Based on the version v0.99c:
I have to say, first of all, that I only played once (I didn't did multiple playthroughs). So I didn't see if other characters have enough depth like Lel and Kayden for example (I say this based on another review). And by the way, I get the
Green Good Ending:
"All Goes Well" for those who want a reference.
In story I can say is simple as it is: you are a nerd who is a beta-tester and recieves a invitation to a new version of the game you play and well, you forced to play as a Healslut and in general happens things: some comicals, others times annoying for how others people treat you at times. But I think that the first acts are good but in the later ones downgrades a little and the most important acts gives you a feeling of maybe be rushed (but in my case doesn't mean it was bad written: just happens a lot of things and later the peace comes out of the sudden).
And by the way, there are things that happens in the game in-game, like missions and so (and others things that surely ended forgotten writing this), that later you don't know what happened to that, but I guess you gonna find out when the endings are completed.
But yeah, I can't only talk about the story without including the characters. So here's my opinion about the characters: most of them I like them (from the main cast/group).
Gameplay wise, I think they are interestings things, but later it stay in that: just an idea that feels interesting but unfinished, like the clothes thing where, excepting the first part of the game, later doesn't matter what clothes you are clothing because what only matter is if you are naked or not. They are stats that maybe affected the ending I get (only 2 for what I know, maybe there's more but didn't get anymore), but the others things that I'm gonna mention are for showing things or context at the end.
And now editing this I have to mention that the puzzles of this game are good. And if we are talking about ways of complete or progress the game are the skills that can affect in minor or mayor amount the way you complete the problems that you confront.
The most important thing for some people is the sexual content. And I gonna say that no: this is not a fuck-fest. You have a decent amount of sex content if you are able of play various playthroughs (I'm not counting only the gallery because it's imcomplete in my opinion), but mostly is nudity. Ah, and for those who asking why this game have the animation Tag but didn't find it:
When you are with Harmony in the mining thing mission and complete the puzzle, she decides to ask you about being more than friends and select the first option until she ask you if you wanna fuck her or be fucked. Select the second option and there you have it: a scene that is image per image without clicking (that's the only one that I get with a animation).
Sound and music I think is good, decent at least.
You have the bugs where interrupts the experience most of the time (all of them image related), but for what the creator said, is gonna be fixed most of them in the 0.99d.
Surely there's something more that could mention but for not doing this longer i'm gonna end with this review:
If you don't have problems with a game where you have a sex scene every 1 hour of reading (without skipping, if you like to read, and of course this number can vary depending what route you take), you don't have problems of being treated in a weird way sometimes and you are able to consume comedy in form of absurdity: give it a try. The characters are different so some can like you or not, but if you want to know how much background or well done they are, just go full X route only (depending of the character) after doing your first playthrough.