It's pretty simple. You could defeat them the normal way, if you have the stats/equipment for it, or you could hold on to win by the turn count, as the combat ends in your victory after a certain number of turns (if you did not lose by then).Can anyone explain the Sigrid encounter to me (teacher and two schoolgirls)? It seems to just go on for a while and then ends in me winning, even though I'm nowhere near getting her (their?) hitpoints down to 0.
Thanks a bunch. I wasn't sure if it was a turn counter, or having to hit some but not all of the three girls, or what the mechanic was (like with those two girls that healed each other in the castle in HC1). And thanks also for the tip about Victoria; I hadn't noticed that one.It's pretty simple. You could defeat them the normal way, if you have the stats/equipment for it, or you could hold on to win by the turn count, as the combat ends in your victory after a certain number of turns (if you did not lose by then).
Not the only fight with an alternative way to win. Another one is the Victoria boss (Swamp, meditation lady), in which if you simply do not hit her for a number of turns (while also not going over a Lust threshold), you'll win the fight automatically AND get the Calm Mind buff.
You can also argue that the fights that you lose, and then get caught by Gabrielle (doctor lady) are a different way to "Lose", as you could instead defeat Gabrielle at that point
How to go in castle it locked?How do you beat the 5th room in the castle, where the two women are? One constantly heals the other, and if I target the healer, then after a few attacks the lock me in an inescapable pose, and my attacks do nothing basicly. I went in the castle with like 40 attack dmg and I always fail in that room.
edit: nvm. Just managed to beat them.
You have to get past a certain amount of Fame score DURING the run (not the Fame that you have outside the runs), then go to the Tavern and, if you got the needed Fame, it will give you a bit of new dialogue and unlock the Tower location.How to go in castle it locked?
corruption has it's own tag here on f95. that's currently 88 pages of games. add whatever other tags you like (i.e. female domination or male protagonist) and you'll find a fair amount. also note that there are two games in the OP: hero corruption 1 and this game! anyone know any games like it where the girls are trying to corrupt you?
I'm guessing you have to beat the secret enemy you find by doing enough work at the tavern, get the Fine Clothes she drops, then wear them to the taven. Just guess though.One of the new achievements is about wearing the wrong clothes. how does one get it?
You got new update bro?
Tess/Esperanza/Marian all already were in 0.65.
I suppose they were in live versions after the 0.65))Tess/Esperanza/Marian all already were in 0.65.
wrong changelog perhaps?
A true hero among us, simple fappers))