Others - Kronos Time Titan [v25.03.13] [Scarlett Young]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of issues with the game. Why would you opt for something with an internet connection. Use Unity not some garbage engine, if you really don't like Renpy, but that being said, nothing in the game uses features Renpy could not do easily, so the dev note on that is BS. It's about controlling users. Speaking of controlling users, anticheat is cancerous, you cannot change values. Opting for an online engine=bad, privacy is core to life.

    Playing the actual game is also bad as it just uses 3ddaz stuff, no custom assets. Go play labrats 2, at least it isn't bad.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.881.0

    Overall, this is one of the best and most original games I found on F95 to the point that I'm actually taking time to write a review for it (my first one on the site) and I will be closely watching its development.

    The game currently still hasn't enough sex content but the amount of girls implemented already is very good.

    Would fairly give it a 4 star but giving 5 because the game shows a lot of potential and the dev seems to be very active here and seems to be carefully taking player feedback into consideration.
    While I do agree with some of the critics from people giving this game 1 star, I still don't believe it deserve a 1 star rating.

    Game Engine

    Some reviews mentionned it being clunky. I do agree with that (mostly the movement system), however I found it super innovative, at least compared to the overused Ren'Py and RPGM. It could definitely see some tweaks and bugfixes (for example character getting negative action point at times forcing a restart of the game).


    Movement: As mentionned previously, it does feel too clunky, especially on the world map. It's hard to understand how far you can move within 1 turn and it feels a bit slow in the city. My suggestion would be to give free movement without the 5 tiles limit until a battle starts.

    Combat and Powers: I overall liked the battle system. Original turn by turn, with options to talk, attack, strip, grope (wip aaik?) and use powers (wip too?)
    I really hope leveling up is a thing in the future because as of now, the protagonist feels too weak in battle with only 60 hp and no increase in damage.
    Also the wolves. Jesus these f***ing wolves lol. They get extremely annoying so I believe decreasing the amount you encounter or as I said previously, implement leveling up as a mechanic would make them less of a nuisance over time.

    Story and Powers

    I really loved the idea of playing as the god of time. The ability to change timelines, restart timelines and use time related powers is pretty fun and innovative enough . As of this version, there is not enough powers to play with yet, so I hope it gets even more fun in future builds. I also hope to see more timelines getting added over time (only when we get more content in the already existing ones though)

    Porn content and fetishes

    Models are gorgeous. Scenes are very well made too. There's very few animations but I honestly believe that it should be of last priority only when game has more content. Game would be perfectly fine without it, I only see it as a bonus personally.

    Concerning fetishes, there is currently a few only (2 different rape scenes with the same character, 1 pregnancy and 1 spanking scene iirc). Rape and pregnancy scene are avoidable(not sure about the spanking one)

    Lot of players in the forum are formally against some fetishes while others like myself don't mind it. Making them avoidable (like they currently are) is in my opinion the best thing to do. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean the developer should refrain from implementing more festishes scenes if he wants/can. I myself dislike bland 100% romance sex games and I do encourage the dev to go as wild as he wants on fetishes (we play as a god so should be able to do whatever we desire right? :d) AS LONG as they stay optional obviously. Maybe even put a warning with choices like some other games do.


    Very intriguing and unique game. Still a bit thin content wise and some bugs are still present, but shows a lot of potential. Gorgeous renders and scenes. 100% recommended.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Animation and pictures. i dont see Animation at the moment. But grafics are fully ok. Dialog is very comfy to play and read.
    the Idea and the Gameplay are good made and nice to use. little laggy at some points but all in all, nice game for afternoon.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The actual adult content isn't too bad compared to some of the rest of the games on here, but by god is the game engine feel clunky to play. I don't really know how the dev might be able to fix it but the fact of the matter is that the gameplay on the overworld and in combat is just very... odd. I've never seen a turn based game run this way before so it can be jarring if you're expecting something else.

    I want to give it a higher score but actually playing the game feels like wading upstream while trying to maintain your balance all the while.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    it has great potential however, it currently seems impossible to play without a guide .
    +it is funny to play
    +Good story
    -Faces can be better.
    - hard to figure out how to play
    -repeating the same dialogues over and over for a scene
    I am really excited to play future versions.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    AIght so its not a 5 star, I am just tired of seeing this be rated so poorly.
    The game is honestly fine. Its a bit more puzzle/dialogue heavy like those god awful renpy games that are spammed all over. However it has potential to be more open ended.

    As it is now its pretty bare bones and only lets you unlock scenes via "quests" rather than just being a rapist which it sort of implies it will let you be.

    The models look nice and are some of the few "young" looking ones around the 3D game space, given how so many tend to be overly busty MILFs which isn't bad either just...variety is the spice of life.

    The gameplay is a bit fresh and hopefully in the future allows for actual strategy.

    However I will say there are a few bugs and or just bad mechanics IMO.
    There really needs to be a map button or something where (at least when discovered once) shows you where key locations are, since the map blends together.
    Secondly, the out of combat movement needs to be real time, not overworld map movement, but city/town/non combat area movement. Its a pain in the dick trying to walk around those places with movement tiles.

    Good models
    Some animation
    Gameplay isn't a visual novel
    Potential to be a more sandboxy game than it currently is.

    Out of combat movement
    Better game mechanic explanation (yes I know of the webpage but still)
    Rail roaded content in what at first glance appears to be a very open ended experience.
    Overly meta dialogue (personal gripe)
    General bugs, most importantly buying the green fairy never let me restore health.

    TLDR: The game was done dirty with all these 1 star reviews.
    I don't know if the very first release was god awful or something, but its clearly nowhere NEAR a terrible game. There ARE terrible games on this site; like the one flash game involving a red devil is like an entirely new broken game with each update. This ain't one of them though.

    P.S There is even a quick bullet point walkthrough of what current content can be played as well as some gameplay explanation in the main menu (its a bit convoluted to access) just click "game guide" and it brings up a webpage.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Man this game is bad
    first off the fact that nearly everything is turn based drags the game out like a mother fucker especially the attack/strip mechanic where it would have been better to just have female characters strip relevant to their hp level.
    2nd very shitty story with very lazy writing, let me sum up the story "u r time god u fuk too much so no more powers then somehow travel to 1684bc greece to fuk girls and time travel anyway" god awful.

    3rd the amount drm there is in this game the minute i found out how much the game drags on i tried to save edit my game nope cant do it because the dev wants you to pay for some sub par 3d models, fun fact if the game is good it will sell if aint no amount of drm is gonna force people to pay for shit EA loves drm and still gets pirated out the ass.
    I held off playing this game for a while but holy shit it deserves its rating on here.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I kind of like the idea of a hex grid game but it doesn't work out well in practice. 12ish months in and the game still runs a little rough and there's nothing to do in any time zone. The character models for the men are not great but I like the busts of the women which range from small natural to natural busty. That said the models and game are both made in a pretty bad engine. I'd like more games with models like Bad Memories or Goons Raid Her, both of which have good models for both male and females.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    No direction as to what to do, the game engine is somehow worse then basic rpg maker, this would have way more potential if it was done in a more streamlined engine. I honestly think moving this game to something like renpy or even RPG maker would help make it more playable and accessible, besides that there is zero explanation in the game for anything at all which is just so strange.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is bad, like really bad. Stupid encounters, boring fights, silly plot, horrible movements/walking system, buggy and those irritable messages about supporting the project. Renders are average at best.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.858...

    First time I tried this Game the loader required an e-mail address so it could check through my internet connection to see if I had a matching membership account on Patreon (or other donation sites) to see if I was a donating patron for the developer... I was able to stop it from doing anything across the internet, but I also did not know that the developer had created special Installation Instructions to use a specialy made-up e-mail address for getting past the loader... I also found out from the developer later that I could just run the ktt.exe file located in the Data directory of the game files... So for now, the developer has added a way to bypass any requirement for an internet connection... Will it stay that way forever? No telling for now, but at least it currently does not, for anyone worrying about the privacy of their Patreon member account e-mail address... Just make sure you follow the developers installation instructions or bypass the loader all together...

    The visuals of the characters are a mix of unique ones, as well as several I've seen before in other VN/Games... The quality of the characters are about average... The back drops all appear unique thus far, mostly consisting of lower resolution map graphics... The user interface for the game appears a little daunting at first, especially when the red button in the upper right corner can either just outright end the game or shrink it down... I highly recommend any new player to go through the tutorial... It's not all encompassing, but it does give you a basic run down of the UI and some of the game play functions... The font being used for most of the text is o.k. but hard to tell what some of the punctuation is...

    The script is o.k. as I did run into the occasional spelling/grammar error... The plot (what little there really is) revolves around a male protagonist named Kronos, who has godlike powers to manipulate his way through time and do what he pleases... Alas, due to messing up some of the time lines, he is mostly stripped of his powers and sent back to the beginning of his adventures, in order to pay for his crimes and start fresh... From there the general game play begins...

    The game play mechanics are a mix of Hex Map Open World Strategy, and turn based Square Based Map Combat... One key element I want to mention when entering into any form of Adventure Map, if you do any activities or complete your available movement, you must press the Space Bar to end your turn... No matter what form the Adventure map takes... This could be city movement, outdoor maps, combat maps, etc... But, your turn will end automatically when moving around on the Overworld Map... The turn ending mechanic is explained during the combat tutorial, but it apparently applies to most maps beyond the Overworld, regardless if there is combat or not...

    On the Overworld Map there are places to go from cities, to towns, and so forth... Also moving around each turn are various enemies, maidens, and so forth... When you land on a hex with one of these, or they land on your hex, you will switch to a Adventure Map for interacting with NPC's and so on (in order to exit the Adventure Maps you have to move to the green edges and select exit)... The sorts of activities you can partake in are, of course, combat, stripping off clothes, talking, grab (which for me never did anything at all regardless of their health or lack of clothing), using powers, and so forth... Only one of those can be attempted per turn, even if they fail or do nothing at all... Expect to keep your hand on the Spacebar Key as it seems to be needed a lot... The game is also broken down into Timelines... Which for gaming purposes would be best described as gaming zones with specific genres and themes...

    A bug I ran into, occurred after I attacked and killed my first wolf... I ran into more wolfs on the Overworld Map, but when it zoomed to the Adventure Map, there were no wolves to be found... I tried this over and over again, yet no more wolves beyond the first... Same thing occurred with the bandits, but I only tried them once after the first time...

    I didn't see any options for saving game, but apparently it seems as though the game auto saves... But I think a menu option for doing player designated saves would be a much better option, if that is even possible with the engine... I'm not even sure what gaming engine is being used...

    The game uses 3 resources; Bia Energy for powering abilities, Health which if depleted will send you back to the beginning of the current time line you are in, and Money which is used for purchasing items and services along with paying off bandits who try to rob you... The game play system has some other complexities, but I think I've gone over the major ones... At first it can feel a bit daunting, but it is actually a rather basic system... It's not quite as intuitive as I would like, but it's o.k...

    As to the actual content itself, the writers are trying to be humorous with almost every bit of text as well as some of the character designs... The only issue I had with the text was the humor is mostly lots of sarcasm, and attempts to be witty... Barely anything is taken very seriously, to include the far fetched plot, which has a huge focus on meaningless porn themes and imagery... Do not expect any depth or meaning to any of the story elements... This is not being handled as a typical RPG with an adult/erotic theme... It is mostly sarcastic remarks, some word play between a few characters, lots of nudity, and so on...

    I'm sure some folks will like that it focuses mostly on the porn stuff, but yet again there is a heavy amount of grinding to it as well... As money is a huge factor just to survive... There is a vendor to purchase half-naked female fairies for healing purposes, of course... But they are not cheap, and money only comes from winning combat, that I could tell... I died many times trying just to raise money, because there was no other way to recover health, that I could find... I spent a bunch of time checking every cranny of the town and so on, to see if there was a tavern or bed to rest on, or option for healing that didn't require a bunch of drachma's (money)...

    I can tell there has been quite a bit of work done trying to get all the basic game play mechanics to work as intended, despite the bugs I ran into... And I can see that this game is most definitely focusing on meaningless porn, but I can also see that for now the grind will be moderate to high... And as I couldn't ever get the Grab ability to do anything, I'm guessing it's either not implemented yet or bugged? Or perhaps I just wasn't using it right? I dunno... After about an hour or so of playing and pretty much feeling stuck without seeing much beyond a few nude models, an ugly as sin pimp and his sex slave, lots of moving markers, and NPC's that didn't have much to say... I'm guessing either that is the extent of the current content, or the game just wasn't intuitive enough for me to figure out how to go beyond what I saw?

    I noticed after I killed the bandit, that there was an option to have sex with the dead male corpse... I didn't select it, because that is not anything I'm into in any way shape or form... So I'm guessing either the option does nothing, or there is Gay Necrophilia in this game? If yes, then I would pretty much have to suspect all sorts of hard core fetishes to be included... But as I did not select that choice and the bandits bugged out after the death of the first, I don't really know...

    Overall, this game feels like it's just in it's initial stages of development, with some of the mechanics worked out, and just the tiniest amount of actual content... It is definitely porn focused, and has very little meaningful story elements at all... The game is unique, being the first Hex Map based game I've seen/tried in this market... I'm guessing the developers are trying to make a porn themed RPG game, but the text reads like a horny teenager wrote it... Which may be it's intention if I had to guess? I do give them props for adding a tutorial, but it may be missing a few things, and you kind of need a tutorial or manual for these styles of game...

    I was flip flopping between 2 and 3 stars, mostly because the game play is a bit ruff and a bit clunky sometimes, has several bugs that I ran into while trying to grind money, lacks any real story elements beyond the brief intro, and is basically a poor to average porn fest in it's current state... But it is original, and I hope as time goes on, that it will add more polish and shine as development continues... Will I revisit this one? Maybe, but it will have to be a ways down the line to give it time, to get past it's initial phases and into possibly being a more comprehensive game...

    I'm not really a fan of porn focused games, especially when they lack any sort of fun story happening beyond it's teenage style humor... But I'm sure some folks out there will like those aspects of it... Only time will tell...
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Why on earth did they not question the use of this clunky engine?
    Movement is annoying
    abilities/options often either do nothing, or just make no sense
    There's a good way and there's a bad way to inform people of your patreon, this developer chose the bad way
    Plot and writing in general seems amateurish
    This game is def not a 3,5/5
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn´t understand anything of the game. Even has a "tutorial" there's only one stage, you have to be moving between tiles (you dont understand the reason that max movements are 3) a wolf attacks you (why? who knows) then a talk with Hera, then... nothing. That's all.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Donny Clink

    Movement system is terrible and clunky, you can move 7 tiles and you have to end your turn after you move, even when you're in a town. Path forward is very not-obvious and previously mentioned movement system makes exploration very difficult. Not much actual content either.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Before continuing to read, the following review is very old. Someone liked the review recently and it reminded me to check up on the game to see if the nagging DRM has stopped or the creator offered an alternative.

    It has, I have revised my rating as I said I would. Putting it from 2, to 4 stars. Literally my only problem with this game was that nagging drm. I'm probably late to doing this, but on the off chance someone cares enough to scroll far enough to see this review know that I'm only leaving it up for posterity and it does not reflect the current rating.

    The game itself is mostly fine now that the nagging drm is gone. Solid 4.

    ********* Old Review**********
    It's Ok, played for an hour or so. The arts nice, renders are ok. UI is questionable. The turn based stuff is mildly annoying. The writing is personally not that great for me.

    I did manage to break them game within 5 minutes by just walking out of the bounds of the map causing the graphics to go wild, which isn't a negative really since I was able to just leave the area and fix it. Other than that it was mostly fine.

    It's not my cup of tea, but one major thing aside that we'll get to shortly, it's decent and would probably be worth a play(4/5 writing aside). But.

    There's a big catch tho that prevents me from recommending even a passing look at this game. The online check. You are not EA. You are not Diablo 3, which for some reason you specifically mentioned like it was a good thing. The game is passably decent at best and 100% does not warrant online activation DRM.

    There's already patron stuff already locked away, and various perks for higher tiers. Which is also tied into the online requirement as well. So why add the inclusion of an online check that nags a player to support the game every 5 minutes? I promise you it'll annoy and drive away more people than it brings in. It sure did for me and I knew it was coming, but underestimated how quickly 5 minutes goes by before getting slapped in the face with the message again. There's already plenty of incentive on offer for those who would be interested, literal begging will not help only hinder.

    Nevermind while doing so it gets a file from the creators site called Raccoon.porn, which would be funny if it wasn't presumably part of the DRM that's also wacking the user in the face with a buy me sign. I had a look at it and saw nothing interesting on it's own, but it did drive home the fact it doesn't need to exist. Also it fiddles with internet related security settings to achieve this and I 100% red flag that when it comes from some random porn game.

    From general disdain for online DRM standpoint I would recommend avoiding this title. If the creator offers an offline version for non-supporters I will make it a point to come back and raise the score back up to the intended 4 the instant I learn of it. The game itself isn't bad, the grand idea to slap online requirements on it was.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a great game here. It combines two of my favourite genres: strategy and porn game.
    Artwork is great, without being too exaggerated as we often see in fantasy games. The story is original and the ambience too. The historic period is one less seen in here. The gameplay is great. I really look forward for more.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Edit @ v23.02.25] :
    I wrote the first review almost 3 years ago; I don't remember there being such a prevalence of emaciated taterfaced lolis.

    I'm grateful for the removal of the Patreon plug popups. Now if I could just shake the feeling that playing is placing me on a watchlist somewhere.

    [Rev @ v0.855]

    Neat in its way, and likely to get better as development continues.

    Art's alright, Daz3d is less prevalent than other programs commonly used so novelty is nice, but the boobs are smaller than I like and some girls outright need a sammich.

    Plot's novel enough, and the writing is fluent. I feel the writing voice is too smarmy and brains itself on the 4th wall a few too many times.

    I didn't fine any of the porn objectionable, but its juxtaposition with flat attempts at adult humor lends it a slapdash air that prevented me from ever feeling very enthusiastic about it.

    Finally, the UI is rough and needs work, the battle system is clunky and annoying, the whole thing needs a better introduction and industrialization, and the literal timed looping popup begging support are every bit as irritating as you'd think. On the plus side it's always nice to see a dev utilizing these forums as a resource.

    TLDR: Nice job, watchin for future improvements. Godspeed~