2.50 star(s) 24 Votes
Jul 10, 2017
Anyways, you get the option to watch the scene of this small human woman taking a dick in her puss all the way to her throat, eventually cooming, and tiring out the alien thing. you can then get up to the bed they are on and steal a level 2 key. Presumably this is the end of level one, as i haven't found the door.
Where can I find this?


Aug 21, 2017
Where can I find this?
Its in a hallway just a little off from your "Nest" however I can't seem to get the animation he describes to play game just pauses when i get close to the bed and nothing happens till I unpause the game, if you leave your nest and make a left out of it then make a right on that hallway i think its that one, below the door there is a small crawlway you can crawl through then jump into the room
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Jul 10, 2017
Its in a hallway just a little off from your "Nest" however I can't seem to get the animation he describes to play game just pauses when i get close to the bed and nothing happens till I unpause the game, if you leave your nest and make a left out of it then make a right on that hallway i think its that one, below the door there is a small crawlway you can crawl through then jump into the room
Thanks!, I managed to play the scene, there is a trigger area for that scene, right after you jumped in the room coming from the small tunnel, just go straight to the wall, don't look left or right, just straight to the wall, a text will pop up on the lower left of the screen that says "1 to WATCH"

Then the key is just near the tail of that lizzard thing, a text will pop up again that says "Level 2 Key"


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
Ich verstehe den Sinn des Spiels noch nicht.
Außerdem verbraucht dieses Spiel viel zu viel CPU-Leistung.
Du bist in einer anderen Welt, einem Planeten, einem Raumschiff, was auch immer. Sie können relativ unbemerkt alles rund um die Schützengräben erkunden. Das Spiel ist sehr dunkel. Mit der Taste "F" können Sie etwas Helligkeit ins Dunkel bringen. Dies hält jedoch nicht lange an. Wiederholen Sie also ab und zu "F". So finden sie leichter ihr Versteck in den Schützengräben. An der Wand hängen Koffer, so sehen sie zumindest aus. Einige sind schlaff und andere erregt. Sie können mit beiden mit der Taste "E" interagieren. Warten Sie, bis sich weitere Optionen für die Tasten "1", "2", "3" öffnen. Es gibt ein Cover mit einer Art Pferdepenis wo leider nur ein weißes Kästchen erscheint und keine Sequenz. Dort können Sie Ihre Energie tanken. Am Anfang kommt links ein Hund/Monster vor dich und geht in einen Raum. Es gibt eine andere Frau in diesem Raum. Sie können das Sperma aus dem Anus dieser Frau saugen und sie erhält auch Energie. Sie können diese Frau auch befreien. Beide bilden eine Sequenz. Sie können den Raum jedoch nicht mehr verlassen, da der Hund / das Monster dann nicht mehr zurückkommt. Wenn der Hund / das Monster bei dir im Zimmer ist, wird er irgendwann zu dir kommen und dich mitnehmen. Danach hängt das Spiel leider für mich auf und ich sterbe. Ich kann nicht sagen, ob der Tod auf den Hund/Monster oder auf Hunger zurückzuführen ist. Kämpfe nicht gegen die Monster, du wirst definitiv verlieren und dann bist du tot. Wenn der Hund / das Monster bei dir im Zimmer ist, wird er irgendwann zu dir kommen und dich mitnehmen. Danach hängt das Spiel leider für mich auf und ich sterbe. Ich kann nicht sagen, ob der Tod auf den Hund/Monster oder auf Hunger zurückzuführen ist. Kämpfe nicht gegen die Monster, du wirst definitiv verlieren und dann bist du tot. Wenn der Hund / das Monster bei dir im Zimmer ist, wird er irgendwann zu dir kommen und dich mitnehmen. Danach hängt das Spiel leider für mich auf und ich sterbe. Ich kann nicht sagen, ob der Tod auf den Hund/Monster oder auf Hunger zurückzuführen ist. Kämpfe nicht gegen die Monster, du wirst definitiv verlieren und dann bist du tot.
Das Spiel ist ein Build, es gibt wohl derzeit noch keine Story.
Build ist so ähnlich wie eine Demo.

Ein Unity-Spiel sollte aber auch auf einen Nicht-Gaming-PC flüssig laufen.


New Member
Sep 17, 2018
I would love to test the game, but I can't even read the control, because the resolution is bigger than my screen. I'd like to make it smaller so to read everything, but likewise, can't read the control so can't do it. Does anyone know the key comand for changing the resolution of the game.

On a side not, can't make my own systems resolution any bigger, it's running on max already... XD

Thanks a lot.
Maybe try forcing the game to start with the wished resolution by creating a shortcut, going into its properties and typing the wished parameters into the target. Should be looking like: "C:\users\user\location -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 -screen-fullscreen 1"
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Aug 1, 2017
Thanks!, I managed to play the scene, there is a trigger area for that scene, right after you jumped in the room coming from the small tunnel, just go straight to the wall, don't look left or right, just straight to the wall, a text will pop up on the lower left of the screen that says "1 to WATCH"

Then the key is just near the tail of that lizzard thing, a text will pop up again that says "Level 2 Key"
i'm still having real trouble finding this room haha, I found an empty room that I can jump in from a small tunnel but theres nothing in it, just a grey texture and some lighting?
EDIT: Nevermind, new version doesnt contain this or the pilloy girl
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May 16, 2021
Alright, so I played this for a couple hours, and apologies for my dissertation, as a lot of this likely has already been posted.

1) There (obviously?) isn't a plot to this, as I don't see there being any purpose other than feeding. Makes sense as this is essentially the first release. In regard to feeding, the whole "pop-up" screen for the animation, is different, but def needs work as well.

2) So my MC starts with 50 health and just "energy." But I can't seem to increase health or energy. Sometimes feeding increases health and/or energy, but not all the time. One time I fed and lost health (and no monster was near me). So clearly, I'm missing something. Because my MC basically either starves to death or gets killed by a monster.

3) Attacking essentially doesn't do anything. I did notice if you crawl and "sprint," you can go faster than just running. Or so it seems, and this way also seems to have the monsters not notice you as much. Running animation also needs work.

4) If you crouch near a door, you can see inside, but I only noticed one door that had the chick that you can suck the cum from her ass. I could've missed other opportunities, as the map eventually looks all the same.

5) After giving birth, what can you do with the baby other than sacrificing it to a monster? Which is pretty morbid by the way.

So maybe I'm missing something. I do like how it is an open world/3D game instead of a 2D/sidescroller/top down type game.

Some suggestions:

1) Add some kind of weapon or something to kill the monsters.

2) Add an option to break free from a monster attack or submit for breeding. Maybe breeding leads to some type of hybrid creature, or maybe the monsters are anal only and there's no pregnancy for them specifically.

3) Obviously, add a plot line. The MC was obviously abducted, so maybe this could be some science experiment with breeding or who the hell knows what.

Sorry for the long post. Hopefully the dev sees our comments and suggestions. I'm sure, since this is an early release, that a plot is planned, better mechanics, and better animations.


Dec 5, 2018
Okay. I'll try to share what I know after a bit of gameplay...

1: Feeding on the feeding stations that actually have scenes does not work. There are a few that do not have scenes and will only have a white box. Oddly enough these work?

2: Every "dog" monster can be followed and they eventually go into a room. If you wait for them to leave you can run in and, usually, get inside. For the dog that leaves the room immediately in front of you when you first start playing you can get a scene if you sneak in where you can either eat the sperm out of the girl or free her. As far as I can tell this does nothing. Eating the sperm restores energy.

3: No idea how to trigger scenes with enemies. For the feeding stations with scenes oral and anal feeding do nothing. If you do vaginal you will get pregnant and give birth a bit later. This seems to take away a TON of energy. You will likely hit starving very shortly after.
3A- I SOMEHOW triggered one of the enemy scenes. No idea how.
3B- Okay. It may operate on a similar system to feeding stations and enemies need to be erect before it happens. Wait a bit and then ctrl+alt near an enemy. For the dog enemies someone said one that roams the outer area works best and I can confirm it does work for them.

4: There is a "nesting" area where you can sleep if you go behind yourself as soon as you spawn and then take a left. You will see a crack in the corner of the wall you can crawl into.

5: A bit of an odd thing, but if you get an enemy to chase you, you can use them to open doors.

6: You can look into doors if you crouch in front of them?

7: If you want to recover energy infinitely, turn around where you spawn and then go all the way down into that hallway. You will see a feeding station that has breasts. There will be no animation (only a white screen) but just sit there and wait until it fills you up. You can just sit there and wait for it and cancel at any time.
The breast feeding station doesn't work for the 0.1a version now


Dec 5, 2018
Okay, with the 0.1A version, it looks like the "infinite energy" feeding breast station doesn't work any more. But, do make sure those alien crawler bugs are horny and ready to go and then go on to the ctrl & alt position in this nest thing and let that bug fuck and dump, your hp, power index should go up.

Also, you can attack and punch the dog creatures, can't kill them, but temperarily disable them.


May 16, 2021
Okay, with the 0.1A version, it looks like the "infinite energy" feeding breast station doesn't work any more. But, do make sure those alien crawler bugs are horny and ready to go and then go on to the ctrl & alt position in this nest thing and let that bug fuck and dump, your hp, power index should go up.

Also, you can attack and punch the dog creatures, can't kill them, but temperarily disable them.
I did notice the breastfeeding station didn't work either, unless there's some mechanic we have yet to figure out. As for the monsters, I did notice if you're crawling and they're behind you, they have sex with the MC, but I usually die. The dog monster kills me, and the spider monster makes the MC lose health. As for attacking, I tried attacking them, but they end up killing me pretty much instantly, or very quickly.


May 22, 2018
WTF is this ?!
Mouse is drifting all the time, no explanations as to what to do whatsoever, animations are ugly AF, pausing the game does not pause the game, and that's just a part of the issues with this...


May 16, 2021
So I played this a bunch more. First, I feel like an idiot, because if I had actually read the controls, if you press "F" during the feeding station scenes, it goes to full screen. Second, whether the dog monsters are horny or not, from front or behind - same animation - dead afterwards. Same with spider monsters - unless it's in one of their nests, then health and power go up slightly, sometimes for me, not all the time. Still can't find a way to increase energy, which my MC ends up starving to death most of the time. And y'all mentioned there's more people in some of the other doors, but I peeked in (via crouching next to them), and the only room I found with another person in it was the room in the beginning when you see the dog monster leave that room. I was also not able to find any of the these tunnels that were mentioned in prior comments, other than the one for the first girl, and that hole in the wall where you can sleep. So if anybody has directions from when you start for these other rooms, I'm all ears. I think this is a game that's better off putting on the back burner and going back to it months later (no offense to the dev).


Dec 5, 2018
I did notice the breastfeeding station didn't work either, unless there's some mechanic we have yet to figure out. As for the monsters, I did notice if you're crawling and they're behind you, they have sex with the MC, but I usually die. The dog monster kills me, and the spider monster makes the MC lose health. As for attacking, I tried attacking them, but they end up killing me pretty much instantly, or very quickly.
Tried to let the MC have sex with the crawler thing inside that nesting hole across from the breast feeding station, there's another nesting hole to the very right end of the map. Let MC have sex with crawler at the breast station's nesting hole, after it's finished, your HP will slowly recover and your power index will increase, I think the higher the power index the better chance you have in beating the dog creature up. (can't kill them yet though).


Dec 5, 2018
So I played this a bunch more. First, I feel like an idiot, because if I had actually read the controls, if you press "F" during the feeding station scenes, it goes to full screen. Second, whether the dog monsters are horny or not, from front or behind - same animation - dead afterwards. Same with spider monsters - unless it's in one of their nests, then health and power go up slightly, sometimes for me, not all the time. Still can't find a way to increase energy, which my MC ends up starving to death most of the time. And y'all mentioned there's more people in some of the other doors, but I peeked in (via crouching next to them), and the only room I found with another person in it was the room in the beginning when you see the dog monster leave that room. I was also not able to find any of the these tunnels that were mentioned in prior comments, other than the one for the first girl, and that hole in the wall where you can sleep. So if anybody has directions from when you start for these other rooms, I'm all ears. I think this is a game that's better off putting on the back burner and going back to it months later (no offense to the dev).
I noticed the power and hp will recover if you don't press the space bar to FF the scene (for the most part). I think the dev is trying to get the buggy issues out.


May 16, 2021
Tried to let the MC have sex with the crawler thing inside that nesting hole across from the breast feeding station, there's another nesting hole to the very right end of the map. Let MC have sex with crawler at the breast station's nesting hole, after it's finished, your HP will slowly recover and your power index will increase, I think the higher the power index the better chance you have in beating the dog creature up. (can't kill them yet though).
Yea so my MC health and power must've just gone up near the breastfeeding nest, because I tried both nests, and it didn't work all the time, so that must be it. I also looked at the dev notes, and the feeding stations are supposed to replenish energy (you'll see a number in the top middle screen - usually in the 20's), but my energy never went up, and I got the numbers multiple times.


May 16, 2021
I noticed the power and hp will recover if you don't press the space bar to FF the scene (for the most part). I think the dev is trying to get the buggy issues out.
I have to correct myself. You're right, you can't skip scenes, otherwise health and whatnot won't go up.


Dec 5, 2018
I stll haven't figure out how to use the breast feed station to have unlimited energy fill ups...Have you figure out yet? thanks


Dec 5, 2018
Also, in the new version, the girl with the big alien beast is no longer in the room for you to recover the access key, anyone had the same issue?


May 16, 2021
I haven't figured out the breast feeding station. I thought someone had said it wasn't working in this version. And in regard to the big alien beast, the only room I found with anyone in it, was the one in the beginning when you first spawn.
2.50 star(s) 24 Votes