Ren'Py - Holiday Island [v0.4.5.1] [darkhound1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is the best game we have on F95zone, but the story gets monotonous after a while and the women's bodies are a bit disproportionate, but the type of game, the progression and the amount of different events is fantastic. I think you need to speed up the progression in the game and help players unlock new interactions by marking the dialogues in which the paths have already been exhausted and those that still have things to be explored. Other than that, the game is fantastic.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Only thing is that without any mods or guides, the game is a long grind where you're it doesn't seem to give a whole lot of hints as to what to do, who to talk to/date or how to do those things, nor unlock new girls. Maybe Ive gotten used to things being more linear lately. So, I still give it five stars
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything is great. The art style might seem bimbo heavy (and it is) but if the looks interest you; you will enjoy it. The gameplay loop is good and rewarding (on the slightly longer side). To me it has a great balance seeing what you wanna see, and progressing the game futher to see more goodies. But if you must have great animations in ur preferred games. Then maybe hold off, but still give it a try if it interreges you.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Holiday Island is one of those games that made me play it more than I should have, because once I get the mechanics of the game I tend to just leave it aside and move on. But in this case, there was something about the fact of seeing these women all the time, in diff situations, being provocative to you 24/7...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is very slow and grindy
    interaction feels like i m chasing PNG across the map until i hit arbitrary "like me" number to trigger the scene
    i spend 2 hours hard skip trying to get action
    and all it give me was able to grab tiddy of 1 lady
    i also missed something on my msg but its bcs character wake up at 8 and it was happening at 7
    i m not sure why design event like that? like what i m supposed to do?

    i like the idea of being able to specify preferences, but it feels like it just to check how fast your character get horny from talking to girl...

    Slow progress
    Unclear objectives
    frustrating gameplay
    could not unlock sex before my free time was over...
    4/10 i don't like it, its not just frustrating game
    Save and menu compositions are also quite bad

    Harem hotel in comparition have clean menu interaction, game also works faster and grind is less tedious, you got 1 primary sex unlocker and rest of the statistics are flavor/bonus scene unlockers
    you get to unlock sex before next shift and if you have builded save you can just visit girl for sex, here all my visits could not get me inside girl room or her inside my room or me inside her xD

    it could be better, i rl wanted it to be better
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Very Grindy , Bad Reward Balance , Not worth your time at all this Game.
    This is how to not develop a sandbox game. What a freaking boring grind with so much annoying stuff to do. After hours of boring gameplay i switched to cheats and could trigger 1 animation which was also a bad animation. Why ppl rate this Game to 4 Stars.?
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Love me boring stat grind with unrewarding progression. Thing is, even if you were to remove stats all together, you'd still be wandering around screens aimlessly, just wasting your time. The women are all about the same with no substantial difference between them. Sex scenes are spread remarkably thin throughout the play-time. And the animations are way below average.
    Non recommandé.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Everyone is a bimbo, big tit slut. the only variety are the body types! That is it! the animations are very choppy and most of the renders are not good enough! the dev KEEPS saying with EVERY update that he has "updated" some renders but whenever i replay, every start is literally the same, and yes, i have compared multiple versions of the game together. the initial 1 hour of playtime will look exactly the same quality no matter the version! what is updated??? its very frustrating! and i don't understand why no one else has called this out!!! So it loses a star because of this.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could have been much better with more realistic breasts... or if we could at least adjust the girls' bust. I tried to play it, but good god the tits are just too big and ruins them.
    At least they're not fat and old or ugly, so + for that. Sad that I even think to say that...
    Also, its a pain to progress them. Even with a cheat there's hidden stuff you won't know to do without a WT.
    It gets a 3 from me only because I like the gameplay concept and want more of them. I miss Summer Job
    Next time, let us customize body shape. We need this in way more games.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Nothing too great, the UI is ugly and feels like it's out of the 90s just low quality and ugly, I do realize now however after paying attention that its a game from 2017 so I guess that makes sense and can be overlooked. The girls are not that great with almost all them having the bimbo look without any strong characteristics that set them apart too much, and they can be close to uncanny valley rather easily as well, the titties in the game are way too big and a bit ridiculous, but I guess that’s the theme of the game so I can’t speak too much on that. The actual game-play is pure torture with nothing interesting actually making you go through it very repetitive and uninteresting, I'm guessing the author was trying to make it a little less straight to the chase and more realistic but it’s ridiculous how bad the loop is. Insane amounts of text with the dialogue being very lame feeling like its from a bad porn scene, the sex scenes are also dreadful I was waiting patiently to reach a nice scene only to be absolutely disappointed with how bad they were. There is no way to even play this without the cheats/mods to alter the girls stats otherwise you will lose your mind playing this, and all for what is ultimately a very mediocre game, hard pass.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Insane grind without cheats, but the models are solid, and there are some really fun mechanics. The most unfortunate thing is that there seems to be an issue with the trophies in game, the contest trophies disappear regularly, so it's impossible to keep track of my favorite idea in the game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    -Boring Mc with zero depth
    - The girls all have the same personality with that make you fall asleep
    - Most of this game is just grinding for multiple hours and days to increase your stats and the girls affection etc and most of the time its not even rewarding because all they do is tease the mc and show cleavage and thats it.

    The only good thing about this game are the models, the other stuff just have no thought put into them.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Lots of content, but very grindy and the content is all very similar. Also more breast-obsessed than most people are probably into, and the MC is so passive that the game can be considered femdom. But if those are your thing, maybe give it a try.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My favourite game! :D Cause it s full of big boobs and excellent story, nice sandstorm, the mechanics are good, the animations, love it. So beautiful models, so much content, the dream job is included!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The girls are hot, you get to choose body preference, you get to choose your favourites, it's simple and enjoyable. The grind may be a bit too much, but everything else is fun and enjoyable. Easy 5 stars.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite some of the models being questionable, I really do love this game because it's such a huge sandbox with an absolute ton of content to find and unlock. If cheats didn't exist, this might be a 2/5 for how terrible a grind it would be.

    That said, a lot of content can be a nightmare to unlock since you need to fill such specific criteria. Even when you think you've filled it, it just won't work.

    Ivy tho <3
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has so much potential, but its mostly just frustrating. The girls are super hot. The sex that's there is pretty good. And there really is quite a bit of content even if a LOT of it is just fluff (i.e. 300 different variations of groping).

    The main issue is how insanely specific the parameters are for unlocking content. Needing to meet a specific character, at a specific time, in a specific place, alone, with her wearing a specific clothing set, having finished a specific quest, having done the interaction multiple times previously, having her stats/status being at a certain level, hitting an RNG check, having your own stats/status be at a certain level, and then taking the correct specific options during the scene...all to get a new just abysmal design.

    And after all that, most of the good stuff isn't really repeatable. Just let me show up to a girls room and ask to bang (especially if we've already hooked up numerous times). The fact that such a basic and core aspect of a sandbox sex game STILL doesn't exist is just ludicrous.

    TLDR: Stop locking new content behind 14 different checkboxes. Let us hook up freely. Don't add anymore tease/foreplay content as its already bloated with that.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing! Sexy girls! A lot of content! Sandbox, good art. The whole package! Hours and hours of fun! Is on my top tier games for sure! Congrats to Dev! I thought I had already reviewed this game before, but apparently not. So here goes. A solid 5!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Maybe a little more animation, and possibly making the MC’s member slightly bigger and a little more defined looks like a polish sausage lol, but not complaining. Lots to do. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to an update.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is the golden standard for big boobs, sandbox games. The animations are excellent, there's a lot of different women to interact with, and the grinds is kept to a minimum. Sure, it's damn easy, but the whole point is getting these cuties naked, and that's all there is to it!