5 Stars....really?
Hell yeah, now settle down before I stake you out in the desert.
So listen up, boot!
If you are a Chad or even posses an ounce of Chadliness, then you should love this type of VN and here's why...
So imagine you are a muscular walking slab of beef, living in a Mad Max style world where the strong survive and the weak become roadkill, you revel in your strength and uber Chad aura because when everything is going to shit around you, only YOU can protect your harem of hot bitches...maybe add a few along the way as you battle to find a place to carve out as your own.
These priceless jewels of femininity will keep the heavy load in your balls light, meaning one less problem right? and if that doesn't make your pecker rise to full salute, well among your nubile desert hotties are a pair of young twin sisters that want their adopted guardian to teach them the way of the open petal...yes, you will need to deflower them my good Chadmeister.
It's harsh out there man. Savages....Zombie Ass Dogs...Bandits...Sand in your butthole...
I have full faith that you can do this!
Travel the Hot Sands of Antarctica (that fuckin name...yeesh) and Kill! Make bitches yours! look for shelter, fuel and food....all while wondering why the dev gave such a great game, such a crap name...
I'm a Chad and I fully recommend this game! Thumbs and Cock up!