Unreal Engine - Growth RPG [v0.6.8] [Digital Fur Below]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Look, sex focused games get a lot of leeway when it comes to quality. After all, we are too busy squeaking our duckling to pay attention to the adjective dogshit that we are playing. This game has no sexual scenes, just nudity and nothing else. Thats is why im comparing this game to the average game standards.

    The models look like plastic clay
    The animations are ok
    The gameplay gets a participation trophy
    The story is in a mass grave
    The progression and level up system are somewhere at the bottom of a procedurally generated sewers
    The character creation is a silver nugget in a pile of shit
    The map design got taken out the back and shot like an old bolshevik in 1938
    The AI exists in theory

    This is just a blatant cash grab of a game. Dont bother.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This Game is only really relevant for anyone really into the whole growth fetish and everything it comes with. If you aren't into that, this game is absolutely nothing for you, as that is 95% of the game.

    But I feel this is one of those games that are overall average but really nice if you are really into the kink it focuses on.

    Overall the game still feels like its fully WIP. It lacks a lot of polish in many areas and the progression is a bit tough at times. The lack of autosaving can also be annoying when the game just crashes randomly.

    That being said, I believe this game is currently really quite nice. What it lacks in polish it makes up by the sheer amount of content relating to increasing the size of different parts of your character. The character creator works really well and gives a lot of options (even though I whish it was a bit more extensive) and there is little clipping. I really like when games just pick one particular kink and go into a lot of detail for just that aspect. It all feel well thought out for the most part.

    The game definitely isn't for everyone, but I personally really enjoyed it and I can appreciate the effort that was put in, even though it still has a long way to go. It still feels much more extensive than many other games.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Game in progress, but its have Very good potentional.
    if the dev will continue the tweeking/adding more characters/adding new animation styles for growing and more character customizablity, than i still happly folow it :D

    dont get me wrong but if there will be "fuck" in this than this game will be legendary ;D
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't know what's more embarrassing about this game, the half-assed "Dicks out but no sex" content, the shitty cash grab attempt, or the absolutely worthless AI. Seriously. A lot of AI enemies just... don't spawn at all. And then others will just stop working entirely and just stand there.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It has a lot to find and is decent for what it is. I didn't expect much from it but as time went on, I found this game does not limit your builds and you can go pretty wild with it.

    I think the hair is lame but I've seen worse

    Overall, I think the game is fun.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, this is actually Huge Quest. Except, furry. Also I can't canibalize people. Or jump. But it is possible to become mega ultra kawaii desu levels of HUGE.

    Legitimately fun just because of the way stats work and how HUGEness actually affects if you wreck face or not.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    For [v0.2.7 Hotfix]

    No don't bother downloading this game.., but if you do, you also have to download a one-off program just to run the game that's not useful for any other game, because this 'Growth RPG' was taken from paying Patreons.. so only a tiny crowd of people can play this, thus it shouldn't be on this public-users site (F95).

    But once you do download this game + the one-off program that cuts thru the patreon paywall, you're going to be playing a janky game that is so unstable that you're gonna wonder to yourself was it worth going through the tedious hassle of downloading the one-off program and adding file to main game file to run it.
    The graphics is best described like the Warner Bros game one the Playstation 1.
    Your MC will jump back n forth without you touching any keys.
    Your MC is gonna die too easily by NPC's in a 1 or 2 punch hit due to the lag nothing letting you have full real-time control.
    Walking into tunnel makes MC jump ..umm... sorry, I can't find the right terminology to describe just how bad this project really is.
    All I can say is, game is not ready to download yet.. it needs several more updates to make it stable - It's not a hotfix, nor worthy to be called a demo.. it's more like a very bad pre-alpha that isn't ready to be uploaded to site.

    Anyway, it has been a few days since I last played it and it;s today I'm deleting file to make room in HD for other games.
    I hope to give this game a better rating in future because I'm still interested as it's the only the 2nd game that I'm aware of so far that has Growth hardwired into the program without using cheats like most games do when ya need/want bigger appendages - 'Bonfire' is the only other game that I know of that has growth hardwired into program; and it too is a furry game.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Janky as hell, but it's a pretty serviceable RPG so far. Like people say in the thread, though, the game doesn't have any actual sexual content, so the bulk of the kink content is of you or your opponent growing taller, fatter, bustier, etc.
    The graphics are simple, most of the character shape keys don't blend well, and there's not too much content yet.
    Overall, it's definitely worth playing if you like growth/WG/giantess stuff, there's plenty of that.

    One nitpick: each of your stats are tied to a certain body part's size. If you want to be a mage, you *have to* have big breasts. If you want to be a melee fighter, you *have to* be a huge wall of muscle, etc.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game i like. The furries are bloody fantastic and all look different from each other. i love all of them and i wish they were real. This is one of the very few rpg's on this site. The cocks all look unique and believable.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    When we talk about fetishes it is difficult to say and which one we all consume, more than anything I like the mechanics that the game handles in its short duration and how it is developed later, mainly I think you should take out a good piece with mechanics and then polish it until it is finished. perhaps the finest metal, for the rest I would like to support this patreon but I find myself in the economic dilemma type, it has a good base and mechanics that can be reinforced and commenting as something that can be remembered and is that it is a product time consuming and I think we can think again that we don't need an amazing story we just need an idea that can be well polished.
    (Srry if my english is bad? I think or maybe not)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it. although it runs my 2080 ti to 80%

    My guess is that it's due to optimization and such. But seeing that this is a really early version it's fine for now but please consider optimizing the game in later versions.
    It also supports TRX... something i've never seen before in a game like it.

    For now it's a 9/10 from me!