- Nov 26, 2017
- 198
- 114
What training dummy?You must be registered to see the links
The new version of Hero Corruption is out.
- Ivy: This newcomer might not seem like much of a threat at first, but give her a few days...
- Tricia: Don't be fooled by her size, Tricia even brought her own gloves
- Recipe Shop: There's a new store in town, wanna check it out?
- Jogging: Not so fast to be running, neither too slow to be walking
- Meditation Spot: Sure, let's do this while surrounded by enemies, what could go wrong?
- Boomerang: It comes back to you, unlike your Ex
- Training Dummy: I warned you
- Added the Stamina description in the Codex
- Added a new sub-menu on the Recipe Codex Page
- Added Sfx to Zoe's blowjob
- Added a transition to Naomi's BE
- Addedd a "Broken" Status Effect when Hannah's BE is triggered
- Reaching Day 15 now grants +50 bonus Score
- Decreased Icepick trigger chance 30% > 20%
- Increased Laura's HP 100 > 120
- Increased Nova's physical damage 1xHandjob > 2xHandjob
- Decreased Lisa's Creampie Move chance 60% > 40%
- Increased Sasha's HP 150 > 160
- Increased time interval between Naomi's stretches 3 > 4 turns min.
- Increased the amount of load Diana's dildo gains when the Hero orgasm
- Reduced Bea's confusion max timer 3s > 2.3s
- Increased Rose's attack 20~25 > 25~35
- Removed the Stamina counter from all bosses exclusive to the Castle
- Lich's Grasp no longer activates if the player's HP is lower than 10%
- Fixed Icepick crits not working properly
- Fixed getting back clothes from Amy
- Fixed negative map prices
- Fixed Church event not triggering a couple of scenes
- Fixed Clarice titjob sound looping
- Fixed Val double dialog
- Fixed Bea skipping turns sometimes
- Fixed Lich's Grasp recipe being kept between runs
- Fixed Kitty's Bad End warning appearing on the incorrect stage
i get the warning then paste the stats but the run command comes up false and nothing happens any reason why?Sorry, being the author of the save system used by Hero Corruption (and Trials of the Succubi), it's a bit painful for me to see those struggle trying to hack the save states.
The easiest thing to do is set up a Miovana account and just import/modify the tease in your own private copy as desired. If that's not an option for you, I'd recommend not editing the save state strings as they weren't really designed for that, but instead just expose the JS interpreter used by Eos, and then inject the variable changes directly into the interpreter on the browser's console.
(Chrome example, firefox should be similar)
1. Get the tease loaded in the browser, ready to start.
2. Open the browser's JS console.
3. In the console's context selector drop-down (defaults to "top"), select "eosscript.com"
4. Enter the following on the console input, and press enter:
5. Start the tease. You should see a warning with "Found Eos Interpreter ..." output on the console. Eos's interpreter instance should now be available on the global variable "eosSandbox"JavaScript:(()=>{ const o = Interpreter.prototype.run Interpreter.prototype.run = function(){ Interpreter.prototype.run = o window.eosSandbox = this console.warn('Found Eos Interpreter', this) return this.run() } })()
6. Play the tease to the point where you want to modify some stats -- like to your Base, where you're past any "security" checks.
7. On the JS console, enter the following to load the script you want to execute in the interpreter:
8. Again on the JS console, enter following to execute that script:JavaScript:eosSandbox.appendCode(` gold=10000 attack=100 msta=500 // and so on `)
9. Now play the tease and see if things have changed.JavaScript:eosSandbox.run()
10. If you want to see a dump of the current state variable names/values, you could try:
Edit:JavaScript:eosSandbox.appendCode(`console.log(Object.keys(heroCorruptionState.__states).reduce(function(a,k){a[k]=window[k];return a},{}))`) eosSandbox.run()
If you want to take a snapshot of the current state that you can copy/edit/paste:
Then copy the JSON output you'll see.JavaScript:eosSandbox.appendCode(`console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.keys(heroCorruptionState.__states).reduce(function(a,k){a[k]=window[k];return a},{})))`) eosSandbox.run()
If you want to import that snapshot later:
For example:JavaScript:eosSandbox.appendCode(` (function(s){ Object.keys(s).forEach(function(k){window[k]=s[k]}) if (s.onpage) pages.goto(s.onpage) })(/* Paste snapshot JSON here */) `) eosSandbox.run()
Edit2:JavaScript:eosSandbox.appendCode(` (function(s){ Object.keys(s).forEach(function(k){window[k]=s[k]}) if (s.onpage) pages.goto(s.onpage) })({"onpage":"Base","mode":"legacy","name":"Test","soul":"none","msta":100,"sta":100,"lust":0,"mlust":100,"attack":11,"at":1,"damage":0,"gold":0,"total":0,"day":1,"event":0,"hour":12,"codex":false,"corruption":0,"enemyhp":100,"Eattack":0,"enemylust":0,"hp":100,"Mhp":100,"stage":1,"bonus":0,"run":1,"i":0,"x":0,"y":0,"counteroffer":0,"LikeShemale":false,"DShemale1":0,"DAnastasia":0,"DAnna":0,"DHelen":0,"DLaura":0,"DLola":0,"DIris":0,"DSandyandWendy":0,"DEmma":0,"DSerena":0,"DHannah":0,"DLisa":0,"DKathy":0,"DSarah":0,"DSophie":0,"DRaven":0,"DMia":0,"DCandy":0,"DLily":0,"DMona":0,"DElla":0,"DZoe":0,"DJulia":0,"DKira":0,"DHope":0,"DBea":0,"DAlice":0,"DAmy":0,"DRose":0,"DLeona":0,"DSasha":0,"DKitty":0,"DMaxine":0,"DNova":0,"DKelly":0,"DClarice":0,"DJessie":0,"DLeah":0,"DDiana":0,"potionstoday":0,"creampie":0,"bigbreasts":0,"shemale":0,"blowjob":0,"handjob":0,"anal":0,"LDominated":false,"LNaked":false,"LAroused":false,"LRestrained":false,"LStronger":false,"LWeakened":false,"LCaged":false,"LBroken":false,"LConfused":false,"LCharmed":false,"score":0,"extra":0,"bs":0,"bse":0,"shop":0,"PHannah":false,"PSophie":false,"PKira":false,"PZoe":false,"PLisa":false,"PLaura":false,"PAnastasia":false,"PLeona":false,"PSigrid":false,"PKitty":false,"PMaxine":false,"PLola":false,"PNova":false,"PChloe":false,"PSuzie":false,"PAlice":false,"PKelly":false,"PDiana":false,"city":0,"citye":0,"church":0,"tavern":0,"equipment":false,"purpleprice":20,"redprice":20,"nbluepot":0,"npurplepot":0,"nredpot":0,"ngreenpot":0,"norangepot":0,"naked":false,"aroused":false,"dominated":false,"restrained":false,"stronger":false,"weakened":false,"broken":false,"confused":false,"charmed":0,"Tattack":5,"caged":false,"nloot":0,"ini":1,"MForest":true,"MPlains":false,"MSwamp":false,"MDeepForest":false,"MDarkWoods":false,"RFCSword":false,"Rclothes":false,"Reyepatch":false,"RDagger":false,"RKnuckles":false,"RAnalPlug":false,"RCondom":false,"RSword":false,"RCastrator":false,"RHolyNecklace":false,"RFleshlight":false,"RBra":false,"RAnalBeads":false,"RGloves":false,"REMittens":false,"RHammer":false,"RBloodP":false,"RShoes":false,"RMWhip":false,"RTDragon":false,"RIcepick":false,"RLGrasp":false,"RRRing":false,"RPRing":false,"RDildo":false,"CFCSword":false,"Ceyepatch":false,"CDagger":false,"CAnalPlug":false,"CCondom":false,"CKnuckles":false,"CSword":false,"CBra":false,"CCastrator":false,"CHolyNecklace":false,"CFleshlight":false,"CAnalBeads":false,"CGloves":false,"CEMittens":false,"CHammer":false,"CBloodP":false,"CShoes":false,"CMWhip":false,"CClothes":0,"CTSword":false,"CIcepick":false,"CTDragon":false,"CLGrasp":false,"CABlade":false,"CRRing":false,"CPRing":false,"CDildo":false,"dagger":5,"EMittens":2,"EMittenshp":0.25,"knuckles":2,"eyepatch":0.5,"analplug":0.5,"condom":0.5,"bra":0.5,"sword":7,"hammer":10,"mwhip":4,"holynecklace":0.3,"analbeads":0.5,"gloves":0.5,"weapon":"none","bweapon":"none","acess":"none","fabric":0,"rubberband":0,"iron":0,"wood":0,"plastic":0,"jewel":0,"cratehp":35,"trap":0,"key1":0,"key2":0,"mamazon":0,"mamazoncage":100,"mamazon4":false,"mamazon5":false,"Cbigbreasts":0,"Cblowjob":0,"Canal":0,"Chandjob":0,"Ccreampie":0,"Cshemale":0,"job":0,"payment":0,"Tpayment":0,"exp":0,"PHP":0,"PLust":0,"PAttack":1,"PGold":0,"Zoe":0,"Kira":0,"ghost":"none","map":0,"bossrush":0,"heroine":0,"quest":"none","cevent":0,"castle":0,"slust":0,"shp":0,"satt":0,"sscore":10,"cheat":0,"bossdf":2,"bossf":1,"bossg":2,"bosss":1,"Lola":0,"sissy":0,"abs":0,"scr":0}) `) eosSandbox.run()
Just noticed that the non-free version of HC seems to be shared in this thread. To be clear, my instructions for how to modify save states are not meant to condone this. No matter what gray area teases like this fall into, the fact remains that if you enjoy the work and want the author to continue, it's probably a good idea to avoid doing things that would potentially discourage that author.
Also, please don't report "bugs" to the author that result after modifying the state variables. Best to start fresh and try to repeat it. I would guess that errant bug reports are the reason they put in some kind of tamper detection.
i changed the number in my saves hit enter and my stamina didnt change i even reloaded the gameFor anyone struggling with difficulty - ALL you have to do is just change ONE number. It is confirmed by dev that the more stamina you have, the more dmg you do, so the game becomes a lot easier if you set your stamina to 200 or even 300. And that value is in clear numbers in the save code, see attached files (I edited it to 200).
That's it. Game playable, easy and enjoyable, adjust to your liking for more or less challenge. No further tweaking needed.
Not exactly sure what you mean by "comes up false".i get the warning then paste the stats but the run command comes up false and nothing happens any reason why?
// and so on
// and so on
Weird, it worked for me even on the new version just like that. Might be a browser issue, I use Firefoxi changed the number in my saves hit enter and my stamina didnt change i even reloaded the game
The best way is to defeat her on the very first day she appears, which is the 4 day, that day she is the weakest she can be, to know if she is the boss and to be ready is to go to the city and if the people make comments about her, then just wait for her, try to hit her with strong attacks but if you see her on all fours wait or else she will learn from you and start avoiding your attacksAfter coming back to this after holding off for a while I'm having my early runs be completely curb stomped by Leah (the stalker).
Is there some ideal way to deal with her early on other than just managing to dps her down.
Only for the current run, once the run ends (after 14 game-days) you'll need to unlock them again. Imo, it's better to spend points on attack, lust and health bonuses above anything else. In turn those will make it easier to earn gold from encounters and buy anything else, maps included.Do maps stay permanently unlocked after buying them once with points?
Ah, okay.The best way is to defeat her on the very first day she appears, which is the 4 day, that day she is the weakest she can be, to know if she is the boss and to be ready is to go to the city and if the people make comments about her, then just wait for her, try to hit her with strong attacks but if you see her on all fours wait or else she will learn from you and start avoiding your attacks