Mouse sensitivity slider can be seen in main menu settings if you change the tab atop to "controls". The same tab is used to change control bindings. Lucky you, I was forced to complete the game without knowing it at all, only noticed that afterwards.I just downloaded the game from both Mega and Google Drive and it seems that neither version that I downloaded has a mouse sensitivity slider or any sort of method of changing keybinds. Is the version wrong or am I just blind? I checked the settings menu but did not find the mouse slider or keybind options.
Focus on getting purification ability (firstly, this will provide bigger profit for lesser time) and infinite stamina (secondly). After you got this, game becomes easy as pie and you start enjoying it the other way around, if you know what I mean…Also, I don't know if it's just me but this game seems supremely difficult. I cannot seem to outrun the enemy for long, and simple acts like closing the door behind me to slow her is amazingly difficult. Not sure if the game is supposed to be this hard.