So I think this game is too early in development for me to add an actual 'review' (and then forget about having added it and needing to update it). Just some thoughts.. Love this genre of games, ever since Slut-Phone and Wife-Phone. And I see the potential for that in this one too. Its just a few things kinda holding me back at the moment..
The interface... really kinda wish this had been either renpy or that phone-game-UI that the other games use. Not a bash on HTML games, I enjoy a few of those, but the save-features keeps throwing me (I like to be able to save easy and roll-back to see other paths, here it just feels kinda clunky how we do all that). And when it flips from phone-view to full-page view with no controls it totally throws me too. Also its kind of weird that we can't select text when it changes view. Which can be weirdly off-putting 'cause when there's a lot of text on a page it can be nice to select sentences as you go as place-keeping for reading... I know, its weird, I never even thought about it until this game where I couldn't do it. If it has to be HTML maybe check out Twine before going too far - it handles the save/load and views a bit more cleanly. And then you can focus on building the game instead of trying to also build a game engine from the ground up.
Content wise... I'm liking the slightly different direction, where its kinda half-way between Wife-Phone (mc has control over most of what's happening and is causing the action / 'in on the corruption') vs Slut-Phone (mc has little to no control and bad things are happening). And the slight fog-of-war take where things are happening to the wife but the husband doesn't actually know about it - leaning more heavily into NTR then the other games. That's cool.
I do get thrown a bit by the writing though.. Its totally fine in places, good even, especially in dialog text boxes. When it switches to descriptive texts though.. feels like it could use some polish. Eg.
"At her house....
The time with Mark was very good and you didn't see time pass.
When you realized it was late you ran to the bedroom to call Layla.
At that moment you noticed several missed messages and calls from Layla.
You take your cell phone off the charger and go toward the wardrobe to put the charger in a drawer.
Next to the wardrobe is the bedroom window, which faces the street.
From the window of your apartment you notice a couple kissing passionately on the street.
You were already drunk and could barely think straight - but that woman looked a lot like your wife.
You take out your cell phone and dial Layla's number looking at the couple."
Its like every sentence is stand-alone, action, same beat, same weight - more like stage directions then narration. Its not.. 'bad' as such. Threw it into hemingwayapp (free online tool that helps with writing) and nothing significant jumped out from it, don't think grammarly would object either (but I closed my license w/ that), so may just be more a 'personal flavor' then anything, don't know.. Just kinda feels like maybe more linking sentences in these kinds of scenes would differentiate out 'action' (the dialog) from 'narration' (descriptive scenes like this example) and flow a bit smoother? Like...
"At her house....
The time with Mark was very good and you didn't notice time passing. When you realize it had gotten late you run to the bedroom to call Layla. That's when you notice several missed messages and calls. Hopefully everything is ok! You start scrolling through the messages as you pace in front of the window. That's when you notice a couple kissing passionately on the street. It must be the alcohol still in your system... the woman looks so much like your wife? Same hair.. same dress she went out in.. It must be the alcohol. You take out your cell phone and dial Layla's number while staring at the couple. It couldn't be her... could it?"
Eh, again, may be just personal flavor, do as you will, good luck!