In my country, producing and distributing pornography, even if it's fictional, to the public site is illegal. What should I do?

Mar 21, 2023
Many people in my country do OnlyFans, including some well-known individuals, but no one has ever been imprisoned. Most are fined, and the amount is not very much. I can't state the exact figure, but the legal maximum is no more than 2,000 USD for production. However, the fines for distributing to a publishing site are much higher
I have no faith in your ability to do something without getting caught. Again:

If you can't keep your ideas to yourself now, there's no reason to believe you will be able to keep yourself safe down the line. You've already shown you're your own worst defense.

If you actually have ideas... you should keep them to yourself and not post them here. The fact you keep bringing up ridiculous ideas that have little chance of success show you do not have a criminal mind to keep the appearance that you are not doing criminal activity. You will eventually get caught, charged, tried, imprisoned.

Good luck and I hope you are able to secure a good attorney, as well as have a strong family who will do what they can from the outside to make sure your time on the inside isn't as horrible as it can be (sex crime prisoners - which is what you would be classified as - are the lowest on the prison hierarchy in terms of respect. They are the ones who end up being the bitches of others).


Erect Member
Mar 5, 2020
Good luck and I hope you are able to secure a good attorney, as well as have a strong family who will do what they can from the outside to make sure your time on the inside isn't as horrible as it can be (sex crime prisoners - which is what you would be classified as - are the lowest on the prison hierarchy in terms of respect. They are the ones who end up being the bitches of others).
is (illegal) adult game dev a sex crime or seen as such in prisons? people making stuff classified as pedo i could understand because then it's a pedo thing and pedo is the lowest of them all, but making a game with big titted milfs?

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
is (illegal) adult game dev a sex crime or seen as such in prisons? people making stuff classified as pedo i could understand because then it's a pedo thing and pedo is the lowest of them all, but making a game with big titted milfs?
In general, he did not say what kind of game he wants to create and what will be there....


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I might block people in my country from accessing this game to avoid the issue of sharing it publicly, but making it within the country is still a problem.

Even if the authorities can't find me , but when I file my taxes and they see that my income comes from this, it could cause problems."
Why not just make a normal game?

I’ve come up with a method. I’ll find a foreigner who can do the work and have them say they’re responsible for everything mentioned, while I take on a different role that’s unrelated. But in reality, I’m the one doing everything. This way, when filing taxes, it won’t appear that I’m doing anything illegal. It’s similar to working as a driver for adult film actors; even though the income comes from a company that produces adult films, it doesn’t mean that I’m the producer or distributor of the films, especially if no evidence can be found.
Are you accessing this site from your personal computer?
Do you perform "real" PC maintenance and NOT just hit clear cache / clear cookies?
Do you make use of back up hardware?
What is your understanding of forensic software?

As for tax filings, they only need to be filed if funds are brought into the country.
There is NOT a single country on this planet where you ONLY have to file if money is brought into the country.

Your general understanding of the situation you describe, the laws surrounding it, the laws for taxes etc. seem to beyond lacking.

Not to mentions your actions so far, which have been, to ask on a public pirate porn games forum for legal and business advice and then then go straight into illegal / cover-up planning mode. So far your "thinking" and actions are a prosecutors wet dream.

Many people in my country do OnlyFans, including some well-known individuals, but no one has ever been imprisoned. Most are fined, and the amount is not very much.
Firstly, Onlyfans does NOT mean or imply pornography, there are many who never even get naked, you also have not mentioned which kinks / fetishes your game will have so comparing the two is like comparing apples and tires.

I can't state the exact figure, but the legal maximum is no more than 2,000 USD for production.
You can't state the exact figure because it would be different figures on a case by case basis, that being said, if you don't even know understand or know that much and can't give some of the figures then your previous statement of

but no one has ever been imprisoned.
can not be taken seriously as you have no clue if any may have been or have been imprisoned on related charges and you never heard of it.

However, the fines for distributing to a publishing site are much higher
You have been and still are making way too many assumptions. Here, you are assuming that they will only charge you with certain offences and not add additional ones.

Again, so far your "thinking" and actions are a prosecutors wet dream.

Make a normal game, there are less restrictions on platforms, less hassles with materials and assets and it's LEGAL. (However do yourself a favor and look into your countries tax laws because you clearly don't understand them and even if you are creating something legal NOT paying your taxes can land you in hot water)


anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I have to remain under the radar, and I think my new plan is not to bring any money into the country or my domestic accounts. When I need to use the money, I'll do so abroad.
Something that can only works if you earn near to nothing from your game. Unless you believe that you can cross the border with a dishwasher in your car, without raising a bit of suspicion. And of course, in case you earn US$ 1,000/month or more, you'll also raise suspicion because you starts to live above what your official earning permit you. It will not necessarily happen immediately, but it will happen soon or later.
In both case, the first thought that will come to officials will be that you deal with drugs or something serious like that. Therefore be assured that they'll investigate, and that they'll do it seriously. They'll end loosing their time, finding an offense when they expected a crime, and like they'll not like it, they'll charge you as much as possible. If one of the girls in the game look a bit too young, you'll be charged with **. If one sex scene feel a bit none consensual, for rape apology, and so on.
And like your money isn't directly available, you'll not even be able to pay for a good lawyer.

If there's one thing you need to understand, is that you can't hide your earnings unless you're already rich or already have an indecent earnings.

As counter intuitive as it can look, the second best move is to be fully transparent. Patreon will not tell what you are creating, just that you've earned money through their service, like the hundred of thousands creators that have a none adult creator account.
And like you legally earn that money, while paying your taxes on it, no one will ever care to looks deeper. Anyway, I'm 99% sure that Patreon wouldn't say what your account is unless directly asked by a judge. This will I'm 99% sure that no judge would ask Patreon unless there's proof that what you are doing can be illegal.

This being said, the real best move is to not do a porn game in a country where it's illegal to do a porn game. Especially since there's 90% chance that you'll not even earn US$ 200/month. Unless it a big life changer in your country, it don't worth taking the risk to pass years in jail.
And if you really believe that you can be a DarkCookie level creator, then you can also be it without putting porn in your story; what would open your game to a bigger public and therefore make you earn more.
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: morphnet
Mar 21, 2023
Why not just make a normal game?

Are you accessing this site from your personal computer?
Do you perform "real" PC maintenance and NOT just hit clear cache / clear cookies?
Do you make use of back up hardware?
What is your understanding of forensic software?

There is NOT a single country on this planet where you ONLY have to file if money is brought into the country.

Your general understanding of the situation you describe, the laws surrounding it, the laws for taxes etc. seem to beyond lacking.

Not to mentions your actions so far, which have been, to ask on a public pirate porn games forum for legal and business advice and then then go straight into illegal / cover-up planning mode. So far your "thinking" and actions are a prosecutors wet dream.

Firstly, Onlyfans does NOT mean or imply pornography, there are many who never even get naked, you also have not mentioned which kinks / fetishes your game will have so comparing the two is like comparing apples and tires.

You can't state the exact figure because it would be different figures on a case by case basis, that being said, if you don't even know understand or know that much and can't give some of the figures then your previous statement of

can not be taken seriously as you have no clue if any may have been or have been imprisoned on related charges and you never heard of it.

You have been and still are making way too many assumptions. Here, you are assuming that they will only charge you with certain offences and not add additional ones.

Again, so far your "thinking" and actions are a prosecutors wet dream.

Make a normal game, there are less restrictions on platforms, less hassles with materials and assets and it's LEGAL. (However do yourself a favor and look into your countries tax laws because you clearly don't understand them and even if you are creating something legal NOT paying your taxes can land you in hot water)

I will speak from the heart. I still want people, including you, to play my game. I hope that our future conversations will be free from creating suffering, diminishing dignity, or tarnishing each other’s reputations entirely. If I encounter such behavior, I will have to end the conversation, as it’s something I cannot tolerate. I will not engage in any discussion that I feel is unrelated to finding ways to complete this task or where I sense a lack of intent to help me from you. I’m confident that nothing I’ve done before has harmed anyone in this forum, so I will not be changing myself in any way.

I’m happy to see that you’ve invested time to discuss this topic with so many messages, and that gives me encouragement. I’ve tried my best to revise my messages so as not to hurt you. If any of my words have offended you, I ask that you understand I’ve done my best to revise them as much as I can because it takes a lot of energy.

I submitted your messages to GPT-4o for analysis, and it found elements of belittling or diminishing. After reading your messages, I initially felt a little angry at you, but I’ve let go of that anger. There are also points where I feel you were too quick to judge, perhaps without giving it much thought, because it may not be necessary for you or you may have done it to harm me. Some of the questions you asked may not have been intended to help me. Your words could affect the reputation of my ID, so I need to clarify certain points. For example, “You have no clue if any may have been or have been imprisoned on related charges.” I do have the information, and I’m willing to share it with you, but it must not reveal which country I am in. I have researched thoroughly and found no one has been imprisoned for this offense.

As for “There is NOT a single country on this planet where you ONLY have to file if money is brought into the country,” in my country, it has been clearly stated in various media sources that this has been practiced for a long time, and I have not seen any responsible authority disputing this information. However, your words have made me fearful, so I’ll investigate it further.

“You can’t state the exact figure” — the legal maximum is no more than 2,000 USD. I provided an inflated figure, and I cannot give the exact number to reduce the risk of revealing which country I am from.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I submitted your messages to GPT-4o for analysis, and it found elements of belittling or diminishing. After reading your messages, I initially felt a little angry at you, but I’ve let go of that anger.
Being blunt about the truth and facts is neither belittling or diminishing, you came onto a public pirate porn games forum and asked how you could get away with breaking the law in your country. No rational person would think that adding tits to a game is worth time in prison, ESPECIALLY when there are legal alternatives.

There are also points where I feel you were too quick to judge, perhaps without giving it much thought, because it may not be necessary for you or you may have done it to harm me.
We work with what we are given, you rejected the replies telling you not to do it or that it was a bad idea, you came to a public pirate porn games forum to discuss legal matters from complete strangers, you laid out a plan to commit fraud, the response you got was if anything on the lighter side.

Some of the questions you asked may not have been intended to help me.
Educating oneself is always helpful

I have researched thoroughly and found no one has been imprisoned for this offense.
Given your previous replies and those later in this reply, "researched thoroughly" is doubtful, unless you have followed ever arrest in every province / state / prefecture etc.(dependent of which your country uses) and had access to trials, plea deals, etc. you can not know that no one has been imprisoned.

in my country, it has been clearly stated in various media sources that this has been practiced for a long time, and I have not seen any responsible authority disputing this information. However, your words have made me fearful, so I’ll investigate it further.
Media sources are NOT legal information sources, at the very least you should have visited your countries tax website and read up on the requirements, failing that, going to an accountant or lawyers who specializes in tax law should've been your next steps. There are MANY free legal aid websites and free legal advice sites. As you are posting on a forum on the internet there is no reason why you should not have done that and instead argued the point.

“You can’t state the exact figure” — the legal maximum is no more than 2,000 USD. I provided an inflated figure, and I cannot give the exact number to reduce the risk of revealing which country I am from.
As I pointed out above, if you had "researched thoroughly" you would have had at least 1 or 2 exact numbers from cases you researched. Also unless the country you are from is completely different from the rest of the world, most sentences comes with alternatives. i.e. a $2000 fine or 30 days in jail or 200 hours community service etc. These alternatives are in place to accommodate sentencing and allowing for judges to take each case on it's particular circumstances.

In conclusion,

You came here asking for help on how to break a law in your country, you then came up with a plan to break more laws to help break the first one and then were unhappy that you did NOT receive the support you were for some reason expecting. You also got many general legal facts incorrect, showed a lack of knowledge of tax law and continued to discuss / argue on points you have shown you have minimal to no knowledge on and incase you were not keeping track...

These are just some of the illegal activities you have brought up or mentioned so far.... (in your country)

Making porn games
money laundering
conspiracy to commit fraud
tax evasion

So again... don't do it, make a normal game and stay out of prison.

btw just curious, have you put all your replies together and submitted them for analysis? I'm pretty sure you'll get the same response.... don't do it!
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Jan 11, 2019
The only way to stay safe is not to make porn in the first place.

There's also the crypto option. But most people don't use it, know about it, or flat out think it's a scam. If the median patreon H-game is making a 100 dollars per month, then a crypto backed game will make just 1 dollar. But who knows, if crypto gets adopted and popularized, especially here at f95, then it could be possible to make a decent income for would be devs.


Game Developer
Sep 27, 2024
"When thousands of people tell you to stop, it means you're on the right path" :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
Go forward tiger!
I really like this thread too!

Topic starter: Guys, I want to shoot my leg, please, tell me how to hold the gun.
Other: You should not shoot you leg, bro.
TS: I'm not asking you about that. I'm asking how to hold the gun!

I just hope that all that will not lead to real problems.
Mar 21, 2023
Why do you HAVE to make porn games? You can probably find another hobby.
Because I am very happy creating it, I spend more than 16 hours a day on it. I don't even want to sleep because I'm so driven to build it, and I want to see my game dominate the market. I also want to see players consider my game to be the most satisfying experience, with nothing else being more fulfilling, and above all other games
Mar 21, 2023
Why do you HAVE to make porn games? You can probably find another hobby.
Version 1.0, which is currently under development, will be a self-contained NTR route, not requiring players to wait for a new version. It can be played without downloading and supports all platforms, including iPhone.


Game Developer
Oct 20, 2021
In my country it is illegal to distribute porn, but not illegal to make it. There are 2 options for legalization:
1/ The produced images are sent to another country where distribution is allowed. A fee is paid for the production.
2/ Moving to another country.
Mar 21, 2023
In my country it is illegal to distribute porn, but not illegal to make it. There are 2 options for legalization:
1/ The produced images are sent to another country where distribution is allowed. A fee is paid for the production.
2/ Moving to another country.
I will use a blocking method for the distribute to prevent people in my country from accessing it. This method will reduce the severity if I get caught.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
Interesting. I was totally convinced that porn would only be illegal in a few dystopian dictatorships like Saudi-Arabia.

The more you know.