Okey so, I"ll clarify a few things :
For those who didn't follow the making of this update it might again not be enough, As always.
The main focus here was maybe more on the story itself than the h-scenes, I want this game to have a bit more depth than just a classic and dull h-scene seeking game with no background at all, we already have plenty of that here.
Anyway, I work on this game on my free time and this might help you understand why it takes so long to release anything :
- The models I use are sometime broken, almost unusable, (Reinhart and Ramattra were the worst here.)
While I cant do anything about their rig (skeleton), I try to retexture them the best I could.
Posing is usually the thing that takes most of my time, each scenes, especially h-scene, have to be tweaked (from presets) or totally recreated.
Then comes the waterwork, the fluids do not stick well on the models, each tiny moves can fuck it up and have me redo some of its positioning.
FOR EACH fluid.
Tears, saliva, cum, any kind of goo and sludge.
Sometimes even clothes can be messed up depending on the pose.
Gotta tweak that too.
- The lighting.
- The post-prod. (mostly smoke effect and fixing render fuck ups)
- The environnements.
For the last update, I did everything from scratch.
All the "sci-fi" looking interiors where made by me, and it took ages.
(I even did the Mountain environnement btw)
-Writing the story
And finally, doing the audio.
For those who dont know : I work alone, i like it that way and I don't plan to change anything.
At least not for now.
So yes, long gaps between updates have to be expected.
Hope this message helps, and if not ... Well, there's nothing else I can do for u.
I'll pin that later.
Last thing :
Yes there will be a walkthrough, the game as it is right now can be a little confusing.
Also, I still have to learn how to do a gallery but don't worry there will be one.