I've seen that Ahchi has replay to you... he is the expert of the sandbox structure of this game I followed his guides to make my saves
without him i will never be able to play this game that in the public version comes with a lot of locked scenes and without gallery
has you know I'm only interested in the story and I hate sandbox because it doesn't allow me to stay focused on the story .. you have for first understand how the developer thinks .. and here he tries to hide all the scenes as if he doesn't want you to understand what the story is about and that's why I decided to share my saves for everyone who wants to avoid the mental contortion required by the sandbox mechanism
I suggest you this post
here are the result
I used the Ahchi guides and URM /universal Renpy mod to unlock persistent codes and to add points and money
in this post you can find the link for the gallery mod in CH1 V25 and the full saves for JD2 V7... but this was before the fix so some previous update is still required!
in this post you can find the Jd3 v1 saves that I made using the great guides
do not forget to instal URM
Hi Sadow... are you stolking me? (I'm just playing you

) ... I know this game is not for you...
I'm here because I couldn't resist the greatness of the story the game contains hidden inside a huge grinding that made me for years avoid one of the developers I had always liked in the past but his stubbornness in wanting to use complicated game mechanics had made me ignore him
...And as soon as I saw Jenna I could no longer ignore this developer....
then as usual I have to explain to you how a game works that you would never understand
I found out that the public version doesn't have the same code as the patreon version (evidently the developer doesn't like his game to be on pirate sites so he created a version that only Ahchi is able to understand... and I started to search all the great Ahchi guides in this thread
the public version is locked with codes that don't help find Jenna's story and as you can see everyone in this thread is talking about problems in finding the scenes
Just last Sunday Ahchi had to create a file by modifying the code of a file made it impossible to complete the ring quest
here the link (THIS IS FOR JD2 V7 ONLY)
in fact in every update of the public version the developer changes the code making it difficult even following the guides....
I asked AhchI to give me the links to all the public version updates (V2.V3.V4.V5 AND V6) because his guide was not working in some scenes using V7....
(the code is always modified in every public update)
thanks to all this o shared my saves which are meant as a replacement for the missing gallery,,,
The Patreon version includes all the galleries and I am sure it also includes a guide.... and it is definitely without the (voluntary) bugs present in the public version
to have the patreon version available you have tp pay 30$
View attachment 3981964
all other tiers for less than 30 are for public version!
if you like this game you have to play the prequel
Foot of the Mountains that is focused on Melinda... and there is super stunning girl .. the name is Ann
I hope that the dev will add Ann (Melinda daughter) also in this story!