We get notified more or less very time he leaves the house that he stops by to see them
Yeah, but is that enough?
What happens when grandma gets pregnant and has a baby? Will she also disappear into that forbidden nursery void as Tanya has done?
I get that -for the sake of this being an adult game- the focus needs to be on the MC's conquests. But, even though it's a harem family, that doesn't mean those who've already been conquered and bred can't join the rest of the family.
You see where I'm going with this, right?
Step 1: Tanya is visited, but never shown anymore.
Step 2: more women get pregnant and are seen briefly, but eventually never again and not invited to family events.
Step 3: Grandma gets pregnant and is never seen again and the game becomes "MC's House."
I understand that the game's focus and time constraints are important factors.
But, you can't make a game about family while ushering members off to solitary confinement as if punished for becoming pregnant.
(Well... you can... but hopefully that's all in a different game and not this one. Right?)
As long as the MC's children aren't a part of the sexual content, they can still exist and be appreciated by the MC.
Until this last update, I was extremely happy to have been playing Grandma's House. (Only quietly dissatisfied by the lack of visual evidence of MC's extended family.) But now, I'm concerned with its direction.
I was just thinking of how Elizabeth keeps claiming she was his first... (I don't want to post the rest of that thought as I would hate to spoil anything should the dev and I be thinking the same thing regarding the next update.)
Edit: nvmd