Soooo ...

... let me check if I understand correctly ...
1. Delizia has a loving boyfriend
erm ... he's too old to be a called a boy, yet too broke to be called a sugar daddy, so ...
1. Delizia has a loving stevia-daddy
2. Nothing happens
3. Delizia freaks out
4. Delizia runs away from auntie Joy's house and goes no-contact for months
5. Big sisters Myriam, Mercedes and Jennifer pick up Delizia's shit
6. Delizia goes back to her grandpa-with-benefits like it was nothing
7. Nothing happens ... again
8. Delizia blows up at everybody ... again
9. Big sisters pick up her shit ... again

teenage years can be difficult, but that kid has it harder than most.
Good thing her family is here for her.
Wait, what do you mean, not 15 ?
... She's how many years old, you say ?