Is pegging gay?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
If it's a women doing that with a man, then it would be classed as Hetrosexual yes?
I think so, moreover men have more reasons for choosing to engage in anal sex than women do, from an anatomical point of view
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New Member
Nov 14, 2024
I doubt that it became more common that it was in the past. If you search in the porn archive (not archive from porn site, but porn from the first half of the 20th century), you'll find pegging scenes. Not with the same frequency that you can find them nowadays, but they exist and were already use in porn.

I think that it's more a question of mind openness, and a predominance of amateur porn. People are more likely nowadays to admit that they like pegging.
I don't really understand how something "isnt becoming more common than it was in the past" while "being more frequent today [than it was at the beginning of the century] " ? I don't think it's a new practice at all, but I definitely feel like it is becoming more and more popular, even though it's still a niche kink. Does this popularity derive from a greater frequency of amateur porn on the subject, or is it more of a waning secret? A little bit of both maybe ? I think knowing it's possible and that "mainstreams" OF/pornostars/hentai are showing it help people come in peace with the fact that they want to try it.

I don't know how much it has to do with the algorithm, but when I see reels about "pegging", "trampling" or "gigagothgirl", I always see quite a lot of interactions (like/comments). I don't know how much is fantasy and how much are actually practicing it, but it's definitely becoming more common than it was in the past, and even if mainstreams pornostars have done it for a long time (the StrapAttack series comes to mind), it was studio and even then, you had the classic boy-girl penetration and cumming at the end. Nowadays, I see full pegging session without the need to have the classical act.

I agree on the mind openness point, but I also think many mens are just bored with the "classic" powerdynamic of porn, and more broadly of the powerdynamic of sex in medias ; at least that's what brought me to these kind of kink, before practicing them IRL.

About the question of this thread : pegging is not gay in my opinion - I could not get penetrated by a man. But in a certain domination dynamic with a woman ? Yeah, that's my shit. What is my desire ? Not a man, but being penetrated by a woman - hence not gay. Could be fingers, feet, tongue, sextoys - as long as it is from a woman.
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May 10, 2018
Whether or not something is gay or isn't depends on the individual's kinky threshold, there is a willingness to suspend the idea that pegging = gay this could be a lot of factors but the most underlying fact is that the person is just into it. As long as they are into it they will form beliefs and ideas that center around the fact that pegging isn't gay, but at the same time you can ask a gay person and he would say that would fit his world of view and depending on that invididual pegging can vary from gay to not being gay. Now that we have established that pegging is subjective, there is one thing that stays consistent. Humans are hypocritical creatures, we can both believe in things and also do the things that oppose that belief. They're not delusional, or having some kind of psychological handicap that prevents them from being honest, no humans are just not honest. And being hypocritical is just a mere fact of being human.

tl;dr: Personally I find pegging to be gay because I have an idea of what defines my manhood, getting rawdogged and fucked crosses that line. But I do like femboys and femdom and futanari, funny enough liking dicks for me isn't gay. Weird right? You can both like pegging and not be gay. Who knows maybe I'll find someone who likes men and they ended up saying they're not gay.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I don't really understand how something "isnt becoming more common than it was in the past" while "being more frequent today [than it was at the beginning of the century] " ?
And who said that it's more frequent today?

You know that archives for one century old porn is absolutely not the same than a whole world wide network full of porn, right? What have been saved mostly come from private collections, and can't fully represent the actual proportion of content, because fully depending on the collector taste; and collectors tend to focus on the aesthetic value more than on the kink.

Plus, there's also a difference between a digital age, where anyone can take his smartphone and publish a porn video online, and the early 1900, where the price for a camera could easily represent a full year salary, and I don't talk about the difficulty to handle it up to more or less the 30's. And, of course, there's the fact that you had to develop the negative all by yourself, few professionals, when they started to exist, would have agreed to works with your porn creations.
This mean that most of the content in the archives come from professionals pornographers; the ancestor of nowadays porn studios. And, with the cost, especially in terms of time, they wouldn't have cared to produce content for an insignificant part of their public.

What I said is that you found it less frequently in the archives, not that it was less frequent.
Due to the difference between 1900 and nowadays, and the difficulty to constitute the said archives, if it was less frequent, you would almost not find a single one example from those times.

I don't think it's a new practice at all, [...]
Of course that it's not something new. The oldest occurrence of pegging I know appear in Philosophy in the Bedroom, from Sade, published in 1795. And he probably haven't invented the practice out of nowhere. Therefore, while there's no obvious evidences of this, it's expected that it was at least a recurring practice in the Libertine circles of his time.

This while, still to my knowledge, the first occurrence of a strap-on is mentioned in trial, late 15th century. To commit the acts of lesbianism she was executed for, she used to use a device strapped to her body.
While she never had sex with a man, the device existed, and libertines hearing about the case, at those times or later, probably seen here an opportunity.


New Member
Nov 14, 2024
" What I said is that you found it less frequently in the archives, not that it was less frequent. "

By finding it less frequently, you're less exposed to it, and therefore less likely to democratize it. This democratization results in it being more common today than it was yesterday.
I think that throughout the ages, there have always been practitioners, but how can you practice something if you can't get into it - taboo, formal prohibition (offence), social shame, etc.?
Hence my short-sighted deduction, admittedly, that there is more frequency today and that this implies that it's becoming more common, perhaps not as an everyday, ordinary sexuality but as new interests and fantasies to be explored.

But I understand where my mistake comes from, I thought you meant that there is no notable evolution in the archives about this practice. Phone cameras have been sufficient for amateur use for over ten years, and I don't think we've “suddenly” seen a progression in pegging; I think there's a real “opening” taking place on this subject, which has as much to do with technological capabilities as with the mores of our societies.

When I say that this is not a new practice, I mean that the idea of a woman inserting an object into a man's body is surely as old as humanity itself. However, like sodomy, or other taboo practices, I think there have been turning points in the popular representation of these practices, and if pegging is very, very far from being at this level, the beginning of a shift seems to be underway.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2020
Hard to say, if its with a dildo then im inclined to say there is some kind of bisexuality involved, if its with a prostate massager then likely less and depends whos the one pegging. Ive used a prostate massager and it feels amazing, but i wouldnt dare put a regular dildo up my ass