If you thought the games industry had hit the bottom of the barrel, then you might be surprised to learn that there's an entire second barrel below it where porn games live, and this game somehow managed to be to not only hit the bottom of the second barrel, but went straight through it below ground. 'Well if that's the case why is it so well rated, you stupid ugly motherfucker?', you ask. Well, you see, when the average gooner is so starved for a porn game that doesn't make Big Rigs look fun by comparison, something as incredibly unbalanced and badly designed that yet looks somewhat decent as this game ends up looking like the second coming (heh) of Christ for them. Now don't get me wrong, this has some effort put into it, it's just that whoever designed this game completely failed all of their classes in their Game Design undergrad. So let me give you some points on what's so egregiously dreadful about this game:
- Game tutorial lies to you on how to play the game.
- Combat system hasn't evolved past 1981's Wizardry.
- Combat system has a rock-paper-scissors dynamic that is essentially useless because all it matters is focusing on one attack type. Protip: use Agility.
- Game autosaves before any event meaning you can softlock the game out any good outcome literally minutes upon starting it and you won't realize it until hours later.
- Game has ludicrously grindy, long minigames and mechanics that amount to very little rewards.
- Game over leads to unskippable rape sections where you're forced to repeatedly select meaningless actions for hundreds of turns.
- Game over has a chance to give you penalties that force you down a spiral of unavoidable failures forcing you to restart.
- Game literally takes hundreds of hours of grinding through multiple playthroughs to get a good ending.
- RPGMaker game released in plain 2021 doesn't have a fucking gallery mode. Have some shame, for fuck's sake.
Final rating: Overrated/10 - IGN