Good Points
+ Even tho it's cliche, the Isekai series with MC leveling up, seeing his status screen, being kind of OP, etc, still fun to play. And that ''Damn it... I just killed a shitting Orc.'' thing was quite funny

+ MC's design looks kind of unique.
+ Art style is good, girls/woman looks hot/cute/sexy.
+ We have animations for some small stuff and things like magic attacks, their existence is cool, but they need improvements for sure, especially animation physics.
+ Ignar, o7.
Bad Points
- How MC died just explained with a couple of sentences with a black screen, more detailed explanation with some images to show what happened like truck-kun hitting MC, etc, would look better and more professional.
- Writing is a bit weak it seems, the talks happening between people feel a bit rushed, and it is almost like a person who has written dialogues just wanted them to quickly end, a little bit more detailed dialogues could be a good improvement.
- Monster designs can use some improvements, they look a bit low quality and too cartoonish when you compare them with the more realistic art style of humans.
- Facial expressions can use some improvements, especially girls in sex scenes look a bit robotic, they don't have any animation for their eyes, face, and head it seems, so it looks like their body is moving, alive, but their head frozen in place, and that creates kind of robotic look.
- All sex scenes has weird screen shake effect, it makes no sense at all, and looks pretty bad as well.
- I'm not complaining, the sex scenes are good, and not gonna say slow-burn style is better, but the sex happens too fast and feels too rushed, maybe should happen after a little bit more dialogue? I can understand the mushroom sex scene since it was an accident, but Melfa's sex scene especially feels rushed.
- English is a bit rough, maybe better proofreading or a translator could be a good improvement.
- Even tho he is OP they still making MC Porter, a job where no promotion exist, so he will be stuck with E-Rank is quite annoying and nonsense, thanks to this his party can't take any good quest and stuck with easy ones, in these type of isekai stories worse ones are the ones MC is getting forced to stay E-Rank or level 1, DEV going this way is very bad decision.
- Choices matter, but bad kind of, choosing to engage with one character can block a sex scene with another character, meanwhile it shouldn't because MC has quite high stamina and time, like after the sex he had with Fiona he could have sex with Relya as well, but instead it's getting skipped, and that's quite nonsense.
- Some content was paywalled and that's pretty bad decision. If DEV wants people to invest in his project he should start fixing the problems of the game and create a better game instead of locking away the content.
- Characters looks bad when they open their mouth, DEV needs to figure out how to properly do that for sure. and Kaela's face can use some changes as well.
For The End
Sadly second update added some more problems, so I was going to drop my review from 4 stars to 3 stars, but then I saw paywalled content and the DEV is planning to add more, with current bad points I'm dropping my review to 2 stars with that, hope next update will be better and at least fix some problems instead of bringing new ones.