- Jul 23, 2023
- 335
- 390
true, it's suicidal edgy feminine gay-yaoi stuff, it's a red flag ngl, those females got mental problems with daddy issues nglMost of the time it's easy to tell.
I always laugh when guys assume that games written by girls are more romance-focused. Guys care -way- more about that kind of thing; even the games that are supposedly about raw sex have a distinct (romantic) decorum that they follow. Meanwhile most of the popular games made by girls are trashy fantasies where dangerous psycho boys either try to homoerotically kill each other for the right to take wallflower-chan as their woman or else lose her entirely and turn each other out (to their beautiful anguish~).
If anything I'd argue they tend to be more about raw sexuality, just not the sort that's completely focused on how the guy in the scenario is made to cum.
facts don't care about your feelings, hahaA good concentration of hatred for women. Thanks.
intersex genitalia is called mutation lol, i wish all men / males were cute little korean lesbian incestious females, the world would be a better place no capWell just to dump some more fuel on the fire.
All men start out as female in the womb. It is the default body plan. In fact if a genetic male makes too little testosterone they will be born as and live their live as a woman and may even carry a baby to term with IVF (as they are infertile otherwise).
Then there are intersex children that are born with genitals that are neither fully male or female though their gender is generally male or female.
I don't really have a point (maybe that we are all lesbians deep down?) just thought I'd share. Something 'Alpha' 'males' can lie awake at night about that they technically started out as 'the fairer sex' and are deep down just a weak woman...
renpy? lol, what about actual games hm? not fking walls of text with 2 or 3 static images lmao, python != game engine, just saying
yo it's racism, sexism and feminism! hahaand unshaven armpits along with a sagging ass?