Ren'Py - Indecent Desires - The Game [v0.28 Alpha] [Vilelab]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    This once promising game is dying a slow and torturous death as it is grotesquely transformed into a free-roaming monstrosity.

    It was originally a straight forward visual novel that moved along at a good pace. Now, you just wander around checking every room in every location hoping to stumble across a means to progress the story. Then, when you finally realize there's nothing to do, you have to advance time and revisit every location again. You must keep doing this for every phase of every day of the week until you eventually find something new. After that, you come to realization that this sure as shit weren't worth the effort.

    I'm really sad to see this game fall off so hard and so fast. It caught my interest in the beginning, but the game is just determined to self destruct. It needlessly added navigation between rooms in the house, which did nothing but slow the game down, and it's only gotten worse since. Now it has different times of day, a map for traveling between locations, and a whole lot of nothing to see or do anywhere. It's truly terrible.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    D. Hardwood

    After starting out pretty hopefully, current updates have turned it into a sandbox piece of something that lacks any progress and sense of direction.

    Graphics are still worth watching, but I don't expect the game to be good any time soon.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game begins as an usual Visual Novel which was OK in my book, nothing groundbreaking since in this case the porn basically served the plot, but then it SUDDENLY becomes a open world game. WTF. Devs think that free-roaming adds "interactivity" or "freedom", but at the end of the day most devs execute it poorly, and the end result it just adds more busywork giving an illusion that there's more content then it actually has, since it's more "spread out".

    This just shows that the Dev does not understand what a Visual Novel actually is, since Non-linear branching storylines are a common trend in visual novels, which frequently use multiple branching storylines to achieve multiple different endings, allowing already non-linear freedom of choice along the way.

    He should have just concluded this project as an actual Visual Novel, before creating a free-roaming time management game, not mismatched the two. It's like the Dev doesn't know what type of game he wants to create.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Developer wants to make a sandbox game but dear god he sucks at making one. Beginning is decent, but just shits the bed at the sandbox part. Has nice looking renders but the overall game play is terrible.

    Cant recommend, huge disappointment after a promising beginning.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    this one is good before become sandbox with no clue at all
    idk what on dev mind, but this one is become a mess,
    just wait before dev tired with it
    i love to wait for this one, because of good story,
    now all good story gone, no hope for this one
    bad example for sandbox game
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    4.0+ Has great potential for blackmail and domination (possible masterpiece).

    I know this is only version 002, but story seems to be unfolding pretty neatly for what it was hinted. Looks like plot will evolve around some family drama and blackmail (sweet sweet blackmail). Writing is a bit dull, but its not that bad.

    Characters are good overall. MC is feels a bit lackluster personality wise, but others are clearly distinguishable and have a great potential to be developed better.

    Scenes and animations are good. Some fetishes are avoidable which is good for someone who is not particular into that kink. However, there could be more scenes involving MC, for now it feels like hes just sitting on a benches.

    Cell phone integration could be fun if it involves sexting in a future. Different characters need to have different colored names to be easier to distinguish. Other than that, game looks solid for its current state of development.

    Would recommend checking it out.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Based on the second release of version 0.1 [Not to be confused with the first release 0.1 but rather the SECOND first release. Makes no sense? You got that right but that is what the developer did.]

    What utter crap. Seriously huge step backwards from previous iterations.

    This new format shows the developer has no idea what the frak he is doing or he is a scam artist milking patrons. We go from visual novel storytelling to a time management game with NOTHING to do. Seriously WTF was the point?

    Characters disappear for days. WTF is that? you are in UNI and there is NOTHING to interact with at the University, except doors. woot I can open doors the game play is awesome! And who the fuck takes a 6 hour bath even when masturbating? There is no story, no game play, nothing meaningful. I seriously question scrapping months of work to give us a new game that is pointless BS. The amount of time I was fucking about clicking on every fucking room looking for content when there was NONE at all for that day puts a whole spin on the "Russian grind," now these fuckers want you to experience a grind without content to grind to.

    This isn't like this is a band new game it is a game that started development spring of last year with 7 chapters of content dropped and you would think if you wanted to change the game you MIGHT want to oh I don't no reuse the renders and ADD to existing content vs scrap everything and start over. And it isn't like the premise of the game is changing it is the same thing just worse gameplay and less content.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game seemed to be developed by someone who doesn't quite know what kind of game they want to make. It has different types of games all jumbled into one that it just doesn't feel like a proper cohesive game.

    Renders are okay, but story is almost non-existent. The updates are slow as well because the developer seemed to be changing their mind time to time and felt like they spent/wasted time that could've been used more productively.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I know that this game is still in early stages and i might change my mind in the future, but for now i rate it 3/5.

    nice renders
    different paths

    Although i wrote different paths as pros, the game itself forces you into the fetish one in order to see full scenes. If you are into femdom, foot, rape-y fetish, then it has some good moments for you. If you're not (like me), you won't really enjoy much.
    The MC is an arsehole. I can't find anything good about him and at times i wished he never got laid and die a virgin.
    It's too easy for him to get laid without practically eny effort because most girls are acting like sex-addicts. Like you can fuck Aiko 1 minute after you meet her!
    It's a mess considering the sexual orientation of the girls. They all act/are lesbians who want his cock. And when you have one lesbian girl trying to "convert" her is one thing, but when all the girls are, it makes the game silly.

    Overall, it's a nice effort but i think i'm going to wait a few updates to see if it gets better.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game, I really like the charakters.
    Thank you for the developing, I hope, you keep going.

    I like, that you don't recognize the paths, when youre making a desicion, but only later get to know, what you messed up.. :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, nice game so far. :)
    The story itself isn't very original (as I think) but the characters are. (not only optically)
    I like games where you can't see the MC, because most of the time I don't like the optics, or Max is copied from BB.
    In addition, you can visualize your character the way you imagine it.

    Apart from that I don't like the MC very much, because from the beginning I had the feeling as if you were playing a total complete idiot, who from the first second on can think of nothing but fucking and tits. I mean, maybe it's just me, but when I meet a woman for the first time and immediately get so fixated on her tits that I don't even notice what she says to me, it doesn't surprise me that the first impression is negative. That's probably story technically intended, but I would have found it better if you had a little more influence on it. I mean, you just can't stop the MC from reacting so idiotically.

    But enough criticism. I don't want to sound like I don't like the game. The opposite is the case. The art is well done. Great renders and even if I don't find the story very original, it is still very well written. I like the development of the characters very much and also optically I would give them 10/10 stars. As I said, original optic.
    As I can see from other comments, some people don't like the fact that you can also read the thoughts of the characters. Well, I can understand that, but I personally think it's great, because it gives them more depth and is a rarely implemented feature in a VN. All in all I think the game is very well done, even the music is pleasant and fits very well. I'm already looking forward to chapter 6, because I can see from the teaser that this chapter also looks very promising. :)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The visuals are a bit rough in the begining and the story is also slow but the payoff is excellent and the graphics improve as the game progresses. I do think that some of the dialouge is dumb and drags on and alot of it makes no sence at all but those are just for the side characters. The main plot is fairly simple to comprehend.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to check on new game and this one caught my eye. I had not expected much, but this has turned out to be an awesome game so far. Edgy and psychologically well made. Even with a typical incest setting of a boy with girls and milf, the game is refreshingly different with many small details that you do not find in any other games
    Keep it coming, thank you
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 167032

    Very good renders and the models are super hot. I love the undertone of sexual desire and possibilities. Not a fan of the advertising patreon in between transition scenes but up to the dev.
    Only point of slight critique is that most of the poses looks like they are straight from DAZ and not manually setup poses, but that is just a small thing.
    Great work dev and hope to see more soon.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Another pretty good Ren'Py game about incest, i'm looking forward learning more about what is going on.
    It had one scene i did not like from the beach!

    Characters 8/10
    Sex 5.5/10 Not much MC action
    Story 8.5/10
    Art 8/10
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A bit simple in its story execution so far, but it has animations that look very good. Plenty of characters as wel, which can be good and bad in the long run. The renders look good and the models used are pretty as well.
    Ok, quality with this is starting to drop. Not on the visual/animation side though, it still looks good in that department. The problem is there is an added 'free roam' mode added which on itself isn't bad, but the way it is in this game is horrendous, it has now become a matter of having to visit every possible location again after getting some kind of interaction with somebody in a weirdly layout of a house, hoping to trigger something that advances the game. It is boring and annoying and it does not add anything meaningful to the game.
    Then there is the fact that the dev started using a 'a few moment later'-screen inserted in scenes which really don't need it (and it is just lazy story-writing but who cares about that in a porn game) and he uses that same screen to promote his patreon constantly by having a link on that same screen. It is like having commercials during your porn-video: a stupid and bad idea.