Unity - Completed - Koikatu! [Repack RX21] [Illusion]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute characters, great animations, and tons of customization make this game a lot of fun. You can create your own waifus, build a harem, and patch it to be uncensored. The voice acting is excellent, and there are plenty of mods available online. A really nice game, similar to Artificial Academy 2.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, so many tools to customize characters and a big community for modding. Been playing the game for few years and do not get bored still. The character studio included is a nice creator place to create scenes and animations! Best erogame to play if you want to create/lewd your anime waifu :D
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This review comes from someone who didn't interact with the character creator and only with the actual main "gameplay" content.

    I will start this review by stating, Koikatu when you get into the meat and potatoes of the game is a character creation engine more than it is a sex game. The music is alright not too annoying not too interesting kinda mediocre all around.

    The sex is alright, nothing particularly interesting; especially with the player character being invisible during the sex scenes for a majority of the poses even where having them be visible would be good to see. Aside from the sex the rest of the gameplay is uneventful and frankly not worth talking about. You walk up to a girl you touch or look at certain parts. You ask/are asked yes or no questions. And eventually sex will happen. Of course there are unlocks for different H-items and positions but frankly if you've seen each of the ways you can have intercourse with an interactive girl in this game you've seen them all.

    There's something akin to a plot here but like much of this game, it doesn't really amount to much or give a player a reason to really persue it. But i wasn't particularly looking for the greatest writing from a game like this so it didn't affect me really.

    All in all it's a very meh sex game for how much storage it requires (i honestly probably enjoyed AA2 better than this) The character creator is probably a major upside to this game, but as i've said i never interacted with it beyond the bare minimum.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    . customize characters
    . can have about as many characters as you want to
    . mods to make it more enjoyable
    . looks pretty good, especially with the amount of customization you have

    - vanilla. Got bored of this game pretty quick
    - huge install
    - game play is kinda a bother
    - character customization can be hard to understand
    - some scenes are hard to figure out
    - rape tag is a lie

    It's cool to be able to customize a girl to your liking, and have good looking scenes with them, but it gets old pretty quickly, with all the dialogue being the same every time and it being completely vanilla. You get to walk around the school and see them around, but it gets annoying very quickly, and I much prefer using a plugin to teleport to the girls.

    Also the customization is really confusing at first. I used a bunch of premade girls and they would have dumb outfits that I didn't want, like a hat and a cape, or a bunch of used condoms hanging off their clothes, and it took me a while to find where it was in the customization menu. Also some girls will just let you cum inside them right away, and others it just seems impossible, so I went out of my way to find a mod that lets you do so no matter what.

    Pregnancy, the one tag that's interesting about this game, is really just for show. They get pregnant, and they're just like 'yeah I'm so happy to have your baby,' and then they give birth several game weeks later and it's like nothing happened. They will never mention the fact that you have a child with them. What's the point if there's no consequences? I mean I guess you get pregnant scenes, but I was hoping for a little more dialogue at least.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best anime character creation game ever made oh my god!! And you can have sex with them (y) Thanks to the dedicated community too that made the mod and tons of well-made character cards. Haven't played the main game but I am already extremely satisfied with what I have experienced till now.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Quick disclaimer before I get into my review is the guy below me is a bit of an idiot who didn't make/ download any girls then complained about the school not having any girls in it, lmao

    I only recently got around to getting this but "played" a bit of honey select a while back so for the most part will be comparing the two as they essentially provide the same thing with different art styles.

    First things first while it's a hefty download to be sure the repack provided here pretty much has you all set, just download and extract. Honey select for me was a real hassle of figuring out what mods I needed and how to to use them but most of my set up for this game really came down to hunting down and comparing different cards off all the waifus I want (of the 3 sites the third option, BepisDB, was by far my favorite).

    Compared to Honey Select this game also gives the illusion of being a game with a pretty simple but still kinda fun dating sim/ sandbox thing. You can still of course just hop straight into the H mini game or in theory use the studio to set something up but I'm not going to sugarcoat it, that studio is fucking hieroglyphic to me.

    Character creation is still great here but being honest I really only use it to make some minor adjustments to other peoples cards (somebody made a really good looking Lois Lane card but made her absolutely absurdly dummy thicc for some reason, bro cooked a steak then dropped it in the dirt what the hell) but the options are hella robust for people who have a creative bone in their body unlike me.

    When you're looking for a "fuck all my waifus" game it comes down to preference in style, all your cartoon and anime bitches are gonna look better here but all the more realistic ones are going to look better in Honey Select. I'm a weeb so this one edges out in that regard tho.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Crashes at launch, i fixed by changing the properties/compatibility settings. Very boring and long introduction, i started to skip the dialogue. 60 GB game idk why. I uninstalled when i saw that every girl it's a blue ghost, and every classroom was completely empty, only in cutscenes you can see a girl. Basically the open world aspect of the game it's a big 60 gb nothing (ghost town). The mouse lag its tremendous, it feels like v-sync is forced ON without OFF option.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't say much on the gameplay part, as my main focus in this game was setting up scenes for a visual novel I one day want to start making. Once you learn the controls of character creation and the studio, it's an intuitive scene maker. I found it to be good enough for what I intend to use it for.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Needed to put my praise message here lol. Amazing upload that saved me literal $60 from Steam. While it's a great game, sure, it's nowhere near worth that price. God bless the uploader and this community.

    I see reviews about how long it'll take to set up. Hell, I remember literal dial up. If you can get past that, it's SO worth. The studio is great despite the gameplay itself being virtually nonexistant.

    I'd say this is a downgrade from Artifical Academy 2 whose major appeal was the relationships you could build and the dynamic it would have on the entire cast. But it's still solid and an actual upgrade when it comes to the actual sex.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    >Spend from 10 minutes to 5 hours downloading the game's repack (depending on your connection and luck)
    >10 minutes to 2 hours extracting it (potato PC experience)
    >30 minutes learning the basics of mods and plugins, and why you need them
    >1 hour setting up the perfect offset colliders on the better penetration plugin so you don't end up fucking the air
    >30 minutes downloading your favorite character cards and their assets
    >10 minutes setting up the perfect girl school (if you wanna play the adventure/story mode)
    >Congrats, you now have access to 20 minutes of unlimited "fun" everyday

    By no means get afraid of the long... long time you'll spend setting up the game, it's all worth it at the end, you can customize anything you want, from girls to scenarios or even positions, the community is really passionate and they have made some of the most amazing quality of life mods and plugins for the game, i really recommend you give it a try.

    PS: be careful with the story mode if you don't have 16gb+ RAM, you can crash the game pretty easily if you overload the school with too many girls.

    Edit: Lowered the star amount from 5 to 4 due to poor game optimization and janky camera controls.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Koikatsu is one of Illusion's games that takes place in a school. Unlike Artificial Academy 2, you're pretty much the only walking penis in a school full of girls whose appearance you can customize or in the event you can't make your own character, use the creations of others. While there's a story of having some kind of club to get girls to join, it doesn't matter much if you're just here for sex scenes.

    To start off, I'm reviewing a repacked version of the game, not the most current one but a previous version which likely got patched thanks to a mod updating tool. The repacks include the game, it's DLC, and a ton of mods thta people made from maps to fuck in to hairstyles and clothing that would help you make your own custom waifu or the games version of Jill Valentine Or Krystal from Star Fox.

    Pros for the game is that you can customize anyone in the game, from your protagonist to the girls and the named NPCs. You can also explore around the school to build up your stats, talk to girls, and come across random events with named NPC's if they're around.

    Another pro to the game is the mods people made which means different outfits and hairstyles.

    Cons for the game is that compared to Artificial Academy 2, you're restricted to just the school and there's no interpersonal relationships between NPCs. All there is you being friends, strangers, or lovers with NPCs.

    Another con is the story in that I could barely remember much of it. Granted Illusion games aren't played for their story but in this game, it was forgetable compared to AI Shoujo. Mods may as well help the game as they can to an extent let one's creativity run loose and in my case, I just took some people's furry and fantasy creations and just made up my own story of the protag being the only human male stuck in a interracial breeding grounds experiment with furry women and elven women for the sole purpose of infecting anthros and elven bloodlines with humans. It was more memorable than the story dumb as my version sounds.

    Finally, the biggest con is performance issues. Now the game itself can slow down badly if you filled the classes with more girls. This becomes a problem even if they aren't in the same room because the game is trying to determine what each girl is doing whether it's eating lunch, going to another room, showering, or masturbating in a secluded area. I made sure to install the game on an SSD to help reduce load times but I don't know if that fully helped. If anything, the developers need to improve their skills in optimizing their games to prevent this. I don't know a thing about game development but it shouldn't be hard since they're using the Unity Engine unless the coding Illusion put in had its share of jank.

    In all, I do recommend giving this game a try. It's fun for a quick run or two but do be careful of slowdowns and performance issues, especially if you play with a lot of classes filled up.
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    There's two main aspects of Koikatu. The first is the main event, the game itself, which includes the character creator, and then the posing studio.

    Koikatu itself is premised on you being the sole guy who transfers to an all-girls academy where your Aunt is the principal. She charges you with being the romantic interest of every girl at the school, and you start a harem club. Gameplay consists of running around between classes, and chatting with girls in typical dating sim fashion, inviting them to your club, and managing them as your own personal sex dolls. There's some basic character drama from some pre-set characters like teachers and class presidents and such.

    The main meat of the whole thing is the character generator. If you've played a wrestling game's custom character generator, it's around that in-depth. The options are vast and varied, with community contributions expanding it several fold. Unfortunately, fundamental differences are limited since you can't do much with the underlying base model and thus every character becomes samey. This is pretty par for the course for Illusion games. The organization of the options is terrible, though. I felt like I was getting carpal tunnel scrolling through the thousands of clothing items.

    As for options beyond the aesthetic, there's a pretty sparse level of personality traits, which mostly consist of which pre-canned responses you'll be reading over and over, and shallow interests. Does this girl like animals? Is she fashionable? Yes or no, and that's far as it goes.

    Attached to Koikatu is the a bit of posing software, and here's where the true limitations of what's possible come spilling out like so much dirty laundry hidden just under the bedspread. Using the scene software is painful. It is clunky, obtuse, finicky and primitive. From the GUI to selecting bones/articulation points, it feels like something from 20 years ago. Source Filmmaker came out in 2012 and it feels years ahead of this thing, much less something modern like Blender. If the software made it easy to export its library of assets, I'd recommend never touching this thing.

    Overall, if you want to play dress up with some dolls to look like your favorite characters, this is fun for an afternoon.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    i played the game and i really liked it, the high school gameplay was mediocre but what the actual community is able to create is why this game is one of the best. a game like this where the community is able to create their own characters, share them and use them is insane. you'll probably not get bored because of the unlimited amount of anime chicks u can fuck. this genius game design basically makes the community update the game for them.

    overall 9/10 game, it just needs to give the community even more tools and variation so the community will be able to make even better characters.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what can I say?

    You're able to choose almost every female character in existence and have fun with her in a wide variety of positions, customize her and even give her a dong if you want to.

    The fap possibilities are unlimited!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this game a couple months ago for it's character customization tag and quickly dropped it when I realized you can get through the 'content' within maybe like, half an hour from the title screen. The animations, while *ok,* don't really merit the file size or loading times, imo. The actual gameplay boils down to the absolute worst parts of dating sims, and due to all of the characters being, by design, generic, the writing is some of the blandest I've ever experienced on this website.

    It honestly was the furthest thing from my mind for a long while until I wanted to utilize it's character creation system for an online roleplay I was participating in, and holy shit, this game is next-level when your dick's not involved. The character creation is honestly the best I've seen in *any* game, porn or no, but what really took it from a 3 to a 5 for me was opening up the included Character Studio.

    As somebody who has a hobby in 3d animation, the character studio is unironically the best entry-level animation software I can recommend to people. Poor interface aside, it's extremely user-friendly and easy to follow, and removes a lot of the headache that comes with 3D animation. I was able to construct a good-looking action pose within a third of the time it'd take me with traditional software, and that's to say nothing about all the premade ones that are included in this pack. If you've ever wanted to create cool pictures with your own anime characters without any artistic talent, you owe it to yourself to give Koikatu's character studio a shot.

    TL;DR, Horrible game, Best anime girl creation & animation software on the web.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 674118

    This game is a pure gem.
    It took me a while to perceive its real grandeur .
    As you can see when you start your first game, you have a wide array of custom-made girls to choose from to fill up your school. You then walk around the school, woo them and "bed" them straight on the floor(or if when find out you can move the action, on a wall/ a bench/ a bed, which allows for great new positions).
    What I did not know then was that you could find others on the internet VERY easily: look up "koikatsu character cards" or "illusion character cards" and on the websites that pop up you can look for games or universes to find girls you want. Or for exemple you can always google "koikatsu overwatch" and find some sweet looking Mercys and Meis.

    The best I could do with it was find Violet and Elen Parr from Invincible(edit: oops, I meant the Incredibles), load Violet as a male in the character maker option (give her curves because whoever designed her had a 12 year old kink :/ ), give her a penis, tick the futa/trap character. And then of course I unleashed her on her horny mother. What a great time <3

    10/10 will fap again
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an excellent game. I played it a lot and, let's be honest, it remains fappable. You can try to play it like date sim with relation ship building, or just add some hot girls and have sex with them. Only with that level of content it's amazing, but there is more. Deep character creation, which can be expanded with mods, so you f.e. could create wings or smth. There is even Studio, where you can play different (hot) scenes. There is VR mode! Quite limited, maybe really really limited (only in-game sex scenes, no school and stuff), but it is joyable too, I would recommend to all vr owners to check it out. 5/5.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    As a Illusion game you can expect great grahpics and good gameplay. the best thing of this game is that you can personalize and customize every character on it, even you can create yourself as a futanari!
    You can add characters from your favourite anime just adding a jpg file on the folder from pages like this https://illusioncards.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=koikatsu
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fun game. Basically Artificial Academy gameplay. You flirt your way into girls panties. Then you can have sexy time and there are all kind of combinations, when another girl catches you cheating. It's all around fun.
    The VR part is the sex-only version sadly and no really good at that. If you want to try it for the VR version, dont.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean there's no real storyline to speak of as a large majority of the NPCs are designed by the player. However, considering you can f**k any character imaginable a million different ways...yeah, 5 stars.