I started learning 3D 2 weeks ago with the goal to eventually create porn games. These are some (normal) objects and scenes I made. Feedback Welcome!


Mar 12, 2019
I think he just ment set as in a scene.

But I personally use sets consisting out of a lot of small pieces, which I copy to a new file to create a room or building.

It's more useful if you need/want a lot of different scenes. For example the project I'm working on is taken place in a steam punk city, with Victorian style buildings (the style you see in London, or in Paris). I want a lot of different locations, so making a set makes sense. Especially as Victorian style buildings are all about repetition and symmetry.

So I got a file with all kind of small parts: a couple different pillars, walls, walls with windows in it, pipes, clockwork, etc. It's just a large lego set really.

If I want to make a new building I just copy the part to a new file, maybe make some small changes (like different color of bricks), and just build a new scene pretty fast.

If you wanna get a clearer idea of what I mean look up game asset sets (for unity). They pretty much use the same concept: a fair amount of small parts, which you just place and copy to quickly create a buikding/room.
It makes sense to create chairs for instance in a seperate project. If you add variations you can just import them and you're done.

I downloaded "Make a Bod". Damn, this is complicated stuff. I'll have to spend at least a month on this.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
I downloaded "Make a Bod". Damn, this is complicated stuff. I'll have to spend at least a month on this
Nah, it looks a lot more complicated then it is. Just play with each shape key, and see what it does. That's all there is really. There are a lot of them, but the majority of them are very small changes, which you can mainly ignore.


Mar 12, 2019
Nah, it looks a lot more complicated then it is. Just play with each shape key, and see what it does. That's all there is really. There are a lot of them, but the majority of them are very small changes, which you can mainly ignore.
Character design is still completely new to me so pardon the ultra noob questions. I still have to rig the model, right?


Game Developer
Oct 11, 2018
How do you make sets? I mean as in how do you organize them? Do you make an entire living room and save it as a Blender project or do you make a separate project for each piece of furniture?
I'm working in Maya, so it might be slightly different, but Blender is so advanced these days that I'm sure it probably still applies.

I use a series of referenced files (blender may call it something else, but they're files that load along with other files so that a dozen files can use the same grass field without having to save the grass a dozen times). So I build a base environment with lights and ground, trees, grass, whatever you see through the window. save that, then move on to deciding what props are in the room and save that as a separate file (I have a lot of props at this point so I tend to reuse them with other textures). Then, I import those files as a reference for the room I'm building.

Once everything is there, I'll correct textures (any changed made to a referenced object are unique, so they don't transfer to other files sharing the reference), tweak lights, cameras, add effects if there are any (flames, smoke, fog, etc). If it's just a background, then that's the end. If there are characters in the scene, then I import them as well (sometimes I need to make an entirely new file and reference the previous completed file).

Maya's pretty good with the referencing of referenced files... Other than dynamic things like hair. That does tend to get messed up as the layers of references gets deeper.

Anyway, yeah, until I started doing it this way, my save files were gigantic and loading complex environments was hellish. Now, I have a few large base files, but my working scene files are pretty reasonably sized.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2018
yeah. You lose the rig when you create the copy with all the shape keys applied.

But its not a big deal. The skeleton they are using isn't great to start with, and rigging is surprisingly easy with rigify addon (as long as you are rigging people without wings/tails/etc.). Just google a tutorial how to use the addon, there are tons of them.

I'm working in Maya, so it might be slightly different, but Blender is so advanced these days that I'm sure it probably still applies.
I think its called append and linked in blender:



Game Developer
Oct 11, 2018
I think its called append and linked in blender:

It looks like this, plus the 'background set' mentioned at the bottom of the linked page, is a pretty close replication with a few minor limitations. The only thing that looks like it would be a problem would be that the linked file isn't live (can't move things in the world space). But if you built everything carefully, that wouldn't prove to be too problematic.

That said, what I'm most jealous of when I look into blender is the community making plugins to recreate all these little things. I'm not about to search down that rabbit hole, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone made something to remove those limits on linking files.

Like... Maya introduced a really great procedural effects system about six months ago that can do some amazing things. And they made it in a way that artists can save their effects and share them with the community. Great. Imagine Blender had a way to just plug in an effect like 'the geometry turns to dust over X amount of time and the dust swirls into a secondary mesh shape if desired and then bursts into flames' or 'makes your animated mesh into a dripping pile of dynamic worms'. You would have share sites full of Thanos portals and Frozen fractals in no time at all. Maya? I kid you not, the official share site had only things posted by Autodesk employees until last month, and even now, you can count the number of posts from actual creators on one hand, and they're not terribly useful things, either. That's the difference between a community of open source developers and one of professionals who keep their IP tightly wrapped.