
Mar 27, 2020
Maybe im just really bad, but this game feels really hard
It's a rogue-lite. They're heavily RNG based. Not every run will be good, you just gotta keep at it.

Though, I personally feel like the current combat system isn't great. You just ram into things until they die, which just means you always take damage.


New Member
Dec 16, 2024
Maybe im just really bad, but this game feels really hard
As rogue-likes go this one is pretty forgiving, but It helps to be familiar with some classic rogue / nethack mechanics.

You can drop items on the altars to determine blessed, cursed, or uncursed status.
The glowing balls grant your weapon a brand when you hit them. After even a minor sword upgrade I like to brand my weaker sword (preferably with fire) and throw it at monsters from a distance. It's even better if you can get it blessed, that will make it return to you on a successful throws. The throwing mechanic alone is a pretty big game changer and you can get a dedicated thrown weapon early on in most runs.

If you're facing multiple enemies you should seek a hallway so they can't hit you at the same time, or if you have a 'pet' position it in front of you.
The sex stun can give you time to reposition and use your thrown weapon again, or maybe you have a poison potion, or a wand you want to identify, those situations are good times to try them out.
Mainly you just need to think for a moment before most combat moves. It doesn't really play like an arcade game in that respect.


New Member
Jan 19, 2022
Maybe im just really bad, but this game feels really hard
you can save the game right before equiping items if it's a cursed item just load back if it's not then you are good to go also right now there is an exploit where you can buy water bottle (25points) then sell it back to trader as 50 points it makes your life a lot easier i suggest abuse it before they patch it also health regen items are pretty op, they do good job of keeping you alive if you invest them a bit
Mar 13, 2023
To be totally honest: Yes, you are really bad.
Riveting contribution.

you can save the game right before equiping items if it's a cursed item just load back if it's not then you are good to go also right now there is an exploit where you can buy water bottle (25points) then sell it back to trader as 50 points it makes your life a lot easier i suggest abuse it before they patch it also health regen items are pretty op, they do good job of keeping you alive if you invest them a bit
I'll definitely keep this in mind! I really like the feel of the game, but im never finding the pools, so I don't use the items I pick up, and then I get forced into situations where if I don't use them, I will die, and they turn out to be bad and I die :/. Or I do get a pool and toss a sword I just found in and it's nice and clean and good, but it needs 9 strength to use and I have 5 so its just a downgrade from the sword I start with? If I'm understanding that mechanic correctly? And I don't really see a consistent way to increase strength, so idk what Im supposed to do about that.
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Dec 14, 2019
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As is giving the same tipps over and over. Just cross-reading the last few pages gives lot of help. Not forgetting, you basically asked if you are bad.
And it is really not that hard of a porn-game (except finding the double-skull-scene the legit way).

Strength can be reliably increased with the vending machine.
Unless you play hardcore, you could even abuse save and load (i.e. save, use unknown sword. If cursed, load!).
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Jul 16, 2021
I like the premise and gameplay and style a bunch, but I think one thing that would be really cool is if armors and advanced cosmetic customization was unlockable and equipable through playing
That would be interesting, perhaps something like a mix of unlocking through completed levels and achievements (available/secret).


New Member
Jan 19, 2022
Riveting contribution.

I'll definitely keep this in mind! I really like the feel of the game, but im never finding the pools, so I don't use the items I pick up, and then I get forced into situations where if I don't use them, I will die, and they turn out to be bad and I die :/. Or I do get a pool and toss a sword I just found in and it's nice and clean and good, but it needs 9 strength to use and I have 5 so its just a downgrade from the sword I start with? If I'm understanding that mechanic correctly? And I don't really see a consistent way to increase strength, so idk what Im supposed to do about that.
You can do this hunt in the first floor> on first floor shop buy water bottle with all the money you have > sell it back > increase your strenght up to 10 or 12 (i usually go with 10 but you can repeat the buy and sell process and increase until you are satisfied) > buy 50 calories 2 times to get your stomach full > go to the second and third floor > on the next shop repeat the process but instead of increasing your strenght either buff your shield or buff your healing items if you have any. If you are in a tight spot mid game just rush to the shop without clearing the whole map get buffed then either carry on with your life or turn back and clear the skipped floors, you only neet to have 25 points then you can duplicate it on shops
Dec 5, 2023
The new animations are great! I really enjoyed the slime threesome I really whish there will be variants of this later and more threesome scenes with the brutes and those who currently have any

I guess I won't be seeing the Incubus/trap scenes because I'm not into gay stuff
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