(Review of
I must confess I wasn't really attracted by this game after playing only the intro scene a long time ago. It looked like a mess of bodies with some crazy horny (and horned) demon woman and a guy shackled. The lighting was so bad you couldn't really distinguish the body of the queen.
Today that scene remains untouched but I decided to persevere and play the whole thing to the end following a recommendation from someone who shall remain anonymous.

So, here are my thoughts, starting with the shortcomings.
As I've already mentioned, lighting has room for improvement at times. The scene with Eva and Fiona on the stone bed left me a bit cold because nothing much worth mentioning happened with Eva and the action with Fiona underneath is neither shown up close, animated or illuminated properly, so it felt like a waste render wise, with only the dirty talk making it mildly interesting. As Eva left and the action moved to the pool with Fiona things improved, mostly because of her dirty talk, the composition and the not-so-subtle hints that the next encounter with her will be even better. But the scene is again let down by the poor animations, grrr!

The rendering of cum and precum leaves a lot to be desired sometimes.
For instance, while the threesome with Fiona and her sister is going on precum looks like oil. When Horst is done with his mom the cum spilling from her pussy looks like a glass of milk. By the time Katelyn is spent she first has what looks like a wall of wax hanging between her legs, then in the next shot we see both girls leaking like a tap fully open...
Some renders are also displayed ahead of the text, going out of sync
(example: the scene where the queen leaves after giving the MC his secret assignment). Other times the dialogue requires more renders but we're still looking at an "obsolete" static. The face of the MC sometimes looks hideous and GILFs have too big tits, they could be reduced by 30% to be more realistic and they would be just as sexy without being so all over the place everytime.
OK, that's enough whining... Let's go with the positives now!
Let's take the scene with your sister suddenly waking you up in the morning. After a really good laugh I found myself staring at the screen for the best part of a minute in awe at the masterful composition and sheer beauty of the render, one worth printing out, framing and hanging on a wall if the botched look of the MC and sis' veiny arms weren't there to undermine its charm. Others are just astonishing by their lewd level, including GILFs wetting their legs or moms dripping fluid... There's even decent sound for sex just in case renders weren't enough.
There are plenty of typos but writing is excellent, managing to perfectly combine lewd content and fantasy like I've never seen before. Some scenes have eroticsm to them even when there's nothing sexual being depicted, like when Fiona defends herself in an alley or she thinks of you, longing for your return. Her relationship with the MC is truly romantic and totally believable, which again speaks volumes for the quality of storytelling.
In a nutshell, even with its shortcomings this is an amazing tale if I've ever seen one. Inner Demons plays in a league of its own, making an "Excellent" rating fall short.