In any case, thanks for your time.

  • I usually play with ascension 15 and strength-based decks work just fine with Amplify as a core card. But if you favor bleed to begin with I can see how strength seems even less appealing now. I think bleed is fine where it is, quite strong in act 2, with a noteable weak spot in act3 with debuff resistant enemies.
  • Not sure if I'd rather have Biting Wind or 2x Injury (1 mana, 2 damage + 4 bleed to a single target, common). Biting Wind is more swingy - sometimes you have 3 enemies, sometimes just 1 - and distributing the damage is less efficient than focusing a single enemy. Of course, Injury is pretty strong to begin with and the backbone of all bleed decks I'd wager.
  • Deep Kiss: Personally, I think it's still too weak. Not being able to discard cards can be quite the drawback as you are no longer able to get rid of basic attack/defense cards, which needs to be offset by your improved capability of waiting with key cards until the right moment. It synergizes well with some things (Mistress and Tranquility for example, or the 1 def per card in hand talent), but most of the time I'm not so impressed by its performance.
  • Estrus: True, but you need to cycle through your deck once before you can use it, in essence costing you 2 cards on top of being slow to use. Also, it's so much lust at once that you might suffer diminished returns (being over the maximum or just not needing as much at once). But I admit the buffs might be a bit too much, might turn it down to 6/8 or 5/7.
  • Heat Blood: It's the "2 mana - deal 4 (now 5) damage to everyone per stack of bleed, then remove all bleed" card. Yeah, probably still way too weak with all the setup required to make use of it.
  • Mana Residue: Note the upgraded card costs 0M again. I just figured for the unupgraded version "2 damage/card for 1M" would be a lot more viable than "1 damage/card for 0M" to build a deck around, but it also makes it less viable to just stash it into a random deck for some free 0M damage. My main grievance though is that it exhausts, thus you're unable to build a deck around it - might change that in the future.
  • Masochist: Hmm, I don't everything that costs hp must necesserily be bad, it's a tradeoff. Using the card draw and mana you might very well be able to block more damage, resulting in a net positive. It's more of a late-game card though, where losing 1hp is less important than not having the right cards in your hand, and I admit it too me a while to get to like it, too.
  • Nova: Fair, maybe I should downgrade the rarity to common and/or reduce hp loss to 1. At least then its a nice transitionary card for early fights.
  • Rising from Ash: Maybe, but it also takes ages (you need to play the other cards twice on top of playing Rising from Ash as overhead). Yeah, if you can pull it off you'll probably be in a comfortable situation, but for shorter fights it's just going to clog your hand.
  • Stoneskin: Fair, this card probably only exists to make a Pounce deck (dealing damage equal to own block). Especially the unupgraded version is super bad for everyone not already highly invested in defense, making it a tough pick. I think I will reduce toughness by 1 for the unupgraded version, but re-add some shield value.
  • Mistress: Maybe I didn't write it very clearly, but the upgraded version does not suffer from +2L cost. That is, basic version costs 5 lust (and extincts), the upgraded version costs 3 lust (and extincts). Originally, the basic version costed 3 lust (and extincts) and the upgraded version costed 3 lust (and had passive). Also keep in mind that passive lust generation is doubled with Balance Overhaul.
  • Time Delatation: Yeah, it's not much, but it's honest work. Nice defense early on when you're low on mana.
  • Tranquility: If you manage to have it on the same hand as Black Hole and Luck of the Draw, I think your skill in deck management should be rewarded. Because if you don't manage it well, +4 mana is probably way too much to be used for the remaining 4 cards on your hand, thus easily turning this into a dead card. Meanwhile, Luck of the Draw might be a dead card in a different hand because you didn't draw it together with Tranquility. Tradeoffs.
  • Twisted Love: I think you might be right, but note that the damage output of thorns varies drastically (some enemies multi-attack, others buff/bind/debuff a lot) and you cannot use it to focus a single enemy.
  • Chaos Seed: To be fair the debuffs pretty much suck as always (even though I removed the possibility of accidentially buffing your enemy) and the temporary card upgrade is the main appeal. Usefulness depends a lot on how upgraded your deck already is, I think - as a starter common it might be a bit too strong, might push it to uncommon.
  • Opportunist: Fair, I think it deserves a buff.
  • Strip Down: Well, it has the most powerful effects in the game, for multiple rounds in a row. To avoid the drawbacks stack it with itself or combine it with cards that don't rely on Defensive, like Echoes, Opportunist, Time Delatation or Stigma.
  • Heroes Cloak: I'd say it cannot be compared to Rising from Ash, it needs to be compared to other boss relics, and those are all pretty awesome (to be fair, I also buffed S-Excalibur and, indirectly, Clitoris Piercing).

I would like to do a lot more with talents, but sadly modifying them is often very difficult. But even if it were possible, with Devotion being a lot stronger than everything else it seems a lot more sensical for me to nerf Devotion instead of buffing all other talents.
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Dec 31, 2021
The thing about Deep Kiss is that it allows for you to keep shield cards around, so you rarely run into the issue that you get nearly all shield cards in a turn and then no shields in the next turn. According to my record, I had only one of them after using your mod (it's a hard card to come by), the damage received log was pretty small and it was also a hard mode win game.
With your change though, it's obviously useless to have more than one of them and it can negate the talent which grants you shields from non-used cards at the end of each turn.

Immortals can trivialize a lot of the longer fights, more so for early tough fights, like the Slave Trader boss. I think I'd two Rising from Ash in one of runs with your mod when I faced the Slave Trader, and it was a much easier battle because of stacking Defensive and Innate Shields.
There is also a bug with immortals, which I described it here: https://f95zone.to/threads/last-evil-v3-0-1-flametorch.47693/post-12335831 so the extra excessive immortals might be wasted, aswell as making it very difficult to get rid of negative extinct cards.

I would like to do a lot more with talents, but sadly modifying them is often very difficult. But even if it were possible, with Devotion being a lot stronger than everything else it seems a lot more sensical for me to nerf Devotion instead of buffing all other talents.
I assume the problem here is that some mechanics for talents are encapsulated deep within larger functions, making the Prefix and Postfix extensions from Harmony useless (having to resort to copy pasting the whole function).
While I am not actively developing for the game anymore, I went through a lot of its code and resources for this: https://f95zone.to/threads/last-evil-v3-0-1-flametorch.47693/post-12255407 so, if you need any help, just let me know.

EDIT: For Chaos Seed maybe you can do X random debuffs to enemy and Y random buffs to self?
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New Member
Aug 4, 2023
What do you mean with "it can negate the talent which grants you shield from non-used cards"? Shouldn't Deep Kiss synergize well with it?
True, its useless to have multiple, but it's a rare card anyhow. To be fair, for the same reason I probably didn't test it extensively either. Might make some test runs where I bump the rarity to common just to see how it fares with different decks.

Hehe, one could argue Immortal + negative extinct card does exactly as advertised. Just consider it a balancing factor. ;)
I'm fine with bumping the cost for Rising from Ash back up, but I cannot imagine lowering Immortal back to 1. In almost every case, that's so much worse than simply adding another copy of that extinct card! (yes, you might not find another copy, but come on)

Didn't know Struggle removes Purify btw, what a nasty bug.

Which reminds me: Do you use the Bindings Reimagined mod? Because I do and it might have quite an impact on the usefulness of thorns in general.

I assume the problem here is that some mechanics for talents are encapsulated deep within larger functions, making the Prefix and Postfix extensions from Harmony useless (having to resort to copy pasting the whole function).
While I am not actively developing for the game anymore, I went through a lot of its code and resources for this: https://f95zone.to/threads/last-evil-v3-0-1-flametorch.47693/post-12255407 so, if you need any help, just let me know.
That, and many effects were inside private functions IIRC. I don't see myself pouring a lot of time into Last Evil anymore, but thanks for the offer though!


Dec 31, 2021
What do you mean with "it can negate the talent which grants you shield from non-used cards"? Shouldn't Deep Kiss synergize well with it?
The +1 shield per card from Change of Plan only applies when cards are discarded at the end of the turn.

Your change only modifies its buff parameter to 99 (giving the preparation/no-discard buff 99 turns):
keyValuePair.Value.descTid = "You no longer discard cards from your hand.";
keyValuePair.Value.param[0].valueA = 99;
keyValuePair.Value.propensity = eSpellPropensity.e.Extinct;
keyValuePair.Value.grade = eGradeType.e.Unique;
keyValuePair.Value.creatorName = string.Empty;
keyValuePair.Value.costValue = (keyValuePair.Value.isUpgraded ? 1 : 3);
At BattleFramework.BattleFramework_Internal:
if (this._player.GetBuffCount(eBuffType.e.PREPERATION) > 0)
    this._player.AddBuffCount(eBuffType.e.PREPERATION, -1);
    yield return base.StartCoroutine(this.DiscardPlayerHand(true));
And if we look at BattleFramework.DiscardPlayerHand, we can observe that it's where it applies the bonus shield:
for (int nInd = activatedCount - 1; nInd >= 0; nInd = num2)
    if (bByTurnEnd)
        int talent = GameManager.Data.GetTalent("Survivor_PlanChange");
        if (talent > 0)
            TalentData data = SingletonBase<TalentTable>.Instance.GetData("Survivor_PlanChange");
            int num = talent * data.valueInt;
            this._player.SetShieldModify(num, true);

So yes, preparation doesn't trigger the talent at all because it doesn't invoke DiscardPlayerHand, but passives do. Passives have an extra condition inside the loop to skip them, but the the early talent check is still evaluated and executed as usual.
if (curSpell.propensity != eSpellPropensity.e.Passive)
    eSpellPropensity.e propensity = curSpell.propensity;
    if (propensity == eSpellPropensity.e.Volatility || propensity == eSpellPropensity.e.Action)
        this.AddSpellToDelete(uielement_HandCard, curSpell);
        this.AddSpellToGrave(curSpell, uielement_HandCard.CardRectTransform);
    if (this._deck_Hand.IsInRange(nInd))
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);

Hehe, one could argue Immortal + negative extinct card does exactly as advertised. Just consider it a balancing factor. ;)
Eh, I feel like it's a bug, immortals are buffs, not debuffs, and should not penalize you.

I'm fine with bumping the cost for Rising from Ash back up, but I cannot imagine lowering Immortal back to 1. In almost every case, that's so much worse than simply adding another copy of that extinct card! (yes, you might not find another copy, but come on)
I feel like the other way around, keep the reduced cost, but bring it back to 1, then give Heroes Cloak either 2 or 3 immortals.

Didn't know Struggle removes Purify btw, what a nasty bug.
As mentioned, not only does it remove purify, but it also negates the -1 constrained effect, which really sucks in the Slave Trader boss fight, if you don't know about this.
The issue happens because the -1 constrained effect is considered a debuff by the game. I was going to fix this, but meh, barely any gratitude around these parts but plenty of bickering and lecturing.

Which reminds me: Do you use the Bindings Reimagined mod? Because I do and it might have quite an impact on the usefulness of thorns in general.
No. Not only do I find bindings in this game annoying (spamming struggle and limited cards suck), but I always keep Temptation in my deck because of its uniqueness compared to the other cards, even if it's not as useful later in the game. Temptation + bindings on enemies that don't have AnimCombine animations is always going to be glitchy.

That, and many effects were inside private functions IIRC. I don't see myself pouring a lot of time into Last Evil anymore, but thanks for the offer though!
Private methods can be patched with Harmony as usual and you can invoke private methods through reflection in C#.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2023
The +1 shield per card from Change of Plan only applies when cards are discarded at the end of the turn.
I'd definitely call that a bug considering the way the talent is worded, but good to know.

Private methods can be patched with Harmony as usual and you can invoke private methods through reflection in C#.
Oh, cool. Maybe I've misremembered or I just sucked too much when I tried to do so. :ROFLMAO:

Attached the current version of my mods. Changes:
Mana Residue: Upgraded: M1, 3 damage/spell, no longer extinct
Painful Memories: Add copy of self to grave.
Twisted Love: -1|-2 thorns
Nova: -1 hp cost
Chaos Seed: Now uncommon
Opportunist: +1 dmg/lust
Stoneskin: Basic is now "Stoneskin 1. Shield 5."
Rising from Ash: +1 cost
Wilted Thorn: -2 thorns

Slimes benefit only 50% from Ascension upgrades.
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Dec 31, 2021
I'd definitely call that a bug considering the way the talent is worded, but good to know.
Right, but it's a pain in the ass to patch that with Harmony because it's nested deep within BattleFramework.BattleFramework_Internal, which in turn handles everything battle related directly or indirectly.

A possible hack around that is to patch Actor.AddBuffCount, checking if the parameters are
eBuffType.e.PREPERATION and -1, and then run the code to apply shields based on current number of cards.

Attached the current version of my mods.
You probably won't get much, if any, feedback here and the site yet again, says it's virus because of that one troll "antivirus" flagging it, but I can give it a couple of runs if you want.

I still feel like my idea for Chaos Seed (random positives buffs to you + random negative buffs to the enemy) is still a more balanced approach, volatile Opportunist is still a meh design and excessive immortals can break the game if you know how to use them.
The nerf to Devotion is also still rough and I feel like talents need to be reworked rather than nerfed.

I do appreciate you sharing them outside of the walled garden that is Steam though.


New Member
Aug 4, 2023
You probably won't get much, if any, feedback here and the site yet again, says it's virus because of that one troll "antivirus" flagging it, but I can give it a couple of runs if you want.[...]

I do appreciate you sharing them outside of the walled garden that is Steam though.
No issue, it's not much effort and I figured if I adress some of your issues I might as well share the result. Though I know I didn't adress most issues - I simply disagree - it should still be a step in the right direction for you.

The nerf to Devotion is also still rough and I feel like talents need to be reworked rather than nerfed.
Even after the nerf, is there any other talent that comes close in point-by-point value? Maybe Body Search (+1 reward option)? Probably not. Thus, I don't see what the big deal with nerfing devotion is, unless your issue is that it makes the game harder overall.
Although in practice, I do have issues with the nerf, but that's because it's not very elegant - the limit of five turns is not supported by the UI, thus it's always a bit of a surprise when your max mana drops. I've had a player report a bug that <something they did> might reduce max mana and didn't realize it was because of the talent, which is a bad sign for its design. Thinking about it once again, maybe "+1 mana every second round" might work better instead.


Dec 31, 2021
Even after the nerf, is there any other talent that comes close in point-by-point value?
As mentioned, I would rather see other talents made better than one of the very few useful ones be nerfed (it also requires you to go down the whole tree to grab it).
The Avenger tree is virtually useless and could use some love instead.

As for your question, I find the following talents decent:
  • Dark Motivation: Can be useful early on and if you keep your deck small.
  • Body Search (as you mentioned): Allows for easier fine tuning of your deck by having 4 cards instead of 3 at the end of each battle (33% increase).
  • Deep Rooted, very useful early on when you don't have other ways of healing. Also allows you to use Rest Places to remove/improve spells instead of healing.
  • Semen Demon: Allows you to stall some earlier fights to farm essence (this is another case where immortals trivialize things). I run Essence is Power, but only in order to apply debuffs for essence < 20 and < 10. It's far from an amazing talent, but a cost of 3 in the original game and a cost of 2 with your mod, makes it very easy to not only farm essence, but also to remove one enemy from the fight. This talent + immortals, make the Slave Trader boss fight (one of the hardest fights in the game)/Orc Warlock as easy as a normal combat tile.
  • Deft Footwork: For a talent that you can get right of the bat, it's ok. Helps in the early stages of your run.
  • Endurance: Same as Deft Footwork.
  • Change of Plan: Early talent that you're likely going to get anyway in order to proceed down in the tree. Useful once you've enough cards in your hand (it has saved me from taking some damage in the past by managing how many cards I would actuallly use in a turn).
  • Drink Essence: Just like Deep Rooted, but you don't need to go down the entire tree to get it.
  • Resilience: It would've been an okish talent if you could get it earlier, but since you're likely to get it anyway in order to grab Devotion, it can work out ok to mitigate damage on first hit. It has certainly helped with the slime battles.
  • *** Unstoppable Fury: You've to go down the entire tree to grab it, and all talents before it are all but useless and even then, you might not need the extra mana. This would've been fine, if it was on row 1 or 2 within the tree.
*** = The talent would've been fine under different circumstances.

Sorry, but I don't think I can ever get behind the nerf.
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Dec 21, 2017
I have exactly 3 cards in the discard pile 0 cards left in the deck.

When I use the +4 draw card...

Sometimes I draw all 3 cards in the discard and the +4 draw card itself. I have 0 cards in the deck and discard pile.

Sometimes however I draw all 3 cards and the +4 draw card goes into the discard pile. And it's IMPOSSIBLE to have 0 cards in the deck and discard pile.

Why? Why does it do this? Anyone know?

edit: Ok some more testing, even without a deck cycle Infusion doesn't draw the full 4 cards. Sometimes it draws 2 cards. Sometimes it only draws 1 card Is it a hard mode thing or something?
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Apr 12, 2023
is there a way to make belly bigger after 40 essence?
If you get the game on steam you can use the workshop addon "Game options" (I think it's called) and you can increase the size there. You can also find it within this thread but I'm not sure how you add it, there's instructions in here somewhere if you use the search bar and look for "addons" or "mods".
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New Member
Dec 4, 2017
I'd definitely call that a bug considering the way the talent is worded, but good to know.

Oh, cool. Maybe I've misremembered or I just sucked too much when I tried to do so. :ROFLMAO:

Attached the current version of my mods. Changes:

Can someone tell me, how to use mods?


Dec 31, 2021
Hehe, one could argue Immortal + negative extinct card does exactly as advertised. Just consider it a balancing factor. ;)
Didn't know Struggle removes Purify btw, what a nasty bug.
I'd definitely call that a bug considering the way the talent is worded, but good to know.
I felt like playing it again and decided to fix those three bugs, since I already knew what caused them.

For purity, I've added a new method, eBuffType.CanPurify, which returns a boolean based on the buff type and whether the value passed to GameActor.AddBuffCount is positive or negative.
For positive values, the following effects trigger purity: bleed, burn, weaken, focus, flail and stigma.
For negative values, the following effects trigger purity: power, defensive and morale.
I've removed climax and pain (incubus boss) from triggering purity because those are special-ish effects.

For immortal, I've just added an extra condition before proc-ing it, the card must not be a wound card.

For preparation, Moved its logic to BattleFramework.DiscardPlayerHand, where Change of Plan is applied. The new condition there for discarding a card is: not passive AND (no preparation OR wound card).
Wound cards are still discarded, even with preparation, so their penalty for not using them during a turn works correctly (as soon as the penalty triggers, the card should be discarded).

With your balancing mod, I assume immortals are even more overpowered now, and if you can land yourself a Deep Kiss card, it's going to be very hard for you to lose.


Dec 31, 2021
Fixed a couple more bugs.

I found a bug where if you surrender during the Goblin Breeder fight after the goblin is dead, but the dogs are still alive. The game just stalls and you can't click on anything or move forward.
The game lacked a clause for ending the combat when surrendering to enemies that have no defeat scenes.

The other bug involved skipping game over defeat scenes that you haven't seen yet, when "Skip viewed mature scenes" is enabled. The bug was caused by unlocking the scene before checking if it had already been unlocked (this would always be a true condition, therefore, always skipping them).
4.60 star(s) 60 Votes