Just curious...
...are we all pretending this game isn't a shitty reskinner? He blows this game up on Reddit constantly, pretending that every girl isn't just a reskinned version of the exact same animated body as every other girl? In fact, is this even a game? Its little more than a 2D version of the Wild Life sandbox.
If you'd actually read the OP, and follow the comments on this thread, you'd have noticed that:
1. The Game is review banned on here due to the silly dev making alt accounts to give 5* reviews.
2. Most people are baffled by how popular this is on patreon, given that yes, this is pretty much a reskinner, and not a terribly good one at that.
3. He just got very lucky and managed to market this to a crowd outside of the usual suspects.
4. Lots of people complain about the in your face patreon begging and the insane amount of locked content.
So no, I'd say no one on here is pretending that this isn't just a reskinner.
But sometimes, shit turns to gold, and for the dev, it has.
I mean depending on your standards it's totally fappable and all, and there are way worse games, but yeah, ummm, it's not that good.